Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 151 The upcoming adventure

In the Gryffindor common room, the three Harrys were discussing Trelawney's prophecy.

"So, that old liar started talking nonsense again?" Hermione buried herself in the tall pile of books without raising her head.

"Her tone didn't sound like she was joking!" Ron said, "Besides, she didn't remember anything after she said it..."

"Isn't that the same as the time when Brian was prophesied?" Hermione asked, "I didn't see him really being killed by the ominous thing."

"Uh..." Ron was speechless.

"It's indeed a bit strange. She said that Voldemort's servants will break free...but Sirius Black has escaped long ago?" Harry frowned, "And, Black Crow, what is that?"

"Wait, you mean Black Crow?" Hermione looked up.

"Yes, Hermione, you didn't listen to us carefully just now! Trelawney said that the black crow has spread its wings and will sweep the world." Ron spread his hands.

Hermione bit her lip and put down the thick book in her hand, looking a little uneasy.

"What? Hermione, do you know what a raven is?" Harry said.

"I don't know..." Hermione hesitated and shook her head. She felt that she might have thought too much and tried to put everything on Brian, which was very irrational.

At this time, several little wizards entered the common room chatting and laughing, and Crookshanks also followed in with a swagger. He had an old roll of parchment in his mouth, and his ginger tail was raised high.

"Go away!" Ron drove it away without waiting. Crookshanks ignored him and jumped onto the table, throwing the parchment on the table.

"This is... the Marauder's Map!" Harry said in surprise, and he picked up the Marauder's Map.

"What? How is this possible?" Hermione's eyes widened. She looked at the map and then at Crookshanks who was licking his paw, looking very surprised.

"Harry, I think you shouldn't use it..." Hermione said sternly, "I don't know, but maybe the person who attacked me returned it and wanted to use it for some purpose..."

"How could it be? As long as I don't go out!" Harry said. He pointed his wand at the parchment and said, "I solemnly swear that I will do no evil."

The map slowly emerged, and the small dots on it were moving.

Hermione frowned, and she also leaned over and looked at the Marauder's Map. She wanted to know what she found that day, so she went out to investigate alone.

She looked at the place where she fainted. There was an open space with no one there. To be honest, now that the castle has tightened security due to Blake's knife break-in and attack, no one will leave the castle at night.

At this time, there was a small black spot moving in that direction on the field, which seemed particularly conspicuous.

"Look, Harry!" Hermione pointed at the little black dot, "It's him!"

"Why is he here...it's so late?" Harry said, "Sure enough, something is wrong...is this really Foley?"

"I'm not sure, but I always feel that what happened that day has something to do with him..." Hermione said seriously.

"It must have something to do with him. We have been following him, but he seems to be able to find us and keeps leading us in circles." Harry said angrily. Otherwise, he wouldn't have felt that the stalking was useless that day and left Hermione to investigate on her own.

"Or maybe you were with the wrong person that day?" Harry guessed.

Hermione looked at the Marauder's Map with a gloomy expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Hermione, don't even think about investigating him anymore! It's so late and it's dangerous to go to the venue!" Harry said, about to put away the Marauder's Map.

"No, Harry!" Hermione screamed, pressing the Marauder's Map. "Look at Hagrid's hut! There... Hagrid is not the only one in there!"

Harry glanced at Hagrid's hut. Buckbeak was tied up outside the house. The dot representing Hagrid in the house was motionless, and very close to him was another dot: Peter Pettigrew.

"How is that possible!" Harry stood up quickly, causing the little wizards in the common room to cast doubtful glances.

"Harry? Could this be the person you said? The one who was killed by Black..." Ron opened his mouth wide, "He's not dead? And he also met Hagrid secretly at night..."

"Could they have the same name?" Hermione asked.

But Harry could no longer listen to what they were saying. He murmured very quickly: "If it's really the same person... is there any hidden secret about what happened back then? Maybe I can ask Pettigrew. Peter...he must know something and be doing something, so he has been pretending to die for so many years..."

"I have to go take a look!" Harry said suddenly.

"No! Harry! You said it's dangerous to go out at night!" Hermione also stood up and stared at him.

"But...Hermione, you know, this is about my parents...I need to know, I must know!" Harry looked at Hermione without giving in.

"No, I won't allow you to go out privately!" Hermione's cheeks turned red. "The Marauder's Map was sent back. This may be a trap set by someone, or Sirius Black, to lure you out! "

Seeing the two people glaring at each other without giving in, and no one could convince the other, Ron said dryly: "I said... why don't you ask Professor Lupin? Harry, don't you mean that Professor Lupin knew what happened back then?" Something?"

Harry and Hermione finally nodded and approved the plan. Harry took the invisibility cloak and the three of them left the common room and headed towards Professor Lupin's office. Crookshanks followed them leisurely and gracefully.

They knocked on the office door. Lupine was still wearing the same shabby clothes and looked a little sickly. He smiled and said: "No matter what, hanging out at night is a violation of discipline...even though it is me you are looking for."

He opened the doorway and allowed the three little wizards to walk in.

"Professor Lupin, you know what happened to my parents back then," Harry breathed rapidly, "Can you tell me what exactly happened back then?"

Lupine looked at Harry seriously and said slowly: "I remember I told you about this, Harry... you shouldn't continue to dwell on this..."

"But is Peter Pettigrew really dead?" Harry said, "I saw it, he was staying in Hagrid's house..." He showed the Marauder's Map in his hand.

"What?" Lupine's eyes instantly became extremely sharp, which made Harry feel a little scary. He looked down at the Marauder's Map. After a long time, he raised his head and his eyes returned to their usual gentle look.

"I didn't expect that you would have this map in your hands." He sighed. "There may be some hidden secrets about what happened back then, but you have to go back first." Lu Ping seemed a little anxious.

"Professor, are you going to find him?" Harry said, "Please take me with you!"

"And us!" Hermione and Ron followed.

"That's not possible, it's too dangerous." Lupine said sternly.

"No, Professor, I have the right to know! No matter what, I will get there!" Harry looked at him with burning eyes and raised the invisibility cloak in his hand.

Lu Ping blinked and said with emotion: "Your personality is exactly the same as his..."

"Okay..." Lupine sighed, "You can follow me, but you must remember, no matter what happens, don't step out of the invisibility cloak... I think you should know your priorities."

The three little wizards looked at each other and nodded.

In the Room of Requirement, Brian was looking at the time-turner.

At this time, the gold sand in the small hourglass is still flowing and is still in an unusable state.

He asked Professor McGonagall that Hermione's broken time turner was also taken away by the Silent Man today. It was a pity, otherwise he would be able to refine the time turner from the remains.

Brian picked up the time-turner and hung it around his neck.

At this time, he glanced at the Marauder's Map.

He saw Lupine and Harry walking across the grounds towards Hagrid's hut.

"Alas..." Brian sighed softly, "Is things really ahead of schedule?"

He thought for a moment and touched the time turner hanging around his neck. If you look back five hours, it will be usable again soon.

"In that case, you can go take a look..." He glanced at the Marauder's Map and walked towards the outside of the Room of Requirement.

He had to catch Peter Pettigrew.

Thank you Hobo for the 100 starting coins.

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