Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 157 The Story of “Death”

One day more than two thousand years ago, an extremely bright morning star hung in the sky at dawn, attracting countless people to panic and worship.

It started the prelude to chaos. War swept across the country and people were in dire straits.

And in an inconspicuous village, a boy was born under the shining of the morning star.

The boy's name is no longer known. He showed extraordinary talent and extraordinary wisdom since childhood, and soon awakened his talent as a wizard and joined the wizard school at that time.

His upbringing may be a legend, but it has mostly been forgotten in the long river of time.

The boy grew up, and he soon became the most powerful wizard of his time and founded a new school.

He calls himself "Death".

And that school is called the "Death School", and they have been studying the secret of "death".

A page in the book records the emblem of the Death God Sect, which is the letter "D" wrapped in many weird runes.

Brian took out the note that Bo Jin gave him from his bag. The illustrations on it were exactly the same as those in the book!

"Death Sect..." Brian muttered to himself.

He continued to watch the rest of the story.

"The Grim Reaper" has made many contributions to the development of magic.

His most famous and infamous contribution is: his invention of Avada Kedavra.

In addition, the time turner also comes from him. Before this, there was no magic about time in the world.

The alchemical runes required for the time turner were created by the "God of Death". He did not make these runes public to the world, but only stored them in his own school. Even among the Death God sect, only a few people were allowed to learn such runes.

People say that it is a rune that connects truth, embodies the ultimate magic in the world, and is a rune of miracles.

The Death God Sect was well-known in the magic world at that time and led the world's trends for a long time.

However, even as the "God of Death", he was called by death and was once on the verge of death when he was nearly a hundred years old.

So he disappeared for a while, and when he came back, he had escaped death and lived for many years without ever growing old. People said that he was immortal, and his title of "God of Death" began to take root in people's hearts and gradually became a true legend.

It was not until the 6th century AD that the "God of Death" left. People don't know whether he died or lived in seclusion. In short, he completely disappeared from the world.

On the day he left, the morning star hung at dusk, as if mourning the end of an era.

Afterwards, things changed, and the name of the "God of Death" was gradually forgotten. However, the legend of the God of Death spread and became one of the gods hanging high in the sky.

People say that the "God of Death" is the incarnation of the morning star, spreading truth and guiding the way to the world.

However, the "God of Death" once said this: "When the morning star lights up again, the trajectory of destiny will change."

Before Death left, he left three things on his body, the cloak on his body, the ring on his hand, and the wand in his hand, and said: "I don't need them anymore. They contain everything. The secrets of the universe, whoever masters them will have the possibility of mastering death."

Those three things are called "Deathly Hallows" by the Death God sect.

Brian looked at the familiar symbol on the paper and frowned more and more.

After that, the Death Sect studied the secrets of death in a low-key manner, until they fell apart over time, and the three Deathly Hallows disappeared.

Brian continued to look through the book, and at the back was something about Slytherin's lifelong research.

Slytherin obtained a fragment of the Death Rune, and all research on "death" was conducted around this rune.

Brian had no intention of studying these now. He raised his head and asked, "Deathly Hallows?"

"Ah, you know this?" the portrait said with a smile.

"Yes, almost every wizard knows the story of the three Peverell brothers..." Brian briefly told the story, "But this is just a fairy tale. People think that the Deathly Hallows was refined by the three brothers. …But the era they lived in was around the thirteenth century.”

"Interesting story..." the portrait whispered, "but in our time, there was another version of the story. The God of Death took in three apprentices when he was playing in the world. One day, the three apprentices begged the God of Death to help them. Escape death..."

"So, the God of Death took off the eldest apprentice's hand bones and made the Elder Wand, which could give its owner powerful power; he took off the second apprentice's eyes and made them into a resurrection stone, which allowed people to see their dead relatives; and finally , he peeled off the skin of his three disciples and made an invisibility cloak, which can allow people to escape the eyes of the living..."

"He left these three Deathly Hallows in the world and told people that the secret of controlling death was inside. As a result, countless people fought and died because of this, and the God of Death harvested countless souls."

"I think the fairy tale you mentioned is probably an adaptation of this story...at least, it's not that dark." The portrait said leisurely, "I think the writer of your story should have actually come into contact with the Deathly Hallows. , otherwise the story wouldn’t be as concrete.”

"In the era I lived in, the Death God sect had long since disappeared, and the Deathly Hallows also disappeared and became a legend that few people knew. The Peverell family is a wizard family with a long history, but they are different from the Deathly Hallows. It has nothing to do with it.”

"If the Deathly Hallows could have been found, the four people's research on death would probably have entered unimaginable areas..." the portrait sighed with some regret, "Fate has its way with people, and they can only rely on Merlin a few times. The guidance helped us get out of the predicament, but the research also hit a bottleneck.”

Brian nodded and said, "Has the Death Sect really died?"

"Yes, after the Death God left, the Death God Sect was controlled by his descendants. At that time, the Death God Sect was a low-key, secretive and moderate academic faction. They controlled the Deathly Hallows, the Death God Rune and the Door of Death. In order to To study the secrets of the Deathly Hallows, they welcome powerful wizards to study them, as long as they share the results... Merlin was once invited to study them."

"Later, probably about two hundred years after the departure of the God of Death, differences arose within the Death God sect. They fought over the ownership of the Deathly Hallows, and the descendants of the God of Death were almost slaughtered..." the portrait said softly, "How ironic. , the God of Death invented the Death Curse, but most of his descendants perished under this curse."

"But maybe he doesn't care...after all, he is such a distant descendant."

"As the descendants of Death withered, the Deathly Hallows disappeared. People thought they buried the Deathly Hallows somewhere, but no one could find them." The portrait continued, "The Deathly Hallows runes were also lost due to the war. .Finally, as the Door of Death disappeared from their grasp, the Death Sect also completely fell apart."

"The four of them each got a part of the runes during an exploration. Later, Ravenclaw discovered the arch called the Door of Death here, and they realized that the legend was true. So they took advantage of the situation here. Founded Hogwarts and studied its secrets."

Brian listened carefully, nodded and said: "However, it seems that another organization has appeared now. They use the emblem of the Death Sect as their mark and are hunting me down."

The portrait raised the corner of its mouth slightly and said, "This is your own business. I'm just telling you what I know."

Brian smiled and said, "Of course, they shouldn't be anything to worry about. But, sir, it seems that there aren't those runes in this book?"

The portrait of Slytherin raised his head and sighed: "Have you really thought about studying this kind of rune? I still say the same thing. Slytherin actually doesn't want anyone to really inherit it. His purpose It’s more about preservation…”

"Of course, sir, this is what I have always wanted to pursue." Brian said.

"Perhaps, you can think about it again... There is a price to pay for studying the Death Rune." The portrait said slowly, "The price is to speed up your death."

"Oh?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, after you learn those runes, the process of death will be irreversibly accelerated..." the portrait sighed.

"Didn't you notice? Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, their lifespans are not long... Although it is also because they do not specifically pursue immortality, their lifespans are very important to them. For a wizard with that level of strength, it can be said that he falls into the category of dying young."

Brian closed his eyes and said resolutely: "I need them, sir. No matter what, I am always called by death..."

"So...you..." The portrait was startled, then laughed loudly and said: "Very good, very interesting...haha..."

"Go and look for it. They hid the runes they mastered in their creations, and they will inevitably be passed down to future generations..." The portrait stopped laughing, and its voice became hoarse.

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