Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 162 Time Reincarnation

Brian checked the time, walked to a utility room on the eighth floor of the castle, and knocked gently on the door.

The door opened, and a Brian was looking at him from inside.

Brian handed him the broken time turner found on Tanat and then left the eighth floor.

He walked into a remote empty classroom and watched the last twilight disappear on the horizon.

Peeves suddenly floated in, making weird noises. After seeing Brian, he smiled and used the rope he was holding to pull on Brian.

Brian directly cast the leg-locking spell on Peeves, causing his illusory legs to join together, and then tore off the hemp rope in his hand.

Peeves desperately tried to spread his legs, but it was useless after trying for a long time. He rolled his eyes and shouted in a voice like a broken gong: "The little devil has done something bad..."

"Lock the tongue and seal the throat." Brian said lazily.

"Woooooooo..." Peeves' words were choked in his throat. He covered his neck and glared at Brian fiercely. After seeing Brian's wand raised again, he quickly disappeared through the wall.

Brian smiled and stood up to leave the classroom. After seeing the dirty hemp rope in his hand, he took it away thoughtfully.

He changed classrooms, cleaned the twine, and thought about how to make the door key.

The production of a portkey is very simple and only requires a spell to be made. However, because the use of portkeys is prone to accidents, it is strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic and is prohibited from private use.

However, this is just a law. There are always people who use this spell in private, so there are endless wizards who are injured or transported to unknown places.

Brian pointed his wand at the twine and said, "Mentos."

An electric feeling made his fingertips tingle, and the places he had been flashed through his mind. He could set the end point, when to set off, and when to return.

He set the end point in the alley outside King's Cross Station, set a departure time, but did not set a return time.

Brian checked it and found that there was no problem. A one-way door key was created.

He put the door key into his bag, looked at the sky, and took out the Marauder's Map he got from Shabini.

"It seems that we need to return the map to them." Brian stood up. He thought that Harry and the others used this map to escape.

He entered the invisible state, walked to the Gryffindor common room, and stopped at the door guarded by the Fat Lady's portrait. There were a few smelly troll security guards wandering there.

Brian waited for a while and saw Crookshanks walking over with his tail raised high. He smiled slightly and threw the map in front of the big cat.

Crookshanks was indeed a very smart cat. He sniffed the parchment and turned it around. He seemed to recognize that it was something Harry and Hermione had carried, so he picked it up and slowly Walking on bow legs, he entered the lounge through the crowd of people coming in and out.

Brian sorted out the offensive potions in his hands in a classroom and brewed another pot of explosive potions.

Next, he took the time to let the house elf take him to the secret room, and exchanged the time turner with his past self.

Seeing the portrait of Slytherin again, Brian felt a little sad. He looked at it blankly, and then followed the house elf out of the secret room.

"Farewell, sir," he said silently.

He walked directly along the field to the location where the battle was about to take place, buried the potion he had prepared at a suitable location, and then hid aside and silently waited for what would happen next.

"The third week has begun." He said silently, looking at the darkening sky.

Everything happened as expected. After Brian walked through it again, he set the time turner back an hour before and directly joined the next battle.

again and again……

If the first experience was an exciting adventure, then the next more times became a test of patience. Brian had to drink himself a bottle of energy potion to keep himself from being in the same place. Falling asleep halfway through.

Later, he didn't even want to use the wand and just took out the pistol to solve the problem. After all, everything has happened many times before.

Finally, he lasted until the last time, and this time he caught Peter Pettigrew directly after the battle, trying to escape in the chaos.

Brian held its tail and without holding any more hands, directly used the Imperius Curse on it to make it stay here.

Taking the Polyjuice Potion from his past self, he turned into a witch, which made him feel even more unhappy.

In fact, he wanted to beat his past self. There are so many corpses on the ground, why use a witch's hair?

After another battle that was so familiar that he wanted to vomit, Brian finally breathed a sigh of relief. After using the time turner on his own, he found Peter Pettigrew.

"Change back." Brian said calmly.

The skinny, bald rat began to grow in size, eventually turning into a very short man. His skin was wrinkled and dirty, the hair on his head was messy, and he had a bald patch. The pointed nose and watery mung bean eyes resemble those of a mouse.

Peter Pettigrew wrung his hands timidly and said in a voice as thin as a mouse: "Excuse me, do you...do you have any orders?"

"Go to the Dark Lord, Peter Pettigrew." Brian said, "Go and help him resurrect."

Even under the control of the Imperius Curse, Peter Pettigrew still trembled and looked very frightened.

Brian thought for a moment, pointed at him and said, "Everything is forgotten."

Peter Pettigrew's eyes became blank, and Brian made him forget everything that happened tonight and what happened to the Death Sect.

"Harry Potter knows your identity, and the past can no longer be concealed... At least Dumbledore already knows." Brian guided, "So, the Dark Lord is the only path you can choose."

"He is currently hiding in the Albanian forest, losing his form." Brian placed a small locator on Peter Pettigrew and said softly, "Go find him."

Peter Pettigrew's eyes were still a little dull. He murmured to himself, "Go to the Dark Lord...go to Albania...", then transformed into a mouse again and disappeared into the dense grass.

Brian canceled the Imperius Curse, waited until the Polyjuice Potion wore off, then turned the Time Turner again and returned to the past.

This time, he headed directly towards the position where he was separated from Snape. He saw Snape struggling for a moment before finally releasing his doe Patronus. It is like an elegant and beautiful elf, with big eyes, long eyelashes, and lively and gentle eyes.

Brian summoned his own Raven Patronus to watch over the three Harrys, Black and Lupin. Snape glanced this way, and used his wand to direct several fainted guys out of the Forbidden Forest.

The spirit monster finally dispersed, and the doe patronus glanced this way and then dispersed.

"A great patronus, sir." Brian looked at his raven and said sincerely.

Snape paused and looked at him with an inexplicable and sinister expression. Brian felt that Snape wanted to cast the Forgetting Charm on him at this moment.

"Ahem, sir?" Brian coughed lightly and reminded. Is your intention too obvious?

Snape twitched the corners of his mouth and said in a low voice, "Don't tell anyone about this, Brian."

"Of course, sir." Brian blinked and said sincerely.

Snape stopped looking at him. Under the command of his wand, several bodies floated in the air like ghosts. Whether it was intentional or not, Black and Lupine were dragged headfirst across the grass, and Brian thought they might have their noses rubbed off.

Brian glanced at Snape who remained calm and said nothing.

The two of them arrived at the entrance of the school hospital in silence.

Madam Pomfrey exclaimed and came out. Black was tied up by the professors who came after hearing the news. Professor Flitwick put many spells on him and almost tied him into a rice dumpling.

"No problem, Minerva went to notify the Ministry of Magic. First, imprison him in the tower! In my office!" Professor Flitwick said.

Madam Pomfrey carefully inspected the situation of the three Harrys and Brian. She wiped away her tears and said, "Poor child, he must have been frightened by the dementors..."

He arranged a room for them to stay, and even Brian was ordered to stay for a night to recuperate.

"Look at you, you are tired, child," Madam Pomfrey said.

Brian could only agree.

Next, Madam Pomfrey couldn't bear to look at Lupin's bloody and almost flat face, and sighed: "Damn Black, you beat Remus like this..." She used a bandage to cover Lupin's head. Wrapped around and around.

"I think you have to tie him up... He is still thinking of giving Potter to Black tonight." Snape said in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, I can't believe it!" Madam Pomfrey whispered. She thought for a while and locked Lupine alone in a ward.

Brian was lying on a bed with three unconscious little wizards lying next to him.

He glanced at the silver crescent moon outside the window and yawned slightly. He was so exhausted that he didn't bother to check what he got from Tanat. He slowly closed his eyes and fell into sleep.

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