Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 158 Contact again

"Your locket?" Brian blinked after hearing the portrait's words.

"Yes, those are their most proud works." The portrait said leisurely.

"The crown of Rowena Ravenclaw hides the runes of 'wisdom', which can enhance one's wisdom."

"Helga Hufflepuff's golden cup contains the runes of 'life' that can cure people's illnesses."

"Salazar Slytherin's locket hides the runes belonging to the 'soul', which can deprive or protect a person's soul."

"Godric Gryffindor's... is not his precious sword, it is a creation of the goblins. His hat, later the Sorting Hat, hides the runes belonging to the 'spirit', so It possesses immortal wisdom and can discern the human spirit.”

"As long as you collect four items and open them using the last page of the book in your hand at a specific time every year, you can get all the runes."

"If you can really find them, you can get these runes." The portrait said with a smile.

Brian twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "What if... they are destroyed?"

The portrait opened its mouth in confusion.

"Unfortunately, three of these relics were made into Horcruxes by your last heir." Brian found the locket from his bag and shook it in his hand.

"This... is really an unexpected situation..." the portrait choked.

After a long silence, the portrait sighed: "This is really strange... What did he think of making so many Horcruxes? I hope he won't split himself into fools..."

"But the problem is, I can't destroy the Horcrux without damaging the container," Brian said. "The Horcrux can only be destroyed by destroying the container... I have tried the Death Curse, but it can't be destroyed. Plant a Horcrux. The function of the Death Curse is to instantly deprive the body of all vitality, and has no effect on inanimate objects."

The portrait pondered for a moment and then said: "Destroying part of it will not have much impact. They will probably lose their original effect, but the runes inside are preserved through special methods and will not be damaged."

Brian nodded and said, "That's good." He put the locket back.

The secret room fell into silence again. Brian opened his mouth to say goodbye, but the portrait of Slytherin spoke first.

"You've got everything you need to stay here, Brian." The portrait said leisurely.

Brian nodded slightly.

"In this way, this secret room and my mission have been completed..." the portrait said with emotion, "I have nothing more to tell you... It's time to say goodbye to you."

Brian was startled, he opened his mouth and said, "You can stay, go outside..."

"No, I don't think this is very interesting, Brian." The portrait said with a smile, "I'm just going to where I should go..."

Brian looked at the portrait in front of him silently and pursed his lips.

"If this is your wish..." Brian bowed deeply, "Thank you very much for your guidance, sir."

The portrait smiled, and bunches of green flames suddenly ignited around the frame. The flames spread greedily, swallowing the entire painting, and then spread to the walls, the floor, and the stone platform...

Brian stood up straight and backed away slowly, avoiding the burning of the flames.

The paper of the portrait curled and turned black, and the person inside opened his hood slightly for the first time, revealing a pair of wrinkled but extremely bright eyes, staring deeply at Brian.

"So, at the end, let me ask...are you the morning star?" The voice of the portrait reached Brian's ears even more ethereally amid the flames.

"Of course, sir." Brian said softly.

"Hahaha... How wonderful..." The portrait laughed, and the laughter became smaller and smaller, gradually dissipating in the flames.

A cloud of black ashes fell to the ground, and the flames engulfed the entire stone altar.

Brian picked up the castle model, retreated to the ground, held the elf's finger, and slowly disappeared while spinning.

In his last look, Brian saw the tall stone altar collapse and turn into a huge green torch, lighting up the entire circular chamber.

"Goodbye, sir."

Brian murmured after returning to the original utility room.

The house elf returned home. Brian put the castle model into his bag, sat on the rickety chair, and slowly closed his eyes.

"The secret room is destroyed..." He murmured, his voice seemed a little low.

He was silent for a long time, looked at the old book in his hand, and put it away.

"But, what was Hermione's dream...why?" he thought again.

He thought it predicted the future, and as an adult he came to the secret room again to meet the portrait.

However, this is no longer possible.

"Maybe it's really just a dream?" Brian opened his eyes.

"It's time to meet them." He stood up and walked out of the room slowly.

Night had already enveloped the castle, and he disappeared, walking across the grounds to where they were surrounded by dementors.

Soon, a group of people appeared in front of him, it was Brian and his friends from the past. At this time, dementors surrounded him.

Brian saw his past self running away after Peter Pettigrew. He paused and chased after him.

He listened to his past self talking to Shabini, and a group of men in black robes gathered around them, probably close to twenty of them. He stood invisible outside the crowd, silently watching his past self being swallowed up by invisible things, and then disappearing into thin air.

There was some commotion among the men in black robes, and someone said in a low voice: "Is he dead?"

"Something's wrong, there's no body left..." someone said in a panic.

"Damn it, ominousness has no sleep, he escaped!" The man in black robe who seemed to be the leader yelled, "Shabini, what's going on?"

"I...I don't know...he no longer has a time turner!" Shabini looked a little surprised and flustered.

"What should I do? Do I really have to..."

"No, he must die...or we will..."

The crowd began to whisper, and there was a lot of discussion and quarrels.

"Then, the second round begins." Brian came out from the spectator position and said in a leisurely tone.

All the men in black robes fell silent instantly. They looked in Brian's direction, and then they all moved aside as if they had seen a ghost, leaving a large space vacant.

"Are you from the trap?" A man in black robe said with ecstasy in his tone, "Have you given up resistance?"

"Yeah, I'm here to die." Brian smiled.

This made the man in black robe shut his mouth and cautiously retreat further away.

The big black dog appeared in front of Brian again, staring at him coldly with searchlight-like eyes. But Brian also looked at it with a smile and opened his arms towards it.

A similar scene appeared again, the ominous mouth opened wide, and time seemed to freeze, with only the door at its throat shaking the curtain slightly.

Brian was getting closer and closer to it, as if he was about to enter it.

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression became serious, and he stared at the stone arch in front of him.

Just when he was about to be sucked in, Brian opened his tightly clenched right hand, and inside was a small and gorgeous locket.

"Open," Brian hissed in Parseltongue. The locket popped open, but before the black mist inside could rush out, Brian threw it directly into the arch.

Everything in front of him returned to its original state in an instant, and the black dog turned into wisps of black mist and quickly dissipated into the night.

"It seems that my guess is good." Brian looked at the locket lying quietly on the ground with a smile, and put the time turner on his left hand around his neck again.

"How could..." The man in black robe became commotion again.

"I think the ominousness is not really unsolvable." Brian explained gently like a professor teaching primary school students. "First, it cannot lock prey that can go back in time; second, it needs to re-enter every time it kills someone. It will take ten years to appear again; thirdly, and most importantly, its locking is flawed..."

"The first time I was almost swallowed by ominousness, I found that it just sucked people into the illusory door of death. The ominous lock can only ensure that it will be me who is swallowed, but it cannot guarantee that it will be me who dies... as long as I let a soul enter that arch first to complete the substitutionary death."

Brian picked up the locket on the ground. Its lid was still open, but the evil black mist was no longer inside. Obviously, the soul fragments within it have disappeared.

"So, what are you going to do next?" Brian said with a smile.

The atmosphere in front of him froze, and the man in black robe fell into silence.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A strong green light flashed, but Brian reacted as soon as he pronounced the first letter and hid behind a stone very quickly.

The men in black robes silently raised their wands, and cast extremely destructive spells on the rocks, causing rubble to fly.

"Very good, then, the next round begins." Brian said, "Just in time, I'm not in a good mood right now."

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