At night, Brian was reading the Alchemical Codex in the Room of Requirement, and the surroundings were very quiet.

He recently modified the speculum, making it smaller and portable. It no longer emits a harsh sound and dazzling light, but instead emits a slight vibration like a text message on a cell phone.

At the same time, Brian also modified the judgment mechanism of the looking glass so that it would only sound an alarm when a suspicious person who was targeting him was approaching - so that it would not always sound nervously.

At this time, the looking glass was placed quietly on the desk. Brian looked at the Marauder's Map. It was already late at night and there was no one in the castle. However, Blaise Chabini was walking down the stairs on his way back to the common room.

"What has he been busy with recently..." Brian pondered for a moment and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He searched the Marauder's Map for a moment again and found traces of Scabbers, the little black dot representing it, hiding in Hagrid's hut.

Brian put down the Marauder's Map and continued to look at the book in his hand.

The next morning, when they woke up from bed, they found that the school had tightened security measures again, and the professors and students became nervous again.

I heard from the young Gryffindor wizard that Sirius Black broke into Harry Potter's dormitory with a knife last night. If his roommate hadn't been awakened, Harry would have been killed by him.

Neville sat on the chair with a pale face, because he had lost the note with the password on it, and the note fell into Black's hands. He thought he almost killed Harry.

Professor Flitwick was teaching the castle gatekeeper to identify a large photo of Black. Filch was very busy. He was trying to seal all the gaps in the castle and even the mouse holes. Maybe he thought Black could get in through the mouse holes. In the castle.

Sir Cadogan was dismissed from his post as guard of the Gryffindor common room because he allowed Sirius Black to enter the common room. The Fat Lady is back at her old job, but she's asking to hire a gang of gruff troll security guards to protect her.

Ron suddenly became famous, and he was happy to tell anyone who asked him about how he scared Black away last night.

Draco sighed in disappointment, muttering softly that Black was really incompetent and couldn't even deal with a few children.

A large group of owls flew into the auditorium as usual, and Neville received a howling letter from his grandmother. Poor Neville stumbled out of the auditorium, holding the big red envelope like a bomb. Soon, a loud roar came from the foyer.

Draco smiled and said: "If Longbottom can really kill Potter, I will let dad give him an award...the best teammate medal, how about it?"

It's Saturday and the little wizards can go to Hogsmeade again. Brian had no intention of going there this time. He had little interest in it. Moreover, recently he felt that he needed to stay at Hogwarts honestly instead of wandering around.

Draco and the others looked a little surprised. Who could refuse to spend the weekend in Hogsmeade?

After breakfast, Brian sat in the empty common room, where only the younger wizards were left. Astoria sat next to her and wrote her homework carefully, and Brian would help her from time to time.

Astoria is indeed a lovely girl. Although she is a little weak, she is smart and considerate. Several people care about her as a little sister.

In the afternoon, Draco came back covered in mud, with an angry but somewhat proud expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you, Draco?" Astoria asked in surprise.

"Hey, I'll tell you later..." Draco returned to the dormitory and changed some clothes. Crabbe and Goyle held a lot of candy and reluctantly gave some to Astoria.

"Did you know? Potter's head appeared in Hogsmeade!" Draco laughed so hard, "I told Professor Snape, he might be able to catch Potter's head... I saw He carried Potter to his office."

"Potter must have an invisibility cloak!" Draco said, "I think that while everyone is worried about Potter's safety, baby Potter is secretly going to Hogsmeade!"

Astoria leaned her little head and listened intently to Draco's vivid description of what he had seen in Hogsmeade, her blue eyes sparkling.

Brian shrugged and said nothing about it.

However, Harry's Marauder's Map will be confiscated this time. Maybe they can calm down for a while.

These days, he refined an alchemy item for himself, which was imbued with an anti-tracking spell, and he also maintained Occlumency at all times so that he would not be recorded on the Marauder's Map.

Brian didn't like to expose his tracks to others, and he didn't want Harry and the others to discover the Room of Requirement in advance.

"By the way, there's one more thing..." Draco said with a smile, "My dad sent me a letter saying that that stupid big monster is going to be executed... What good news."

Brian twitched the corners of his mouth. How bored could Mr. Malfoy be to cling to a magical animal? Maybe he is too busy and eats too much.

On the other side, Harry hurried out of Snape's office. He breathed out softly, because Snape didn't find any evidence, so he couldn't punish himself.

"Harry, did you go to Hogsmeade again?" Hermione's face looked serious. She obviously heard what happened.

"Uh..." Harry was speechless and nodded angrily.

"Well, I don't want to comment on this... but you know, Harry, you shouldn't joke about your own safety, especially when Black broke into your dormitory not long ago..." Hermione took a deep breath. With a tone of voice, she took out the Marauder's Map that she had been carrying with her recently and spread it out on the table.

"Fortunately you have this map in your hand, otherwise it might have been taken away by Snape today." Harry said somewhat thankfully.

"Use it with caution, Harry!" said Hermione. "It's not that trustworthy either."

"I think you use it more than me..." Harry huffed.

"So, I found something..." Hermione said.

"We haven't found Brian these days. I think he used some kind of disguise to avoid the Marauder's Map... Now I have found the evidence!" Hermione said, "I have been paying attention to the eighth floor recently. There is indeed a man who always goes there alone and behaves suspiciously!”

"Who is it?" Harry asked.

"Him!" Hermione pointed to the small black dot on the Marauder's Map, with a name displayed next to it.

"Oh, I know him!" Harry said.

"Yes, I found that this person's behavior was very similar to Brian's before, and he went to the same location..." Hermione said softly, "I think this should be Brian's disguise. You know, people will always think of using Use the names of people around you to disguise yourself..."

Harry nodded sympathetically.

"It's so strange, Harry..." Hermione said a little lowly, "His behavior is too suspicious."

"Don't think too much, Hermione." Harry comforted, "Find the evidence first."

In the following period, whenever Brian went to the Room of Requirement, the looking glass on his body would always vibrate, making him particularly suspicious.

"Is there something wrong with the looking glass?" Brian frowned, holding the wand in his hand. He has become suspicious lately.

Brian was going to have a serious talk with Hermione and Harry.

He waited around a corner, listening intently, until there came the sound of soft footsteps.

After canceling the disillusionment spell, Brian took a step forward and stood in front of the visitor. The man was startled and almost jumped up after exclaiming.

"Brace?" Brian blinked.

"Brian? Why are you here?" Blaise stared, "You scared me to death!"

"Nothing...what are you doing here?" Brian said softly, playing with the wand in his hand.

"Ahem, it's nothing..." Blaise coughed lightly and said mysteriously, "You don't have to worry about it..." He looked around, waved his hands and walked away.

Brian blinked, took out his Marauder's Map and looked at it.

Blaise was hurrying downstairs, and the two dots representing Harry and Hermione were also hurrying away from here.

"Did you scare them away?" Brian shook his head, feeling helpless.

Thank you to book friend 20170121234618311 for the 200 starting coins. Thank you for your monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you~

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