Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 165 The next day

"The principal is gone? Can I take care of my patients?"

Not long after Dumbledore left, Madam Pomfrey entered the ward. She was in a bad mood because someone kept coming in tonight to disturb her patients.

Madam Pomfrey handed large chunks of chocolate to the three little wizards, stood in front of them and stared at them as they ate, one piece after another... The three little wizards almost turned green from eating.

At this moment, angry voices came from the corridor, causing Madam Pomfrey to stare at the door in surprise.

"Really, they will wake everyone up! What?" Madam Pomfrey opened the door angrily.

"I can't believe that Black flew away on that guilty Hippogriff! Someone must have stolen it and let Black go..." Fudge's voice sounded very irritated.

"This - it must be - Potter again!" Snape said every word, obviously very angry.

"Severus, be sensible... Harry has been locked in..." Dumbledore's voice said.

The three of them strode into the ward. Fudge was angry, Snape was dark, and only Dumbledore was calm. In fact, he seemed to be in good spirits.

"Potter, what have you done?" Snape shouted.

Harry looked at him innocently, trying to look confused.

"Professor Snape, restrain yourself! They have been lying in the ward!" Madam Pomfrey screamed.

"In fact, when I left ten minutes ago, the door was always locked." Dumbledore said calmly, "Mrs. Pomfrey, have these students ever left their beds?"

"Of course not!" Madam Pomfrey said displeased, "otherwise I would have heard it."

"Look, it can't be them... Calm down, Snape..." Fudge said.

"Where's Lupin?" Snape asked unwillingly.

"He has been locked in the ward, Severus." Dumbledore said, "In fact, he was just protecting Harry and the others... We have many ways to know whether what he said is true or false."

Snape stared at everyone, turned around suddenly, and strode out of the ward, his robes fluttering.

"Oh, what are these things!" Fudge said angrily, "The Daily Prophet has done something! We caught Black and let him slip through our fingers! It's a laughing stock... I still I have to go see what the Department of Mysteries is up to, tonight is really..."

"Where are those dementors? Can they evacuate the school?" Dumbledore said, "They have gotten out of control and besieged people more than once..."

"Of course, they have to leave..." Fudge rubbed his hair distractedly and said, "Maybe we should consider letting fire dragons guard the school gate..."

"Hagrid will love it," Dumbledore said, walking out of the ward with Fudge.

Madam Pomfrey locked the door angrily and went back to her office muttering.

Blaine yawned, knowing he could finally sleep.

Early the next morning, Brian left the school hospital early and had breakfast in the auditorium.

The little wizards were still immersed in the tense atmosphere of final review, completely unaware of what happened last night.

Draco and the others were a little curious about what happened, because Brian didn't come back all night, and Blaise still didn't know where he was.

"Hmm...Brace..." Brian muttered, "Maybe he has disappeared, and he needs to tell the professor."

"And that, Lupin - Professor, he has a bandage on his head, like the mummy I saw in Egypt." Draco said slowly, "To be honest, he is too suspicious..."

Brian thought for a moment and said, "Obviously, Professor Snape has already hinted to us about his identity."

"What?" Draco leaned his head over, and Daphne also pricked up her ears to listen.

"You can think about it, he takes leave every month. When is that time?" Brian said, "What did Professor Snape say to us when he was a substitute?"

"Werewolf?" Theodore said while Draco was thinking hard.

Brian smiled.

"What?" Draco suddenly jumped up, and he showed the expression as if he was pretending to have some bad idea again, "I want to tell my dad about this! I can't believe that the school actually let a werewolf become a professor. ! He could bite us at any time!"

"It seems that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has to be replaced again..." Theodore sighed.

Brian nodded indifferently. The Dark Lord's curse on this position was still there. Resigning and leaving school would definitely be considered a decent ending.

At this time, owls flew in from the windows of the auditorium, bringing letters and newspapers.

Draco looked at today's Daily Prophet and couldn't help but exclaimed in low voice.

Brian leaned over to take a look and raised his eyebrows.

The headline on the front page was not Sirius Black, but another story:

The Director of the Department of Mysteries has been murdered!

Last night, ten wizards broke into the Ministry of Magic, invaded the Department of Mysteries, killed Elliot Tanat, the Director of the Department of Mysteries, and two researchers in the deepest part of the Ministry of Magic, and then escaped!

According to Ministry of Magic security inspector Eric, Department of Mysteries researcher Jarod Geller led nine wizards to visit the Ministry of Magic last night, cast the Imperius Curse on himself, and then swaggered into the Department of Mysteries. . It took more than five hours for the Ministry of Magic Aurors to react!

An unnamed researcher within the Department of Mysteries claimed that he was placed under an oblivion spell and was trapped in his sleep, unaware of anything unusual.

A mere ten people could swagger into the Ministry of Magic and kill senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, but the self-proclaimed elite Aurors of the Ministry of Magic had no idea! We have to consider, to what extent has the Ministry of Magic decayed over the years? Today it's Tannat, tomorrow it's the Minister for Magic?

Currently, the suspect Jarod Geller and the remaining nine people have disappeared, and the Ministry of Magic has issued a wanted order for them... According to the head of the Auror Command, the intruder may also be a dark wizard in disguise, and the target may have already been Killed!

The photo on the cover showed Cornelius Fudge impatiently covering the camera with one hand and a foul look on his face.

"This is crazy!" Draco couldn't help but open his mouth. "Has the wizarding world become so dangerous?"

Someone broke into the Ministry of Magic and killed three officials, including a director... This is a serious crime that has not happened in more than ten years.

Draco turned it over again, and the second side read:

Major mistake by the Ministry of Magic! Sirius Black escapes again half an hour after being captured! Is it a mistake on the part of the decision-maker or intentional on the part of some people?

"Did the Ministry of Magic explode last night? I feel like I'm not in the same world as them anymore..." Draco muttered.

"Oh, that's terrible." Daphne nodded, then floated away like a sleepwalker holding a large pile of books.

Draco twitched the corner of his mouth, spread his hands and said, "We should be considerate of her. After all, she has nothing left in her mind except the exam."

Brian returned to the Room of Requirement and looked through the wallet he took from Tanat last night. There were many things hidden in it.

Brian shook them out, and soon there was a heap on the ground. Most of them contain alchemical items, magic potions, materials, etc., as well as some private research information, especially experimental research on the Door of Death.

He looked through it and it involved a lot of experiments.

The Death Hall was once used as a death chamber to process prisoners, and those prisoners became experimental materials for their study of the Door of Death. After the place was no longer used for executions, Tanat also secretly captured wizards and Muggles to continue research, until he later found that doing so was ineffective.

Brian collected these materials and found Tanat's notes among many items.

It contains some casually jotted sentences, but they also reflect Tanat's mental journey. Brian flipped through it quickly and understood Tanat's transformation from an alchemical genius who was enthusiastic about research to an ambitious man who was obsessed with transcending death.

Brian shook his head and threw the notebook aside. He didn't bother to think about Tanat's thoughts.

Finally, he found what he wanted: an old book with a black cover.

It contains a list of all the members of the Death God Sect, including the death disciples who are the core loyalists, as well as the peripheral family forces.

Brian found Shabini up there, and Borgin.

"It seems that I need to ask Mr. Borgin." Brian closed the roster and thought calmly. He still has a lot of confusion about the Death Sect.

He looked at the time. It was approaching exam week, the class was over, and the students were all immersed in review.

Brian didn't want to wait any longer. He directly found a secret passage and walked out of Hogwarts. After several apparitions, he arrived at Knockturn Alley.

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