Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 148 Quidditch Final

Since Black broke into the castle for the second time, the school's security measures have become stricter. At night, no one is allowed to leave the common room, and young wizards who wander out at night will be severely punished.

Hagrid's hippogriff Buckbeak lost the lawsuit, which made the trio very worried and dissatisfied, and also became a catalyst for easing their relationship. Hermione apologized for Scabbers, and Ron forgave her, except for the cat, of course.

It is worth mentioning that when Draco once again used his bad words to provoke them and taunted them about Hagrid, Hermione slapped him hard. Everyone was shocked at the time.

Draco unexpectedly left without saying anything harsh. His cheek was swollen and there was a slap mark on it. Brian had to cast a healing spell on him before he could see anyone.

"So, Draco, you will always suffer from this." Brian said helplessly.

Draco frowned and said, "I'll make them look good!" He muttered something in a low voice, but did not go to his father about this matter, but later he became more serious when learning spells.

Blaise sometimes sneaks out mysteriously, but Theodore sees it all. Theodore felt that since Blaise received several love letters and bundles of flowers on Valentine's Day, he liked to go out and wander around the castle more and more.

"I hope Blaise isn't dating several girls..." Theodore muttered.

"How could it be? Doesn't he already have a girlfriend?" Daphne said, "I don't believe Blaise would do such a thing."

"Perhaps, we can think about it in another direction. At least Blaise's aesthetic level is much more normal." Draco joked, "This is growth... I think his girlfriend is probably a strict girl."

Brian still maintained his vigilance, which was not useless. Once he checked the ingredients of the sleeping potion in his water glass. One night someone broke into his dormitory and was bitten by Ofer and escaped.

But the next day Brian saw no signs of injury or poisoning, and it seemed that they were not from the school.

'It can't be Sirius Black,' Brian thought. It's a pity that the man hid his appearance and smell, so Ofer couldn't tell.

However, after that day, Harry and Hermione seemed to have given up following him, which made Brian feel a lot more comfortable.

During this period, Brian watched two more Quidditch games and gained a total of 0.2 witness points. His level of potions and alchemy is also steadily improving, and he has vaguely reached the threshold of expert level.

In the future, he was sitting quietly reading a book, looking extremely focused. Brian thought for a moment, then leaned over with his pocket watch and said, "Change it?"

The future self sighed, took out his pocket watch and handed it over.

But as soon as Brian took it into his hands, the pocket watch shattered into a pile of powder with a bang. Brian blinked slightly.

"We can't exchange things, because this will form a paradox, and time does not allow paradoxes to appear." He said softly in the future, "Do you see? This is the power of time... I think, if we try to use If we challenge the rules of time ourselves, this will be our fate.”

"Interesting." Brian put the pocket watch back into his pocket and said calmly, "Time can give us gifts, but it can also destroy us, right?"

He sat back and took notes, then continued to spread out the textbook.

Now Brian still regards one day as two days, and he will leave enough rest time for himself, so he is in good spirits. And all the homework was nothing to him.

But Hermione obviously didn't have such a complete plan. She looked exhausted under the chaotic time and more and more homework, and was on the verge of collapse. She even forgot to attend a Charms lesson.

Finally, in the Divination class, when Trelawney once again told Harry that something bad was approaching him, Hermione finally couldn't help but explode. She had a fight with Trelawney and then left the Divination class, declaring that she would never come to class again.

"So, has the professor's prophecy been fulfilled?" Daphne whispered, "Around Easter, one of us will leave us forever..." She thought of Trelawney's prophecy about herself, and she seemed a little confused. concern.

"I don't think this is true. Hermione didn't leave us 'forever'. You know, she's fine." Brian whispered.

"Yes, she even scared you!" Daphne smiled, "She said you were being targeted by something ominous... In fact, I don't think she had any other explanation other than being ominous..."

Trelawney's watery eyes glared over, causing Daphne to stop talking.

After the Easter holidays, there was only one topic on everyone's mind, and that was the Quidditch final.

This game was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, which was particularly tense, and except for Slytherin, all the students were supporting Gryffindor.

You know, except for last year's Quidditch match, which was canceled due to an attack, Slytherin has won the Quidditch Cup for eight consecutive years. Obviously, none of the other houses wanted to see Slytherin continue to win.

"This just shows how strong we are. They can only compete with us if they stick together!" Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team, encouraged.

In the period leading up to the game, tensions between the two houses were at a fever pitch, with minor scuffles often breaking out in the hallways. Once, students from two colleges entered the campus hospital with leeks popping out of their ears.

Draco wanted to deal with Harry, but he found that Harry was guarded by a group of people wherever he went. He turned and secretly recited a curse to Ron, causing his head to inflate into a big red balloon and flying to the ceiling with his body.

This obviously stimulated the sensitive nerves of the two colleges and almost triggered a big melee. Fortunately, Snape arrived in time. He made a nonchalant comment to Ron who was floating in the air, and then drove away the little Gryffindor wizards who were blushing and thick-necked with anger.

As the game drew closer, Draco seemed a little anxious. As Slytherin's seeker, he was under a lot of pressure facing Harry who had a Firebolt. To this end, he devoted a lot of time to training. It was obvious that Draco really loved Quidditch.

Brian couldn't help much in this regard. In fact, as long as Draco was serious, his level was still very good.

"But, Quidditch is not a fair sport to begin with," Brian lamented, "But, what in this world is absolutely fair?"

Finally, the day of the finals arrived. Draco's face was pale, which made the two sisters Daphne worried.

The stands next to the pitch were full, with three-quarters of the crowd waving red flags depicting the Gryffindor lion. Only a quarter of the green and silver were gathered behind the Slytherin goalposts, with Snape sitting in the front row, a grim smile on his face.

As Mrs. Huo Qi blew the whistle, the two teams, staring at each other like sworn enemies, flew into the sky at the same time. The game was extremely fierce at the beginning.

This is not just a ball game, it is simply a chaos. Players from the two houses collided with each other, trying to knock each other off their broomsticks; the sticks used to hit Bludgers always accidentally hit the opponent's head; the players who should have caught the Quaffle Instead, he grabbed the opponent's head, and the two seekers were attacked by the Bludgers and surrounded by the opponent's players.

Lee Jordan, who was in charge of the commentary, started yelling and swearing, and the little wizards in the audience also crowded together excitedly. The screams, curses and boos made the place noisier than a vegetable market. Brian was pushed aside by the little wizards, rubbed his forehead and walked to the back of the auditorium.

Luna was also standing in the audience at the back watching. She didn't wear any accessories and watched the game with her eyes wide open.

"What, you don't like Quidditch?" Brian said with a smile.

"Well, I don't really like it." Luna said in a trance, her ethereal voice making it easy for people to distinguish her in a noisy environment.

"Me too..." Brian said, "Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. I just think they are noisy?"

Luna blinked slowly and suddenly let out a high-pitched laugh. She laughed so hard that she doubled over and held her belly.

Brian rubbed his forehead, looking a little helpless. He couldn't figure out what Luna found so funny.

On the field, Gryffindor was already sixty points ahead, and Draco grabbed Harry's broomstick to prevent him from catching the Golden Snitch.

The narrator was yelling angrily, and even Professor McGonagall was yelling angrily, shaking her fist at Draco, and not even noticing that the hat fell off his head.

Luna finally stopped laughing. She wiped the tears from her eyes and laughed uncontrollably from time to time.

"I think it's very interesting." She said seriously, and couldn't help laughing again.

"Yes, but I find it difficult to understand." Brian laughed. The two looked at each other and smiled, then turned to look at the field.

Draco spotted the Snitch and rushed over. Harry chased after him, caught up to Draco's feet, and stood side by side with Draco... Finally, he blocked Draco's arm and caught the Golden Snitch first.

The game is over.

The whole place was in an uproar. A group of people lifted Harry high and carried him to the stands. Dumbledore held the huge Quidditch trophy and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

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