Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 160 Invasion of the Ministry of Magic

This is a cold and dirty alley with only a few shabby offices, a closed tavern and a full dump truck.

An old red telephone booth with several pieces of glass missing stood against a painted wall.

"Well, obviously, I've never been to the Ministry of Magic." Brian said. "Should I go through a phone booth? Apparate? Or find a toilet and flush myself down?" He asked his future self for his opinion.

"I guess there's no harm in being a polite visitor." A future Brian said with a smile. He turned into a beautiful witch with a good figure through Polyjuice Potion, and his smile always had a provocative flavor.

"Okay." Brian said nonchalantly. He knew that only high-level officials of the Ministry of Magic who had registered their identities and wands were allowed to enter the Ministry of Magic through Apparition. As for the visitor's access to the phone booth, there was not much difference between the visitor's access to the phone booth and the lower-level employee access to the toilet.

Brian walked into the phone booth, and a group of people crowded in. He reached for the phone and dialed the number 62442 on the dial.

As the dial whirred back to its original position, a cold female voice sounded from the phone booth: "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please state your name and what you are here to do."

"Garold Geller, Department of Mysteries, needs to report back to the department urgently due to work matters. Accompanying the visitors: Beate Mullen, Lauren Bol..." Brian reported in succession the names of the men in black robes. and the nine names asked by Shabini, "investigate important figures in the experiment and jointly conduct emergency work reports."

This reason is a common excuse for the Death God sect to enter the Ministry of Magic, and the Ministry of Magic will allow it because the Department of Mysteries itself is highly confidential.

"Thank you," the cold female voice said, "Guest, please pick up the badge and pin it in front of your clothes."

Brian picked up a few square silver badges and handed them out. He pinned the badge that read "Garold Geller, Urgent Assignment" to his chest.

"Guests of the Ministry of Magic, you are required to be checked and register your wand at the security desk. The security desk is located at the end of the main hall."

The ground in the phone booth trembled, then slowly sank. Soon, they sank into the ground.

"The Ministry of Magic hopes you have a good day." After the woman's voice finished speaking, the door of the phone booth suddenly opened.

Ten people walked out of the phone booth. In front of them was a magnificent hall, with a peacock blue ceiling inlaid with shining golden symbols. In the center of the foyer was a fountain, in the center of which stood a solid gold statue of a wizard, a witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf.

The hall seemed empty except for a wizard taking a nap on a table at the end of the hall. Next to the table stood a sign that read "Security Check".

"Oh, what's going on?" The wizard saw a group of people coming over and rubbed his eyes sleepily and said, "Garold, you brought so many people here again?"

The wizard raised a long golden rod and was about to conduct a security check.

"I'm in a hurry, Eric. Can you stop doing these formalities?" Brian said impatiently.

"Oh, that's not okay... you know, it's the rules, the rules..." the wizard muttered, "it's so hard to work the night shift."

"Yes, there will always be more difficult things." Brian said regretfully: "The soul leaves the body."

The wizard's eyes were blank, and then he said: "No problem, there is no problem..." He operated the machine next to him, and after confirming that it was safe and ready for release, he lay down on the table and went to sleep.

The Bryans passed through the golden gate and entered an elevator. Brian hit the ninth button, the gate slammed shut, and the elevator began to descend.

The elevator slowly descended to the ninth floor underground, and the cold female voice said: "Department of Mysteries."

Ten people walked out of the elevator and entered the corridor lit with torches. There is a completely black door in front of you.

"Let someone familiar lead the way." Brian said. He didn't know how to get there.

Witch Brian strode forward and pushed open the black door in front of them. A group of people stepped across the threshold and entered a large circular room.

"He is in the Death Hall." Witch Brian said in a numb voice.

She glanced at the twelve identical doors surrounded by black stone walls, ran towards one of them without hesitation, and pushed it open.

Inside was a huge rectangular room, dimly lit, sunken in the middle, forming a huge stone pit about twenty feet deep. The room is surrounded by terraced rows of stone benches, much like an amphitheatre.

In the center of the stone pit is a high stone platform, with a stone arch that is very familiar to Brian. He has seen it more than once in dreams and reality, but this is the first time he has seen it in reality. .

At this time, the stone platform was not empty. There were three people standing in front of the arch. The one in the center was opening his arms as if praying devoutly.

At this time, all three people turned around and looked at the Brians who came in.

Brian quickly jumped down the rows of stone benches and arrived at the bottom of the high platform. He looked at the stone arch, and there seemed to be murmurs coming from inside, which made him have the urge to walk in immediately.

Brian resisted this impulse with great perseverance. He looked at the man in the middle, who was Elliot Tanat. He was looking at Brian with his young but aged eyes.

"Did it succeed?" Tanat said gently, "Serbrus has returned to sleep."

"Is it successful...?" As soon as Brian said one word, the Brians behind him had already begun to cast spells on Tanat, making Brian swallow the words in his mouth.

Several mirrors floated around Tanat, resisting the incoming spells and bouncing them back.

Brian had to hide slightly in embarrassment to avoid the curse, and the Brians behind him had already scattered.

For the first time in his life, Brian experienced the feeling of being cheated by himself.

"It really failed..." Tanat said quietly, "So, you are Brian Foley? Then who are the remaining people?"

At this time, figures appeared one after another on the surrounding stone benches. There were about a dozen of them, all wearing black robes, and they came towards the center of the stone pit.

"Garold is dead. Of course, I already know that. He died because of breaking his oath." Tanat said regretfully, "And my group of loyal death disciples... What a pity."

"But what makes you rush in here so recklessly?" Tanat grinned, "What gives you the courage? Ignorance and ignorance?"

The Brians around him cast spells with ruthlessness, and the mirror next to Tanat had cracks. Several others faced the men in black robes who were surrounding them and stopped their steps.

"I just don't want to contact you personally... Of course, since you sent yourself to me, I can't deal with you myself." The mirror beside Tanat shattered, and he also took out his wand and muttered Cursing, streaks of gray-white mist floated in front of him.

The two people next to him also joined the fight, each facing off against a Brian.

Tanat continued to wave his wand, and the gray-white mist turned into a giant snake with fangs and attacked the Brians.

A Brian casually picked his enemy into the mist snake. The man screamed and was turned into a gray-white sculpture, and fell to the ground and turned into a pile of powder.

The target of Tanat's attack was Brian. Several fog snakes surrounded him. They were bitingly cold but extremely hot, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"All curses are over!" A golden ray of light hit a fog snake, and it was annihilated in the struggle, but several other fog snakes changed their shapes and surrounded Brian.

"All curses come to an end."

Several Brians cast this spell together, and walls of light surrounded all the fog snakes, causing them to completely dissipate with their fangs and claws.

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