Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 156 Study of Time

The stone platform beneath Brian's feet shook slightly, and a layer of dust fell rustlingly from the ancient stone wall.

After a while, the secret room became quiet again. Brian looked at the stone wall in front of him, but nothing had changed on it. There was still the shining snake text: Give me time.

"What's going on?" Brian blinked.

The portrait of Slytherin pulled his beard with his thin hands and said hoarsely: "Hmm... I don't know..."

Brian frowned and picked up the time turner on the round platform, and said thoughtfully: "The changes just now prove that my refining is effective... but is there something missing?"

He squinted at the words on the stone wall and thought of a possibility.

"Give me time... So, refining the time turner may be just the beginning. I need to show him the real time?" Brian expressed his thoughts.

"Maybe, I have no relevant memory..." the portrait said slowly.

Brian was playing with the time turner's chain and twirling it. He smiled softly and said, "This may not be difficult. I just need to wait a moment..."

At this time, there was a sudden "pop" sound from one side of the stone platform.

"It seems there's no need to wait." Brian shrugged and looked at his other self who appeared out of thin air. The two house elves stared at the two identical young masters, their tennis ball-sized eyes full of doubts and wariness.

Brian briefly told them about the situation, asked them to wait aside, and then said to his future self: "How about it? Will the time turner be destroyed?"

"No." The future version of him smiled and looked up at the portrait of Slytherin, with some sadness in his eyes.

"That's good." Brian nodded. He handed the time turner in his hand to his future self and said, "Then, let's exchange."

In the future, he took out an unusable time turner and handed it to Brian, then took another one from him.

Finally, he took a deep look at the portrait on the wall, then called the house elf and left.

Brian looked at the time turner in his hand. It did not turn into powder under the influence of time. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Time would not allow him to exchange with his future self, but Brian guessed that the time turner might be an exception. So he checked with his future self before making the exchange.

If his future self told him it would be destroyed, he wouldn't exchange it. It is a very wise thing to create a time paradox reasonably and get the answer from time.

"Do you think this is feasible?" The portrait showed curiosity for the first time.

"Yes, if it really needs me to show the time to it, I think there is nothing more suitable than this." Brian raised the time turner in his hand.

"Can you tell me something?" the portrait said with great interest.

"Well...you know, Mr. Slytherin? Time is really a very interesting thing..." Brian pondered for a moment.

"It can give me answers to some questions, it can give me items that have no origin and end, and it can also destroy things that create paradoxes..." Brian briefly talked about his thoughts on "the gift of time" and so on. Research.

"In addition to gifts, all kinds of paradoxes have an intoxicating charm..." Brian said softly, "Especially when the present and future selves meet, this is extremely dangerous, and paradoxes can easily occur, but It’s also more interesting.”

The portrait of Slytherin listened quietly, and the eyes hidden under the hood seemed to be staring at him seriously.

"Especially in terms of 'exchange', I have conducted several experiments..." Brian said in a gentle tone, "That was very interesting, really interesting..."

“When my future self comes face to face with my present self, I can do a lot of interesting experiments,” Brian said. “Under normal circumstances, my future self and my present self would exchange the same thing, such as my pocket watch. This is not allowed by time, because it would create a paradox..."

"This paradox is...lifespan. Everything has a lifespan. Sir, everything will decay with the passage of time." Brian said slowly, "Take that pocket watch as an example."

"What if the future me and the present me successfully exchange it?" Brian smiled, "Assuming that the future me comes from an hour later, then his pocket watch should be one hour faster than mine. ,Right?"

"That's right." The portrait nodded.

"So, then we exchanged pocket watches. Now I got the pocket watch that was an hour faster. Then, an hour later, I went back to the past... Then, I must exchange this pocket watch for the one in my past self. Pocket watch, right?”

The portrait of Slytherin opened his mouth slightly and said hoarsely: "Interesting."

"Yeah, interesting..." Brian chuckled, "Because at that time, the pocket watch in my hand had actually passed another hour. In other words, it should have been two hours faster than when it was exchanged... That’s the paradox.”

"So, if I am not using a pocket watch, but something else that cannot show time... Assuming that this exchange can still take place, we can understand that in the initial exchange, the future me has two extra hours. In exchange for something..."

"But... after the second exchange, it will still take another hour for me to return to the previous hour for exchange... In other words, this thing should be three hours longer..."

Brian slightly raised the corners of his lips: "If this continues endlessly, then, in that twisted closed loop of time, the actual lifespan of this thing is unknown. It may be infinitely long, until it is decayed by time. Become nothingness..."

"So, time will not allow this kind of 'exchange'. That's why the pocket watch will explode into powder and disappear into nothingness." Brian said slowly.

"Of course, just 'gifting' is allowed." Brian added.

"I have no problem giving something to my future self."

"It is also allowed for the future me to give something to the present me. But it is very special. For example, if the future me gave me the materials to refine this time converter, he must have obtained it in the future. , sent back to the present..."

"Another example is the time converter and the stone. They are the gift of time... I think the gift of time is to complete the causal relationship in a closed loop over a period of time. They may not be limited by the lifespan of time."

Brian paused and said: "I'm going far, back to the issue of 'exchange'...exchange will cause paradoxes because of the limit of lifespan...then, if I can find a person who is not limited by lifespan... , what about things that can exist forever in time?”

"Time turner?" the portrait said.

"Yes, it itself contains the magic of time, and those runes also have the function of preserving time, which can ensure that it is not affected by time. Therefore, it can constantly call back time to the correct position and be preserved in time forever. …Unless it is broken and destroyed by an external spell.”

Brian looked at the time converter in his hand and said: "It turns out that this is feasible. I successfully exchanged it from my future self. So, in this twisted time closed loop, I got a piece of equipment that may contain endless time." Something... Although it is still so light, the time it carries should be extremely heavy..."

"I think nothing can demonstrate the existence of time better than it." Brian said with a genuine smile.

"What a crazy and imaginative research..." the portrait clapped and sighed, "Sure enough, you may be the most suitable to get all this."

Brian smiled and placed the time turner in his hand into the groove on the round platform.

The secret room trembled slightly again, and a new stone platform appeared in front of Brian, with an ancient book on it.

The writing on the wall disappeared, and another line of writing appeared.

The snake writing is:

"When the morning star shines again, the trajectory of destiny will change."

Brian narrowed his eyes and asked, "What does this sentence mean?"

The portrait folded his hands and sighed: "Why don't you read this book?"

Brian picked up the book on the stone platform and scanned it quickly. Even though he could now remember it with a photograph, he couldn't help but slow down his reading speed because what was recorded on it shocked him.

Thank you Boring Forbidden for the 500 starting coins, and Wushan Yunmengze for the 100 starting coins.

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