Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 164 Rescue Operation

"Fly, do you have a way to save Sirius?"

After Dumbledore had just left, Harry asked hurriedly without expressing his dissatisfaction with what had happened before.

Hermione and Ron also looked at Brian eagerly, trying to find a solution to the problem from him.

Brian pondered for a moment and said, "I can save him, but I can't prove his innocence for the time being..."

"No problem, just save him..." Harry pleaded.

"But, I'm afraid the dementors have already arrived... We can't make it in time..." Hermione thought of something and said with pale lips.

Brian thought about it and realized that there were actually many ways to save people. For example, finding a house elf could escape with Sirius Apparition.

But since we have to do it, it’s better to maintain the original plot and complete the witness mission together.

Brian took out his time turner and waved it in his hand.

"You still have this?" Hermione widened her eyes and said, "I mean...I heard that yours was taken away..."

"I made one myself," Brian said.

"What is this?" Harry asked in confusion, "What should I do?"

"Come here, Harry, Ron." Hermione leaned over and waved to the two little wizards who were at a loss.

Brian hung the long and thin gold chain around everyone's necks and turned the hourglass of the time turner.

After everything around him became clear, nothing seemed to have changed around him, but the small hourglass of the time converter shattered with a bang, and fine golden powder dissipated in the air like beautiful sparks.

"Ah! It broke!" Hermione said, covering her mouth.

Brian also blinked in surprise, feeling a little pity.

But come to think of it, the time converter is really overloaded tonight. Perhaps because he was remade from a damaged time turner, the amount of material was originally missing, and the quality of the final result may not have been very good either.

Brian felt sorry, but not too regretful. He had already learned how to make a time turner. Although he could no longer make it easily due to lack of refining materials, he had already explored a lot of the secrets of time.

"It's just that we can no longer rely on the gift of time to save energy in the future," Brian thought, "but maybe it's not a bad thing. Those who play with time will always be played by time, so it's better to stop early."

"It's okay, maybe its quality isn't good enough." Brian said, "We should go."

"But...can you tell me what's going on?" Harry couldn't hold it in any longer.

"We went back in time and it was an hour ago," Hermione explained in a low voice, "That's the time-turner, Brian and I have been using it for all our classes this term."

"Hermione, you've kept this secret from us for so long!" Ron said in surprise.

"I promised Professor McGonagall not to tell anyone." Hermione said sternly.

"Keep your voice down, let's go out first." Brian recited a disembodiment spell to everyone, and asked them to carefully walk out of the campus hospital.

They hid in the bushes at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and looked at the field under the moonlight.

Soon, they saw Snape and Brian leading several unconscious people across the grounds to the school hospital.

Black and Lupin's faces were plowed in the grass, which made one's teeth ache.

After the group of people disappeared from sight, Harry said: "Fly, why did you do that?"

"If you're talking about what happened in the Shrieking Shack, I think I've already given my reasons." Brian said calmly.

"But what happened back then... that prank didn't work! And it was Snape who followed them and wanted to discover Professor Lupine's werewolf identity and get him expelled from the school, so he almost lost his life!" Harry defended, " My father even saved him!”

"No, things were far from that simple back then, Potter." Brian looked at him deeply and said, "What you heard is by no means everything..."

"Then what else?" Harry said unconvinced.

"The original matter was too complicated. Maybe you should find the answer yourself." Brian said something that was difficult for Harry to understand. "However, you should respect Professor Snape more, Potter."

"Okay..." Harry muttered.

Brian saw his perfunctory attitude and didn't say much.

Several people waited idlely in the bushes for a while, yawning from time to time. Brian looked at the time and said, "It's time to take action."

"What should we do?" Harry immediately became energetic.

"Just rescue Black and let him leave Hogwarts." Brian said.

"How to leave..." Hermione muttered, "By the way, Buckbeak! We can take the opportunity to rescue Buckbeak..."

"We will implicate Hagrid!" Ron said.

"No, Hagrid is also at the campus hospital tonight, and all the professors can vouch for him." Hermione said.

"What a great idea!" Harry said excitedly.

They ran to Hagrid's hut, which had no lights at this time. After Harry and the Hippogriff bowed to each other, Harry untied Buckbeak's rope and patted its beak gently.

Buckbeak took them up to the tower. In front of a window, they saw Sirius. He was tied tightly and his face was hastily bandaged, which looked a little funny. Harry knocked on the window and Sirius looked up in surprise.

"Open the Alaho!" Hermione pointed at the window with her wand, causing it to open suddenly.

"Hurry up." Brian glanced at the ground, pointed his wand at Blake, and made him float out of the window. Harry grabbed the rope around him.

Buckbeak flew to the top of the tower, and the group fell to the ground, with Sirius still tied tightly.

Brian chanted a spell to release the restraints on him, and Sirius jumped up, staring at him and saying, "What on earth are you doing?"

Apparently, Brian was helping Snape before and now he came to save him. This approach made him unable to understand.

"You shouldn't worry about this now, but should run away as soon as possible." Brian said calmly, "If you don't want to get a kiss from the Dementor..."

"Sirius, please go quickly..." Harry said hurriedly.

"Where's Peter Pettigrew?" Sirius said hoarsely.

"He took advantage of the chaos and escaped." Harry said a little lowly, "Quick... let's go!"

Sirius nodded, mounted Buckbeak, and rushed into the endless night sky.

There were screams and roars from below the tower, and several magic spells were shot into the sky, but they could only hit the empty space in vain.

Brian once again cast the Disillusionment Curse on everyone and headed towards the ground.

Halfway through, they saw Fudge and Snape rushing up to the tower with sullen faces. They slowed down and passed them, following the grounds back to the campus hospital. At this time, Dumbledore had just left the door.

They heard voices coming from the room. After the voices disappeared, Brian lifted the disembodiment spell and twitched at Dumbledore.

"Oh, you scared me!" Dumbledore said when he saw the sudden appearance of several people, "I'm an old man who can't stand being scared..."

He opened the door, let the panting little wizards into the room, and then took out his wand and locked the door.

Harry and the others suppressed their excitement and lay back on the bed. Brian also sat back and thought helplessly: "Really, it's not a loss anyway..."

His testimony and participation just now brought him a total of three witness points, including saving Buckbeak and Sirius.

"Anyway, thank you, Brian." Hermione said suddenly.

"I have ruined your business..." Brian said, sitting in the shadows.

"Yes, but you also have your own considerations, and I can understand it." Hermione said, "I'm sorry that I have been..."

"It doesn't matter," Brian interrupted her, "your actions actually helped me..." If it hadn't been for them, he might have been attacked by Shabini. It's not an exaggeration to say it was a life-saving grace.

"So...Dumbledore said you escaped...something ominous?" Hermione asked, "Is that true?"

"That's right." Brian didn't want to elaborate.

"That must be thrilling..." Hermione thought of Brian's power in the Shrieking Shack, and felt a little depressed.

"What I care about is, was this predicted by Professor Trelawney?" Harry said, "I mean... seeing something ominous is not an ordinary thing..."

"Yes, Professor Trelawney has the gift of prophecy." Brian lay down and said, "Of course, only when she is delirious...like my time, and like..."

"That time this afternoon?" Harry felt cold all over.

"Yeah, maybe." Brian raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"But, since you escaped death, does that mean that the prophecy can be broken?" Hermione thought clearly.

"Who knows?" Brian looked out the window at the night, his eyes sparkling.

Who knows? Did he really escape?

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