Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 149 Attack

After many years, Slytherin lost the Quidditch Cup for the first time.

Captain Flint said angrily that he had embarrassed Slytherin, which was simply the greatest shame.

The atmosphere in the Slytherin common room was a bit gloomy, but no one was harsh on the team members.

Draco looked like he was about to cry, he had never looked so ugly.

"It's all because Potter's broomstick is faster than mine!" Draco said with white lips after returning to the dormitory.

"Flying broomsticks are also part of strength. This is what you said last semester." Brian said slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed with Ofer in his hand.

Draco threw himself on the bed and covered his head with the quilt.

"In fact, Quidditch itself is an unfair sport. It allows the individual heroism of the seeker to turn the tide on his own, and it also allows the unfairness of the broomstick itself. At the same time, it also depends to a large extent on Luck..." Brian said calmly.

"But it is still so popular because everyone can find their own place in it... Just like life, unfairness is the norm, strength and luck are indispensable, and that is why it is full of surprises, so it is wonderful. …”

"You have tried your best, Draco." Brian said in a soft voice, "You made no mistakes or mistakes, so there is no need to be disappointed..."

"By the way, I haven't told you yet, your performance is really wonderful, Draco." Brian had a gentle and restrained smile on his lips.

"Okay, what are you mumbling over there?" Draco muttered in a muffled voice, "I don't need your comfort. There's nothing wrong with me, I just want to be quiet."

Sensing that Draco's tone had become more energetic, Brian smiled, looked at the 0.3 witness points he had gained from watching the finals, and pressed Ofer's head that was raised high.

Draco was still very tolerant, and soon he returned to his normal self, putting his friends at ease.

And the time is slowly approaching June, and the exam is approaching.

The weather became very hot, and the little wizards had to stay in the castle, forcing themselves to concentrate on reading boring textbooks and completing more and more heavy homework.

Daphne once again entered the test anxiety period and looked a little haggard.

"Didn't she try the Joy Potion or the Happy Charm?" Draco asked Astoria.

Astoria smiled peacefully and said, "She tried it, and then she played mindlessly for a few hours... As a result, she became even more anxious."

"Well, at least her approach tells us not to use joy potions and the like at this time." Draco raised his eyebrows.

There are still two days until June, and classes are still going on as normal, and the atmosphere of review is getting more and more tense.

However, one thing broke this atmosphere and brought tension and panic to the little wizards.

Hermione borrowed the Invisibility Cloak from Harry after class in the afternoon and went out, and did not come back until late at night.

Harry looked anxious because Sirius Black was probably wandering around here. He told Professor McGonagall about it.

After a search by the professors, she was finally found on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. She fainted there, covered with Harry's invisibility cloak, only showing a furry head.

"Oh my God, was she attacked by Black?" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed as she was taken to the school hospital.

"Fortunately, everything is fine. I was just hit by a coma spell." After checking, she quickly woke up Hermione.

"How are you feeling, dear?" Madam Pomfrey said softly. Professor McGonagall stared at her, looking very nervous.

Hermione opened her mouth and said, "I'm fine."

"Child, what happened to you?"

Hermione looked a little confused and shook her head, covering her forehead.

Madam Pomfrey sighed: "She has been cast a forgetting curse!"

"Can you tell me why you were out late at night, Miss Granger?" Professor McGonagall asked with trembling lips.

Hermione blinked and continued to shake her head: "I can't remember."

She checked her things. Her wand and invisibility cloak were there, but the Marauder's Map was missing.

"Professor, have you seen an old piece of parchment? It should have fallen on the ground next to me..." Hermione said.

"No, Miss Granger. The only thing around you is this invisibility cloak." Professor McGonagall said with a straight face.

"Really?" Hermione murmured. She tugged on the gold chain hanging around her neck, touched the small time turner, and then her eyes widened.

"Professor, the time turner...it's broken!" Hermione took out the small hourglass. It was broken and golden sand was scattered everywhere. She pursed her lips tightly, as if she was about to cry.

Professor McGonagall groaned. She took the time turner from Hermione's hand, blew her nose and said, "I understand, you rest here first. We will check..." She left in a hurry.

Harry and Ron were allowed to visit Hermione after the professors left. Harry said: "Hermione, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Harry. It's just that I forgot what happened tonight..." Hermione's eyes were red and she looked a little confused.

"Are you sure it's only about tonight?" Ron swallowed.

"Probably, I'm sure..."

Harry said: "You came over and asked me to borrow the invisibility cloak... You know, we have been investigating Foley! Did he attack you?"

"I don't know..." Hermione bit her lip and said, "Sorry, Harry, I lost your Marauder's Map."

"As long as you're okay, Hermione, don't think about that," Harry said. Although he felt a little disappointed, he was even more grateful that nothing happened to Hermione. "Didn't you always say that there might be some dark magic hidden in that map? It would be better to lose it."

"I really should have gone with you this time..." Harry said guiltily, "If I hadn't let down my guard..."

"You have your own business, Harry." Hermione shook her head, "This is my business, I asked for it..."

At this time, Madam Pomfrey came over and drove the two young wizards out.

Hermione was discharged from the hospital early the next morning. And this matter also spread among the young wizards. Many people saw the professors' actions last night.

Brian frowned, stopping Hermione after her Arithmancy lesson.

He looked at the little witch looking a little haggard and sighed slightly: "You should pay attention to rest, Hermione."

"I know..." Hermione said unnaturally.

"We haven't talked for a long time. You seem to have a lot of misunderstandings about me?" Brian said straight to the point.

Hermione opened her mouth, then looked directly at him and said, "Maybe, you know, some things are hard for me to let go of."

"If you really want to know something, you can talk to me directly. Misunderstandings will not disappear, they will only accumulate, and eventually people will drift away." Brian said gently.

"So, I want to know, was it you who attacked me last night?" Hermione pursed her lips and said.

"It's not me." Brian looked into her eyes and said, "Although I know you are investigating and following me..." He saw Hermione's cheeks turn pink.

"I wanted to talk to you, but you ran away when you saw me." Brian said in a soft voice.

"Well, since it's not you, then you have to be careful." Hermione said seriously, "My time turner was destroyed, and I'm afraid that person will attack you, because you also have a time turner."

Brian's dark pupils shrank slightly, he pinched his fingers and nodded slightly.

"But, I don't remember what happened last night..." Hermione said unnaturally, "When did you know that I was following you?"

"From the beginning," Brian smiled and showed his speculum, "it keeps reminding me."

Hermione took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, Brian. Do you want to know why I did this?"

Brian smiled and nodded, pretending to be listening.

"You know, last semester, I was attacked by a basilisk, but you may not know that I looked directly into the eyes of the basilisk." Hermione gritted her teeth. "I know very well that it was not an illusion... In fact, at that time, I recognized the basilisk instantly, and I thought I was dead..." Her tone trembled slightly.

"I can't think of a reason, Brian...did you really throw away that notebook?" Hermione bit her lip tightly.

"This is obvious, Hermione, I didn't know you were struggling with this matter." Brian lowered his eyes and looked into Hermione's eyes, sighing softly, "Otherwise, there is no need for me to reveal the truth. ?"

"Don't think too much. I think the heir may have made some arrangements. You know, once someone is killed, things will become big... I think the heir wants to expel Muggle-born wizards from the school, not You want the school to close down.”

"Yeah, maybe." Hermione's eyes were slightly blank, "Maybe I'm thinking too much... Do you know? When I was petrified last semester, I had a very real dream..."

"In the dream, you passed through the Chamber of Secrets, passed by the corpse of the basilisk, and finally stood in the middle of a green secret room, with a portrait of Slytherin in front of you..." Hermione glanced at Brian, then shook her head and said, "But in the dream you were more mature than you are now, like an adult."

Brian blinked his eyes and smiled without showing anything strange: "What? Do you still have the talent for predicting dreams?"

"Trelawney said I didn't, and I don't want to..." Hermione curled her lips, "It's not like a prediction, it's more like something that has already happened, a memory."

"It's just a dream." Brian shook his head, "Ah, class is about to start, I have to leave first!"

"Bye." Hermione waved her hand and sighed softly.

What she didn't say was that Brian in the dream turned into a dark raven, spread his black wings, and brought endless darkness and fear to the world.

"But, that dream is outrageous, Hermione." She told herself, "It's obviously just a dream, but why, I'm always a little afraid of him..."

"As if it had really happened..."

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