Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 146 Restoring a peaceful life

Brian rubbed his forehead and sighed as he watched the patron saint in front of him slowly disappear.

The effect of the Fuling Elixir was very good. At that time, he felt that he could succeed in anything he did. He didn't need to think carefully about everything, he could just follow his feelings and just go through it.

To be honest, Brian didn't look like himself at all at that time, but more like a reckless man, which made him even feel a little frightened when he recalled it.

Brian felt that this was probably one of the reasons why the Felixir was rarely used in combat. It was difficult to configure and took a long time. However, the Felixir itself also tended to make people blindly confident in luck, and once faced with Situations that cannot be solved by luck can easily lead to death.

Brian put away the remaining elixir and then sorted out his previous reasoning.

To be honest, after getting rid of the influence of the Felixir, Brian felt that his previous reasoning was full of loopholes, and many places were far-fetched, like a layman's fantasy.

However, since it is the guidance of Fuling Elixir, these conclusions are still very credible.

"If you deduce the process from the conclusion, you can indeed find a lot of doubts..." Brian compared the ominous information again, "Judging from the time interval between the victims, there are indeed traces of manipulation."

"So, what kind of force can control omen?" Brian frowned, "It is a force with a long history from the 13th century to the present..."

"Then, can you escape the ominous lock using a time turner?" Brian looked at the information, "Before Selena, everyone died within ten days after seeing the ominous thing, but Selina survived. Nineteen days... She is a researcher who often uses time turners."

"But she still died... was it because she stopped using the time turner, or was there human intervention?"

Selena died at home, killed by a dark wizard who broke into the house. The dark wizard was never caught.

"The cause of death is normal. It can be said to be bad luck, or it can be understood to be human intervention."

Brian continued to take out several pieces of information. These people also had time turners.

They all died within ten days of seeing the ominous sight.

"If you think that the time turner is the key, then these really seem to be covering up the ominous weaknesses..." Brian smiled, "In a period of time, people who have time turners are ominously selected. The probability is higher...you know, time turners are not a common thing."

"Bojin told me that only time can slip away from the ominous hands..." Brian fiddled with the small time turner and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I still don't know why I was targeted...it's just baffling."

Brian waved his wand, and his patronus jumped out from the tip of the wand, standing on his shoulder and preening its feathers.

"Raven..." Brian blinked, "To be honest, I thought it would be an Eastern dragon or an Eastern Phoenix... It seems I'm not that special. The morning star is really a lie."

"By the way, why are Draco, Daphne, and my Patronus all birds?"

Time moved forward slowly, and life at Hogwarts was as peaceful as ever.

Of course, Harry, who had just transformed back to his original self, didn't think so.

He wished he had a time machine and could go back to that morning when he would have smashed that drink on Malfoy's disgustingly pointed face.

He felt even more uncomfortable now than when he was suspected of being the heir of Slytherin in the second grade. When someone laid eyes on him, he felt his face burning and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

However, there was another thing that worried him, and that was the fact that Ron and Hermione's friendship seemed to be ending.

Last night, Ron's pet rat Scabbers disappeared, leaving only a trail of blood and a few long, ginger-colored Crookshanks cat hairs.

Ron was angry, not only because he had lost his pet mouse, but also because Hermione had never taken seriously that Crookshanks had been trying to eat Scabbers, and was still arguing that the cat was innocent.

Hermione excitedly thought that this could not be used as evidence that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers. He insisted that the cat hairs had been there since Christmas, and said that they had been there since Crookshanks smashed them in the Shop of Fantastic Beasts. He had been prejudiced against it since it was on Ron's head.

Harry secretly believed that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers, but after seeing Hermione's face, he still didn't say anything.

Hermione seemed a lot more haggard recently. Every time I saw her, she was always rushing to class, or burying herself in a thick stack of books and writing homework. Too many classes and homework made her nervous, and she seemed a little hysterical.

Harry had to be sandwiched between Ron and Hermione, neither of whom spoke to the other, which made him uncomfortable.

Fortunately, his Firebolt was returned by Professor McGonagall without any curse attached to it, which made him feel a lot better.

However, there are also bad things. For example, Fred and George always like to joke about him turning into a girl. Whenever this happens, Ginny will always scold them angrily. Harry is very happy that someone always cares about him. I also feel that she looks very much like Mrs. Weasley at this time.

And when he went to Professor Lupine to learn the Patronus Charm in private, Professor Lupine also teased him about it, saying that he looked very much like his mother Lily at that time, except for his hair color, of course. Harry was embarrassed and a little surprised that Lupine knew his mother.

Harry's nightmare was in Potions class. Since he returned to class, Snape seemed to be disgusted. The look he looked at him became even more disgusting, and he began to find trouble with him in every possible way, even Several incredible reasons for deducting points were invented. He's been a little nervous about going to Potions class lately.

Thankfully, he finally punched Malfoy until his eye socket was swollen when he laughed at him for turning into a girl, and then recited the bludgeoning spell on him.

Although the points were deducted, Harry felt very relieved.

Hermione still didn't give up tracking Foley. Harry felt that it was pointless at all, but he was still willing to help Hermione - Harry thought that her fragile nerves could not withstand the abuse recently.

The cold and dampness of winter has faded away, and the climate has become cooler and more comfortable.

The Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw was about to begin, and Draco was very unhappy that Harry got a Firebolt.

"My father is not willing to buy me a Firebolt," Draco said unhappily, "He doesn't think I need such a good broomstick..." He rolled his eyes, as if he was thinking of some bad idea.

A group of people walked across the field to the Quidditch pitch, waiting for the game to begin.

Soon, Mrs. Hooch blew the whistle and the game began. Harry's Firebolt flew faster and higher than any other broomstick, surprising the little wizards.

Lee Jordan, who served as the commentator, excitedly introduced the Firebolt in a large space, as if he was advertising the Firebolt.

Ravenclaw's Seeker was Cho Chang. Under the pressure brought by the Firebolt, she seemed to have given up searching for the Snitch and just kept an eye on Harry. Whenever Harry wanted to dive in any direction, she would stand in front of him and smile at him.

Daphne looked on and exclaimed repeatedly, but Theodore frowned and said, "Where did Draco go?"

At this time, Harry, who was high in the air, made a dive to lure Qiu Zhang away, and then accelerated towards the Golden Snitch.

"Oh!" Daphne looked at the three tall, thin, hooded dementors who suddenly appeared on the field, and was a little surprised to protect Astoria.

"Don't panic, Daphne, I'm fine." Astoria blinked, confused.

Brian saw a silver stag flying out from the tip of Harry's wand. It spread its limbs and rushed towards the three "dementors" on the field, knocking them off their feet and revealing the figure inside.

"Isn't it there?" Brian said, holding his forehead.

"Oh, Draco! How could he..." Daphne groaned.

Harry caught the Golden Snitch, and there were loud cheers from the stands.

Professor McGonagall rushed towards the field with an angry expression. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Flint fell into a ball, struggling to get out of the black robes. Draco was standing on Goyle's shoulders just now.

"Shameful trick! Fifty points from Slytherin and everyone in solitary confinement!" Professor McGonagall's angry voice could be heard in the stands.

Brian saw Harry's Patronus clearly, which brought him 0.5 witness points, which was a small gain.

He glanced towards the edge of the field and seemed to see another big black dog.

He couldn't tell if it was ominous or Sirius Black.

"Looks like I have to use the time turner again..."

Thank you Qian Yuan Musen for the 100 starting coins.

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