Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 152 The unfolding story

Lupine hurriedly walked around the field, his brows furrowed deeply, and he seemed to understand why Sirius wanted to escape from prison. But, will this really be the case?

The Harry trio hid in the invisibility cloak and followed Lupine step by step, feeling nervous and excited.

Beside them, Crookshanks followed leisurely, but Hermione couldn't get it to go back in its tracks despite many attempts.

It was now night, and the venue was pitch black. Only a faint light passed through the window of Hagrid's hut, illuminating a small area.

Lupine looked at the Marauder's Map in his hand and knocked on Hagrid's door. Hagrid's big face popped out. He was not in a high mood because he had been worrying about the hippogriff Buckbeak recently.

"Oh, Remus, why are you here?" Hagrid asked. He let Lupine in and turned around to prepare tea.

Lupine paused and waited until Harry and the others entered the room before closing the door, his eyes wandering around the corners of the room.

Harry looked around under the invisibility cloak, but found no trace of the other person. He seemed confused and anxious. He wanted to lift the invisibility cloak, but he remembered Lupine's instructions.

At this time, Crookshanks, who had always seemed very leisurely, suddenly jumped on the table, knocked over the milk jug on it with one paw, picked up a skinny bald mouse from it, and jumped out of the window nimbly.

"Squeak--" The mouse screamed crazily, and the sound spread far away.

Lupine paused, jumped out of the window nimbly, and chased Crookshanks.

"Scabbers!" Ron recognized the skinny, bald mouse and barked uncontrollably, allowing Hagrid to hear it.

"Who's there?" Hagrid asked.

"It's us, Hagrid!" Harry whispered.

"Harry, it's Scabbers! That smelly cat took Scabbers away!" Ron said irritably. He threw off the invisibility cloak and followed Lupine into the night.

"Ron!" Hermione shouted.

"Sorry, Hagrid, let's go after Ron first!" Harry said urgently and gave chase.

Unable to run fast with the Invisibility Cloak on, Harry pulled off the Invisibility Cloak and held it in his hand. The Cloak was flying behind him like a flag.

Harry squinted to recognize the road, and he saw the Whomping Willow in front of him.

Crookshanks nimbly jumped over the fiercely waving trunk and whip-like willow branches of the Whomping Willow, jumped into a large hole between the roots and disappeared.

"Let go of Scabbers! You stinky cat!" Ron was hit by a vicious branch, endured the pain and jumped to his feet and cursed.

"Ron!" Harry and Hermione ran after them breathlessly, and saw Lupine directing a stone with his wand to hit a knot on the body of the tree, making its branches as still as if they were petrified. Moved.

"That cat! It must be looking for a place to enjoy a sumptuous supper!" Ron shouted.

"Put on the invisibility cloak!" Lupine warned with a serious expression, and then got in immediately.

The impatient Ron was caught by Harry and Hermione. They put the invisibility cloak back on their bodies, entered the tree hole, walked through the long tunnel, and entered a messy room.

Lupine was talking, and he said nervously: "Sirius? So, he's not dead yet?"

Harry glanced around the room, then held his breath. Inside was the big black dog that had been following him, which he always thought was ominous. At this time, the black dog's paws were pressing down on the mouse Spot, and his bright eyes were staring straight at Lupin. Banban was squeaking.

"Could it be that...he is the one...you exchanged it and didn't tell me?" Lu Ping's eyes were fixed on the black dog.

Black Dog looked at Lupine with clear eyes and nodded slightly. He paused, his body slowly elongated, and he gradually stood upright. The dog's paws turned into human hands, firmly holding the struggling mouse.

Harry's eyes widened and he was speechless in shock. Ron and Hermione also held their breath.

"Don't be afraid, Harry, I will tell you tonight what you should know..." Lupine said calmly.

Sirius's sunken eyes looked over, and he opened his mouth and said, "Harry is here too?"

The three Harrys pulled off the invisibility cloak, holding their wands firmly in their hands, ready to take action at any time.

Next, Lupine and the others told Harry about the past.

Harry looked a little stunned, but gradually became more convinced. And he also learned that Sirius was actually his godfather.

"Yes, that's right... I have been watching you from a distance, Harry." Sirius said, "But I seem to have scared you. That Firebolt is a gift from me. I hope you like it. ——I saw you looking at it all the time in Diagon Alley. You also gave me a bag of dog food. To be honest, it was the best meal I had in those days..."

Harry's cheeks flushed. If he had known that it was Sirius at that time, he would definitely not have given him dog food...he meant, he would have given him sumptuous food.

"After I clear my name...you know, if you want...a different home..." Sirius said, "You can move in with me...if you want..."

Harry had never been in such a happy mood. There was nothing better than knowing that he had a family and that he was about to be free from the Dursleys.

"So, Scabbers is an Animagus? He is Peter Pettigrew?" Ron said still somewhat suspiciously. He didn't want to believe that he had been living with a middle-aged man day and night, eating and sleeping together.

"Yeah, that's right, I can show you..." Lupine pointed his wand at the rat that was struggling and screaming.

Brian went down the stairs. When he passed the foyer, he paused and saw Professor Snape walking hurriedly, looking like a huge black bat.

Brian pondered for a moment and immediately lifted the disillusionment spell. Snape looked over with a blank, indifferent gaze.

"Why are you here?" He frowned and said in a low tone.

"Sir, are you going to chase Professor Lupine and the others?" Brian said, "I saw them crossing the field, and Potter and the others..." He showed Snape the Marauder's Map in his hand. .

"You have this..." Snape looked thoughtfully at the small black dot on the field. When he saw Harry and the others following Lupine, he frowned tightly and narrowed his eyes.

"I made it myself, sir." Brian smiled, "I'm a little curious and want to take a look..."

"Curiosity... in this case, it's foolish behavior, Brian, especially when Black doesn't know where to hide..." Snape said in that smooth voice, "if you break the rules like this , I will also deduct points from you."

"I can protect myself, sir, you know my strength." Brian narrowed his eyes and said, "Rather than talking about this, let's see what they want to do... It's not a good idea to continue wasting time here. "

Snape nodded imperceptibly, glanced at the map and said, "You are responsible for your own decisions."

The two of them each recited the Illusion Charm to themselves, walked out of the foyer, and entered the venue.

"Sir, why do you doubt Professor Lupin?" Brian said as he walked on the dark field.

"I think you should know..." Snape said slowly.

"Because...Professor Lupine is a werewolf?" Brian said softly.

"Yes, you didn't react at all to this matter, which is beyond my expectation." Snape said in a low voice, with deep sarcasm in his tone.

"I just think Professor Lupine's teaching level is pretty good, at least much better than the professors in the previous two years... You know, since Dumbledore is willing to invite him to be a professor, he must be well prepared..." Bu Ryan said softly.

"Of course, if you think Professor Lupin cannot be trusted, I am willing to believe you." He continued, "If you wish so, I will tell my father about it...and Draco too."

"...It's not just that," Snape was silent for a while and said in a low voice, "Lupine used to be Black's good friend, and I always thought he would help Black... So, tonight I accidentally saw Lupine wearing When passing the venue, I felt like he was going to meet Blake." When talking about "good friends", his tone was particularly sarcastic.

Brian said softly: "Of course, I'm always on your side, sir."

They passed through the hole under the Whomping Willow, slid down the slope into a low tunnel, and bent forward quickly along the long tunnel.

Finally, the tunnel began to slope upwards, and they turned a corner. There was a little light in front of them, which was the exit.

There were voices in front of them, and the two people stepped lightly and followed the exit silently into the dirty screaming shack.

Lupine was clarifying Sirius' matter with Harry and the others. The story was already halfway through. Harry and the others listened carefully and had already put down their guard.

When Lupine pulled out his wand and pointed it at Scabbers, Snape suddenly mocked coldly: "What a wonderful story, Lupin."

He lifted the Disillusionment Charm and pointed his wand at Lupin's chest.

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