Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 150 Prophecy made in advance

Brian walked slowly towards the classroom where his next class would be, but he was thinking about Hermione's words in his mind.

"That dream of hers..." Brian pondered. She said that she was in a green chamber with a portrait of Slytherin in front of her, and no one should know about it.

"But something's wrong. She said that in the dream, I was more mature and should be an adult..." Brian's brows frowned more and more.

"Does Hermione really have the ability to predict things?" he wondered, dumbfounded. "Don't tell me that she awakened her talent for prophecy for some unknown reason..."

"But she also said she thought it was like a memory, like something that had actually happened."

"I can't figure it out..."

"But why was her time turner destroyed?" Brian turned to think about this matter. "The attacker did not take it but destroyed it... This is illogical."

He wrote this down and walked into the Charms classroom.

At the beginning of June, the last class of this semester is coming to an end.

During this Divination lesson, Trelawney made her usual fuss about the ominous presence before Harry's eyes. Harry nodded perfunctorily. He was almost tired of hearing this this semester. He could guess Trelawney's next words with his toes.

Hermione hadn't been to Divination since that class because her time-turner was destroyed and she had to choose to drop two classes. She gave up the Divination class without hesitation, and finally, after weighing it for a long time, reluctantly gave up the Muggle Studies class. This made her feel a lot less stressed and she didn't look so haggard.

Daphne frowned and reviewed the divination textbook. Although Brian told her that when taking the divination test, she only needed to exaggerate that she would encounter disasters to get high scores, but Daphne was obviously still uneasy, fearing that she would get a different test point.

Brian's alchemy and potion skills both broke through to the expert level last night, which gave him a big surprise. Because of the use of the time converter, this year's study time seems particularly long. In comparison, he spent the most time on alchemy, and potions went particularly well because of Snape's guidance.

"So, can I start refining the time turner?" Brian pondered. He already had an idea for obtaining materials.

At this time, the bell rang, waking up the little wizards from their drowsy state. They left this particularly stuffy classroom with great relief.

Harry and Ron were discussing something in a low voice. Brian packed his things and let Daphne go down the escalator first.

"...The servants of the Dark Lord will break free from their chains and set out to join their master. The Dark Lord will come back with the help of his servants and the Black Crow, more powerful than before... The Black Crow spreads its wings, and it will sweep the world..."

Trelawney suddenly screamed in a loud, piercing voice.

Brian paused and looked at Trelawney. She was rolling her eyes wildly and saying shocking words.

"How come it's ahead of time?" Brian frowned and murmured to himself in a low voice, "And Black Crow?"

Harry and Ron stared at Trelawney as if they had seen a ghost, with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Professor? What are you talking about?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Oh? What?" Trelawney suddenly woke up and yawned, "I'm sorry, dear child, it's too hot. You know... I took a nap..."

"You...you just said...that the Dark Lord is coming back, and that his servants are going to return to him...and the black crow?" Ron said.

Trelawney's eyes widened in shock, the spectacle lenses on her face making her eyes even wider.

"The Dark Lord? The one who must not even be named? My dear child, that is no joke... coming back, my God... I will definitely not predict such outrageous things!" Trelawney whispered softly. The ground babbled.

Brian climbed up the ladder and out of the trap door, his expression a little solemn.

"What's wrong, Brian? I heard Professor Trelawney making prophecies again..." Daphne frowned. She was increasingly convinced that Trelawney was an old liar.

"Who knows? Maybe she thought it would be more impressive to end the school year this way." Brian said softly.

[Witness Trelawney’s prophecy, witness points +2]

Brian took a look, then said goodbye to Daphne, and returned directly to the Room of Requirement, intending to use the Marauder's Map to investigate what changes had occurred to advance the prophecy.

However, today the Room of Requirement seemed deserted, and he had no future here.

On the chair next to the desk, there was a shiny gold chain hanging from it, with a delicate hourglass hanging from it.

"Time turner?" Brian leaned over, but did not reach out rashly to take it.

He carefully observed the small hourglass. The fine sand inside was flowing slowly. It was obvious that it had been used once not long ago and was in an unusable state at this time.

Brian looked at the time now, it was just after five o'clock in the afternoon.

He took out his time turner and looked at it, thinking with a somewhat solemn gaze: "Why should I leave the time turner here in the future?"

Brian frowned and didn't move it for the time being.

He took out the Marauder's Map and examined it. There was no chaos in the school. The Harry trio and Crookshanks were in the common room, and Peter Pettigrew was staying in Hagrid's cabin. But there are a few more strangers' names in the castle.

Brian had no intention of studying, so he walked out of the Room of Requirement and walked towards the auditorium. As she passed the foyer, Professor McGonagall was waiting there. She waved to Brian and said, "Fuli, please come with me first."

Brian paused and followed Professor McGonagall in the opposite direction of the auditorium.

"Professor McGonagall, what can I do?" Brian asked politely.

"You know, Miss Granger's time turner was damaged the day before yesterday," Professor McGonagall said in a serious tone. "The time turner is a very precious thing. Its refining method has been lost. There are no more than two in existence today. Ten, less than ten exist in the Ministry of Magic..."

Brian nodded slightly.

"It's a pity, Mr. Foley. The Silent Men of the Department of Mysteries believe that you are not capable of keeping such a valuable item safe. They proposed to take back your Time Turner several times and refused to provide it to students again. The Ministry of Magic finally agreed to this request. ." Professor McGonagall said, "I think you should take it with you now."

Brian frowned. The time turner was very important to him now and was the key to his escape from the ominous situation.

"But, professor, I need it. I need to use the time turner in the next exam..." Brian said.

"Perhaps you can choose to give up the exam in one subject," Professor McGonagall said. "Of course, if you care very much, I think the professor is willing to spare some time to arrange an exam for you alone... However, starting from next year, you I have to drop an elective course."

Several men in black robes stood in the corridor in front. A man who looked young, but had a strangely aged look in his eyes said with a smile: "This is Brian Foley, he really is from Hogwarts." Model student... It's a pity that we have to make this decision. Of course, if you like, you can choose to graduate and come to the Department of Mysteries."

"He is Elliot Tanat, the Silent Man of the Department of Mysteries." Professor McGonagall said.

The Silent Man is a person who keeps secrets, and is a general term for researchers in the Department of Mysteries, because they are all mysterious researchers and are silent about everything in the Department of Mysteries.

Tanat smiled and chatted with Professor McGonagall, completely different from the mysterious and boring character of the Silent Man.

Brian remained silent, thinking about the time-turner in the Room of Requirement.

Professor McGonagall argued hard about the time-turner, saying that Brian was really a model student and had the ability to preserve the time-turner, but Tanat smiled and refused to let go.

"You have to understand our difficulties, Professor McGonagall. You know, if it is just lost, we can get it back." Tanat held his forehead and said, "But the time turner is broken! We don't plan to After all, we cannot be too harsh on a teenage girl when we hold that girl accountable...but we must stop our losses in time, there are really not many time turners left!"

Brian narrowed his eyes and said to himself: "So you are waiting for me here."

He thought that Hermione's time-turner had been destroyed in order to make the Ministry of Magic anxious and then take away his time-turner.

"And..." Looking at Professor McGonagall's dissatisfied look, Thanat said meaningfully, "This young gentleman has violated the rules... During our limited follow-up and monitoring, we found that Foley was interested in the time turner. It is used unexpectedly frequently..."

He looked at Brian and said: "Being curious about time is admirable, but it is also extremely dangerous..."

Upon hearing this, Professor McGonagall glared at Brian, then straightened her face and stopped talking.

Brian narrowed his eyes and looked at the group of people who were determined not to give up until they got the time turner. He took out the time turner and handed it to Thanat.

"A storm is coming." Brian said with emotion as he watched the group of people turn around and leave without any hesitation.

Thank you Yuky - 200 book coins without tip~

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