Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 154 Conversation in the Forbidden Forest

"Professor Snape, Sirius Black is innocent..."

On the way back, Harry kept trying to explain this to Snape: "My parents... they changed the Secret Keeper at that time and replaced it with Peter Pettigrew..."

"Shut up, Potter." Snape said lazily, "You would even believe such a thing. I have reason to doubt whether the thing in your head is actually a brain... some kind of rat, some kind of Pettigrew star, haha..." He laughed mockingly.

"If Brian and I hadn't come to save you tonight, you would have turned into a corpse at this time," Snape's deep voice echoed hollowly in the tunnel, "A werewolf and a wanted criminal, you wouldn't have Use your brain to think about your fate? And take your friends with you..."

Harry blushed and told himself to calm down, it would be unwise to anger Snape at this time.

"Peter Pettigrew is in Foley's hands. As long as he finds Dumbledore, he will definitely figure out the truth." Harry comforted himself in his heart.

They walked silently in the low tunnel, only the sound of their footsteps echoed lowly. Hermione hugged Crookshanks and seemed a little depressed.

When they walked out of the low tree hole, the crescent moon was already hanging high in the black velvet night, and there was silence all around. It was dark on the ground, save for the faint light from the windows of the distant castle.

The group of people took a few steps toward the castle, but stopped because the surroundings were suddenly enveloped by a strange cold. The moon was hidden in the night, the surroundings became pitch black, and a "gurgling" breath sounded in the darkness. Voice.

Brian looked up at the sky. A large group of dementors surrounded them, a large, dark area, at least a hundred of them.

"How could..." Brian murmured softly.

"Dementors? Why are they here?" Snape frowned.

He stepped forward and communicated with the guards of Azkaban: "I have captured Sirius Black, go back to your posts! He will be handed over to the Ministry of Magic for processing!"

But these dementors did not disperse. Instead, they continued to approach them, greedily absorbing all the happiness and hope.

The three little wizards turned pale, and Harry looked especially serious. A dazzling green light flashed in his mind again, and screams sounded...

"Go away!" Snape took out his wand and pointed it at them, but he seemed hesitant.

"Calling the Guardian!" A piece of silvery mist spewed out from the tip of his wand, obviously he didn't want to expose his patron saint.

The silvery mist dissipated the chill slightly, but for a large group of dementors, the effect was minimal. As if they were enraged, they flew over with claws and fangs, tearing the mist into pieces. A few Dementors had even taken off their hoods.

The three little wizards had collapsed to the ground, shaking and unconscious.

At this time, the dementors were approaching, and they stretched out their cold and powerful hands to strangle everyone's throat. The surroundings were all dark and filled with Dementors, and Brian could no longer see anyone else.

"Calling the Guardian!" Brian pointed at the Dementor with his wand, and a silver-white raven flew out from the tip of the wand. It bravely faced the dementors, and its small figure brought endless warmth and hope.

But the dementors were unwilling to leave just like that this time for some unknown reason. They surrounded us from a distance, but they didn't dare to get any closer.

Brian had no choice but to retreat, alert to the darkness around him. The darkness of the Dementors made him confused, and he didn't even know how far away he was from Snape's side.

At this time, for some reason, Peter Pettigrew suddenly woke up. He took the opportunity to bite off the tip of his tail and ran towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Brian was distracted and chased after Peter Pettigrew. He chanted a flying spell, but this time he was escaped by Pettigrew.

A silver-white deer jumped out of the jungle in the distance, jumping and running in the air. It held its head high, elegantly and bravely driving away the surrounding dementors.

Snape and his party were so far away from him without realizing it, and even the light of the patronus of the deer was still moving away from him quickly.

Brian paused, feeling that it would be dangerous to continue chasing.

"Something's wrong." Brian planned to meet up with Snape and the others.

"Oh, you're leaving, Brian?" A voice said in the darkness ahead, "Aren't you going to go further in? It's so romantic and exciting to explore the Forbidden Forest alone in the dark night. It’s something.”

Brian raised his wand and pointed at the darkness between the trees. The dementors were still surrounding him from a distance, but they were afraid of his patron saint and could not get closer. The silver-white brilliance of the doe in the distance became farther and farther away, and gradually became invisible.

"Brace?" Brian said softly, his deep eyes wandering around.

"I was recognized by you. What a failure." A figure walked out of the darkness ahead, it was Blais Shabini. He looked at Brian with a smile, holding a worn-out parchment in his hand. Peter Pettigrew lay squeaking at his feet.

And more figures slowly appeared around them. They were wearing hooded black robes. Surrounded by dementors, they gradually moved closer and surrounded all of Brian's escape routes.

Brian narrowed his eyes, looked at the parchment in Blaise's hand, and said calmly: "The Marauder's Map? It was you who attacked Hermione that day, Blaise? No, you are not Blaise..."

"Oh? Why am I not Brace Shabini?" The boy in front of him grinned.

"Brace has been replaced since returning to school at Christmas." Brian said slowly, "Let's not talk about your mysterious behavior...Brace is afraid of snakes. He has a psychological shadow in the first grade, but you After I came back on Christmas Day, I was no longer afraid of Ofer...and you always appeared near the eighth floor."

"That time in the common room, my spyglass lit up. Now it seems that it was not just because Draco and the others added a potion to my drink, but also because you returned to the common room...but also In terms of aesthetics, I have to say that your aesthetic level is much higher than that of Blaise..."

"Haha, as expected, you are still so cautious..." Blaise said with a smile, "I am not Blaise, but I am Shabini."

"Are you Blaise's father?" Brian raised his eyebrows, which was somewhat unexpected.

"Yes, but...not biologically..." Shabini added.

"Are you pretending to be Blaise to steal or destroy my time turner?" Brian looked into his eyes.

"It seems that you have discovered it? You are such a cunning little guy... half a year, a whole half year!" Shabini said with a sneer, "I have been trying to follow you and take away things from you since the Christmas holiday. time turner... Of course, if possible, I would be willing to deal with you directly... I originally thought this was a simple task..."

"Who would have known that you would be so vigilant that you would use the Disillusionment Curse even when you are alone, wear a speculum on you, and keep using the time turner!" Shabini said bitterly, "Why? Therefore, I had to maintain Occlumency at all times to prevent being detected by the looking glass. Later, I finally applied for a gadget that can see through invisibility... but you still have a secret little stronghold? "

"I'm very surprised. Since you can see through my invisibility later on, why don't you attack me directly?" Brian raised his eyebrows and said, "It should be easy to succeed."

"Haha, you have to thank Harry Potter and the little girl next to him," Shabini said fiercely, "They are following me! Those two stupid Gryffindors!"

"Whenever I follow you, they follow me like little tails wearing invisibility cloaks. They don't know Occlumency, so they will always be noticed by your looking glass! That's when you become suspicious again ..." Shabini was itching her teeth with hatred.

"So that's it. I've always wondered why Hermione can always track me. You know, I worked so hard to deal with the Marauder's Map in your hand, and there was no black dot belonging to me on it at all. Brian chuckled and squinted at the silent figures around him, "So they thought you were me? But they bumped into each other by mistake..."

"Yeah, I didn't expect them to have such an interesting thing..." Shabini glanced at the Marauder's Map in his hand.

"At those times, I had to give up following you, maintain the Disillusionment Spell, and lead them in circles, but they were always like dog-skin plaster and couldn't be shaken off!"

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