Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 161 The End

"Who are you?" Tanat frowned.

He found that Brian's group was a bit too strong. Both the level of spells and magic power were far higher than ordinary wizards. The most important thing was that their reaction ability was extremely good and they cooperated with each other very well.

"It's impossible that so many powerful wizards suddenly appeared..." Tanat used alchemical items to defend against the occasional spells, "And they are all helping you?"

Brian smiled and said, "What do you think?" He released a tricky Shadowless Curse with his backhand, almost cutting off Tanat's ankle, but was blocked by the trigger-type defensive items on his body.

Brian is becoming more and more fond of using the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse. This spell is very powerful and very hidden. It does not emit light beams or sounds like ordinary spells. It is like an invisible blade.

The magic skills of the black-robed people here were not very strong. The Brians quickly defeated them. The black-robed people fell to the ground, dead and wounded, and lost their ability to resist.

Only the two guys standing next to Tanat at the beginning were pretty good. They entangled the two Brians and were now dueling at the edge of the room.

The remaining eight people surrounded Tanat and pointed their wands at him.

Tanat's expression looked very gloomy. He held the badge hanging around his neck tightly and kept wiping it with his thumb.

"It seems I overestimated you. I didn't expect there were only so many trash fish left..." Brian narrowed his eyes.

"Do you think you can defeat me?" Tanat finally put down the badge in his hand and sneered, "Me who have survived for hundreds of years?"

Brian frowned and became more cautious.

"Avada Kedavra!" Brian moved his hands directly, and a strong green light covered the stone platform where Tanat was.

However, Tanat teleported behind the arch at some point, and the spell fell into the void.

The future Brians exchanged glances, nodded to each other, tacitly ignored the present Brian, and began to cooperate.

Brian added several defensive spells such as the Iron Armor Curse to himself, held the gun hidden in his pocket with his left hand, and released the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse at Tanat.

Tanat laughed and moved quickly, as if he was constantly apparating on the field.

The future Brians skillfully avoided Tanat's attack. Brian concentrated his energy and finally discovered a flaw: a blurry shadow would appear after each movement, and he needed to pause for a moment before he could regain his physical form.

But that moment was enough for Blaine to react.

In the blink of an eye, the battle became very strange. Tanat's shadow appeared everywhere, and various offensive spells seemed to be released from nothingness. The Brians, on the other hand, swam around quickly to avoid, assisting each other from time to time, but did not suffer any harm.

But soon things got complicated. Tanat once again released the white mist spell, and the gray mist filled the field, bringing a biting cold and slowing down their speed.

The future Brians are still predicting and avoiding quietly, as if waiting for an opportunity.

Brian saw a shadow appear beside him, and the wand was already pointed at him. He narrowly avoided the silent curse, and the life-killing curse almost fell on him!

Brian's heart was beating fast. This feeling of brushing against death made him inexplicably excited.

At this time, the opportunity that future Brian was waiting for seemed to finally appear. Tanat released this spell with murderous intent, which slowed down his movement a little bit.

"Forgotten!" A Brian instantly released a white light at Tanat.

"Confuse the audience." Another spell followed.

"Out of body!" Another Brian read.

"Crush the heart and cut out the bones." Witch Brian said in a cold voice.

A series of difficult-to-defend magic spells hit Tanat, stopping his movement. There was a sound of shattering alchemy items on his body, and a scream came from his mouth.

Several other Brians drew out their pistols and fired at him. The bullets streaked through the air, and there was a "whoosh" sound. There was a pool of blood on the ground beneath Tanat.

"Avada Kedavra!" Brian didn't dare to hold back, so he took the opportunity to release the Kedavra curse, hitting Tanat right on his body.

"You..." Tanat's body fell down, his eyes wide open, staring blankly at the ceiling.

At the same time, the battle on the other two sides also ended at the same time.

"Dead?" Brian asked. He added a few more Body Shattering Curses.

"Dead." A future Brian said.

"He's not that powerful... I thought he was on Dumbledore's level." Brian couldn't help but say.

"If he had that level, how could he be so secretive and sneaky." Witch Brian rolled his eyes, "Those who live longer may not necessarily be gods, but they may also be old bastards."

"Why do I think your personality has changed since you became a witch?" Brian asked suspiciously.

"Have you tried the same battle ten times?" Witch Brian said angrily, "I just want to go back and sleep."

Brian didn't answer. He approached Tanat's body, put on his dragonhide gloves and groped around on him, trying to find any clues about them.

He first took off the badge that Tanat was wearing, which was the symbol of the Death Sect. From Brian's perspective, he could see that it was an interconnected badge, and its effect was similar to the Death Eater's Dark Mark.

"Are there any members?" Brian frowned. He remembered that Tanat had been caressing the badge before, but no one came.

"Betrayal? Internal strife?" Brian guessed, "Or a conspiracy?"

He found a destroyed Time-Turner in Tanat's pocket, but not his own intact one.

Finally, he touched Tanat's wallet, which had an infinite expansion spell attached to it and contained many things.

The future Brians refinished their swords on the black-robed man on the ground, and then gathered together.

At this time, a dark figure walked in from outside the door. He was wearing the same robe as the people lying on the ground, and silently walked towards the Brians.

Brian raised his wand warily, but the man spoke first: "I mean no harm..." He lifted the hood on his head, revealing his appearance. It was a man in his thirties, already somewhat bald.

"Crock West, researcher of the Department of Mysteries." He spoke concisely and concisely, appearing to speak little.

"What are you going to do?" Brian narrowed his eyes.

Crocker said in a low voice: "The secrets are all in your hands... I will delay your time for at least five hours to avoid the time turner review... It's time for you to leave."

"How can I trust you?" Brian said. He would rather recite the oblivion spell to Crocker.

"A vow...if you want." Crocker said expressionlessly.

Brian accepted Crocker's oath, and then he still disposed of some flawless corpses because they had traces of the Shadowless Curse on them. He threw them as close as he could into the arch.

Finally, Brian got rid of the silver badges on his body, and one Brian took out a long hemp rope and asked them to put their hands on it.

"Port key?" Brian raised his eyebrows and held it with his left hand.

"It's time," said the other Brian.

There seemed to be a hook hooked forward behind his belly button, and Brian felt like he was flying up like a gust of wind. His fingers were tightly stuck to the hemp rope, pulling him forward.

Soon, his feet landed on the ground, and Brian looked around. He found himself standing in a dark alley, with King's Cross station outside. He did not choose to use the portkey to return to Hogwarts directly. The illegal portkey might be traced.

"Shabini doesn't care anymore?" Brian asked.

"Let him be there... he can't be killed anyway, right?" Brian replied, "You cast a powerful forgetting spell on him. I hope he won't become a fool."

"My control ability is pretty good." Brian shrugged nonchalantly. Anyway, he had already helped Shabini heal the wounds caused by the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse, leaving no flaws.

With that said, a group of people performed Apparition and finally returned to Hogsmeade village after several turns.

They entered the Shrieking Shack and followed the secret passage back to Hogwarts.

The Brians dispersed and each used a time turner. Brian returned to the location of the siege, and after processing the scene again, he followed the site back to the castle.

He took out the small hourglass of the time turner and turned it five times, returning it to five hours ago.

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