Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 153 Showdown

"I have repeatedly told the Headmaster that you were helping your old friend Black sneak into the castle, Lupin. It seems that I was right." Snape said in a low voice, with a bit of pride in his tone.

"You misunderstood, Severus..." Lupine said urgently, "You didn't hear everything... I can explain that Sirius is not here to kill Harry..."

"Ah, I heard it, an interesting story...Only a fool would believe such an outrageous story." Snape said sarcastically, "Is this why you brought Potter to see Black? A werewolf brought Potter comes to meet a wanted man who has been trying to kill him..."

"It seems that there will be two more people in Azkaban tonight," Snape grinned, with deep disgust and hatred in his eyes. "I would like to see Dumbledore's reaction. He is convinced that you It's harmless, Lupin...a tame werewolf..." His wand was still pointed carefully at Lupin.

"Professor Snape, it wouldn't hurt to listen...to hear what they have to say, right...right?" Hermione said weakly.

"Shut up, you stupid girl and your innocent little friend!" Snape said sternly, "You simply believe the words of werewolves and murderers? I really don't understand how you live to be so old. of……"

Snake-like strings shot out from the tip of Snape's wand and wrapped around Lupin's mouth, wrists, and ankles. Lupine lost his balance and fell to the ground, unable to move.

"You idiot!" Sirius roared angrily and rushed towards Snape. But Snape pointed his wand between his eyebrows.

"Very well, I've been hoping that I can catch you..." Snape said coldly, "Those dementors will be very happy to see you. I think they will be happy to give you a little kiss." , Blake..."

He watched Black's face turn pale with pleasure, then glanced at the mouse in his hand, as if he saw something very funny, and said: "Of course, there is also what you said... Peter Pettigrew... Haha, that idiot?"

"Let's go, everyone out... get out of the way, Potter, you idiot!" Snape said contemptuously.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry no longer hesitated and suddenly shouted to Snape. Not just him, but Ron and Hermione, who together recited the spell on Snape.

"Armor protection!"

Brian, who had been watching with interest in the corner, instantly cast an iron spell in front of Snape, but the ensuing wave of air still made Snape take several steps back.

"Who is it?" Harry and the others asked nervously.

"Lend me your wand!" Sirius grabbed Ron's wand and took the opportunity to chant a spell and untie Lupine's rope.

Lupine quickly picked up the wand that fell on the ground and climbed up. The two of them pointed their wands at Snape and Brian, who had released the Disillusionment Curse.

"Brian?" Hermione exclaimed.

Brian narrowed his eyes. He took a step forward and stood with Snape, pointing the tip of his wand at Lupin and Sirius.

Several people pointed their wands at each other, and the atmosphere became stagnant for a moment.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, gritted their teeth and raised their wands.

"Very well, Potter..." Snape laughed angrily, "You chose to side with them... Your stupidity is beyond my imagination..."

"Brian, you should know right from wrong!" Hermione whined.

Brian watched all this with clear eyes, and the hand holding the wand did not tremble at all. At this time, right or wrong is not so important. He should be on Snape's side, both emotionally and rationally.

"Collapse!" Snape suddenly chanted a spell at Sirius, but he quickly dodged it, and red fireworks hit the stone wall behind him.

Sirius looked at Snape hatefully and hit him with a curse with his backhand.

In an instant, the two mortal enemies from their student days were engaged in a fierce battle.

Lupine aimed his wand at Snape, but a disarming spell hit him, and he jumped a step away, hitting the ground at his feet.

"Professor Lupin, I think it is impolite to interrupt someone else's duel..." Brian bowed slightly and said softly, "I'm glad to have a discussion with you, sir..."

"Now is not the time to play, Foley," Lupine said gently.

"Armor for protection." Brian cast the Iron Armor Charm on himself freely and smiled at Lupine.

"Expelliarmus!" The two men chanted the spell at the same time, but Brian was always faster than Lupine. The two spells collided and exploded, extinguishing into fireworks-like light.

"All petrified!" Lu Ping took a step sideways and chanted a spell.

Brian moved his wand slightly, and the petrification spell was easily guided to the side and hit the wall.

The two people were testing each other as if they were performing a wizard duel in class, firing spells back and forth.

Lupine was very good at discovering Brian's weaknesses. In the ensuing battle, he consciously used spell-free spellcasting and transformation techniques to fight Brian back and forth.

Naturally, they all held back. After all, as professors and students, they could not cast dangerous and destructive spells on each other. But the battle on the other side turned out to be real fire, the spells released continued to escalate, and everything around them turned into powder.

A hot fire dragon flew over from the other side, causing Harry and the three of them to hide in the corner with surprise. Such a battle makes it impossible for them to intervene, and even the aftermath is extremely dangerous for them.

Lupine glanced at the situation on Sirius' side and looked a little worried. Sirius, who was weak from years in Azkaban, was clearly at a disadvantage and was nearly hit by Snape's curse several times.

One of Brian's spells hit Lupin on the side of the head, blasting a small hole in the wall. Lupine said seriously: "That's enough, Foley, I'm going to get serious." He found that the person in front of him couldn't be treated as a little wizard at all, and his level of magic even exceeded his own.

"I wish you all the best, sir." Brian maintained a humble smile.

The two people began to move around in the small room, not only to be alert to each other's spells, but also to avoid the flying spells and aftermath of the two people fighting fiercely on the other side.

"Ten thousand bullets fired." Lupine waved his wand, and a flock of golden birds rushed towards Brian like missiles.

"There are many nets." A giant net tied them up and was blown into nothingness by the ensuing curse.

Taking this opportunity, Lupine had transformed the shabby furniture around into different animals. They rushed towards Brian menacingly, showing their fangs and claws.

A large swarm of black birds flew out from the tip of Brian's wand. They flapped their wings and pecked at the eyes and heads of the deformed animals with their sharp beaks. For a moment, demons were dancing in the hut.

Brian felt that this kind of children's play-house battle was a bit boring. He took the opportunity to use the Disguise Charm, dashed across the battlefield of animals, and pointed his wand at Lupin, who was vigilantly chanting the Iron Armor Charm. .


Lupine's spell was interrupted, and his wand flew high into the air, landing in Brian's hand. Brian then fired a red beam from the tip of his wand, knocking Lupine unconscious.

At this time, Snape also won a victory, and his face was filled with glory. Sirius Black's face was charred and he was lying on the ground unconscious. The rat was hiding somewhere.

The room was burned with a faint blue flame. This was not a fierce fire, but a magical flame.

The three Harrys were hiding in a corner that was not burned by the flames. Hermione was using the Spring of Clear Water spell, but the effect was not great. Harry's face was black and gray, and Ron had half of his eyebrows burned off.

"You can try that spell..." Brian tied up Lupine and looked at the flames around him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"All curses come to an end."

A golden ray of light spurted out from the tip of the wand, and all the magical flames in its path were instantly extinguished, leaving only thick smoke to disperse. As the light swept across like waves, the surroundings fell into darkness and silence again.

"Nice spell." Snape came over carrying Sirius and glanced at the unconscious Lupin.

"Now, hand me your wand, Potter..." Snape said gloomily, the blood on his face making his expression a little fierce. He didn't listen to what Harry and the others said, he snatched the wands from their hands and walked straight towards the secret passage.

"Scabbers the mouse is coming!" Brian recited the flying spell, and the skinny, bald mouse flew into his hand with a squeaking scream. Brian knocked it unconscious and picked up its tail.

"It's time to go back." Brian turned around and said. He levitated Lupine and followed Snape.

The three little wizards looked at each other and followed dejectedly into the long tunnel.

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