Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 145 An Unforgettable Day

Brian followed Draco out of the common room and strode down the corridors.

Brian suddenly felt that he should upgrade his Occlumency level. He used the last two witness points without hesitation to upgrade it from expert to master level.

The upgraded Occlumency is better at "sealing". He can choose to truly block part of his memory, personality, thoughts and even himself, and it can be lifted at any time. Brian smiled and blocked part of himself, making himself truly like a child of his age.

They came to the classroom where they practiced the Patronus Charm. It was dark inside. Draco grinned and pushed him inside.

When Brian staggered into the classroom, the place suddenly became brightly lit.

The classroom has completely changed. In the middle is a huge long table decorated with flowers. The walls are hung with brightly blooming flowers, as well as various moving gadgets that constantly make slight but pleasant sounds. Beautiful flower vines and vines hang from the ceiling, dotted with twinkling stars.

Daphne and the others pushed Brian to the front of the table, with a tall cake on top that said "Happy Birthday to Brian".

The fire went out in an instant, but the classroom did not fall into complete darkness. The stars on the ceiling formed a brilliant starry sky, and the walls shone with beautiful auroras. A group of people gathered around him and sang happy birthday.

Brian smiled, closed his eyes and made a wish, then blew out the candles on the cake.

"Happy birthday!" The lights turned on instantly, the ceiling exploded, and countless petals, colored paper and ribbons fell down, burying Brian inside. Brian struggled out and showed a cheerful smile.

There was beautiful music all around, Theodore was playing the harp, and Blaise was playing the flute. Daphne wore a long white dress and danced to the music. She was like a real white swan, proud and elegant, clean and pure. Astoria was also spinning lightly beside her, like a slowly blooming snow-white epiphyllum.

When the dance was over, Blaise ran over. He opened a large square box, and countless butterflies, birds and elves rushed out of it. They sang cheerful songs and danced cheerfully in an orderly manner. Everything around was dyed in beautiful rainbow colors. Several birds grabbed the shoulders of the little wizards and flew into the air, causing waves of exclamations and laughter.

Finally, Draco released a large string of fireworks, which changed into various shapes, like a dragon and phoenix fighting dance.

Brian had a big smile on his face, enjoying this magical performance.

Finally, Daphne walked up to Brian and said with bright eyes: "Brian, are you feeling happy tonight?"

"Of course, Daphne." Brian said with a genuine smile.

"Want to dance?" Daphne's cheeks were as red as fire. She stretched out a hand and placed it palm down in front of Brian.

Brian paused, stretched out his palm to hold Daphne's hand, and the two of them twirled to the music, dancing happily and smoothly. Brian could feel Daphne's slightly rapid breathing and smell the faint floral fragrance on her body.

When it was all over, everyone gathered around. Several boys lifted Brian up and threw him up and down, and everyone else applauded enthusiastically.

When Brian's legs were weak and he fell to the ground, Daphne smiled and said: "Brian, I hope you can find happiness, and I hope we can become your happy memories. No matter what, we will be by your side..."

Brian nodded, smiling softly and brightly as never before.

This surprise birthday party ended after they shared the cake. A group of people wiped the cake on each other and made a lot of noise. The whole classroom was filled with laughter.

When it was over, they packed up the classroom and quietly walked toward the common room.

It was a little late, and if they hadn't cast the Silence Charm in the classroom, they would have been caught by the administrator.

Draco looked out ahead, and after confirming that there was no sign of Filch, he waved behind him, and a group of people followed him with gentle steps.

"Peeves!" Draco suddenly said softly.

They hurriedly hid behind a utility room, huddled together, laughing and joking. The bulk of Crabbe and Goyle almost crushed Blaise between them, and Daphne was squeezed so tightly against Blaine that her ears turned red.

After the sound of Peeves hitting the wall faded away, they ran out of the utility room and carefully returned to the lounge.

"Thank you," Brian said.

"This was Daphne's idea," Draco raised his eyebrows at Brian, "She has been preparing for many days."

"It's all thanks to everyone. This is a gift that everyone has prepared for you." Daphne cupped her chin and said, "Fortunately, it's rare that Blaise's aesthetics is normal this time..."

The little wizards who were tired from playing chatted for a while and then went back to their dormitories.

Brian looked at the time and saw that there was still some time left for the elixir. He strode towards the Room of Requirement, a smile always on his face.

He saw his past self who was still inside, smiling as he drank the elixir, and then reasoned about the ominous discovery.

"So, does this mean that if I can escape the ominous attack this time, I can get ten years of respite?" he suddenly asked in the past.

"Maybe, uh..." Brian suddenly paused, and he thought of something very important.

"What did you think of?" He looked at him in the past.

"Who knows?" Brian smiled mysteriously.

He watched his past self leave the Room of Requirement, smiled and said, "Happy birthday!"

He turned to think about something he remembered, which might be the truth behind the ominous failure to kill him within a month.

Brian rummaged through the information on the desk and found the first person who survived for more than ten days after seeing the ominous sight, Selina. She survived for nearly a month.

She is a time-turner researcher.

"Sure enough, is it because of time?" Brian smiled.

He recalled the advice Borgin gave him at that time, "Be careful." But before this sentence, Bo Jin also said another sentence:

"Today I saw a big black dog outside, and I thought I saw something ominous. A friend of mine died of an unknown. Do you know? Unknown exists without an explanation. Maybe only time can tell it from its fingers. Sneak away."

Perhaps this sentence is the real "advice"!

"If the ominous locks on the target through the eyes, does that mean that after I use the time turner, I temporarily get rid of the ominous lock?" Brian murmured to himself.

"Yes, at that time, the ominousness only appeared in my eyes during that time period, because after I used the time turner, I lost the ominous lock, so I couldn't see it... because the ominousness could only appear in my eyes. It locks into the eyes of the person!”

Brian's eyes were extremely bright. He was extremely confident that this was the answer.

"Then, it seems that I still have to use the time turner often..." He pondered, "However, this does not fundamentally solve the problem."

"We have to deal with those who want to kill me." Brian thought, "Ask Borin? No, I don't think this is a good idea..."

"So, first of all, can I control Xiang Xiang? If Xiang Xiang can only kill one person in ten years, can I let Xiang Xiang target another person and kill him?" Brian thought about this.

"It's a bit outrageous..." He shook his head.

The time for the elixir was almost over. Brian took out his wand and recalled everything about the birthday party, with a soft smile on his face.

"Calling the gods to protect you!" he chanted softly.

A silvery white shimmer emitted from the tip of the wand, but it was no longer a hazy mist. An animal jumped out from the tip of the wand and flew lightly in the air.

Brian observed his patron saint carefully, his expression became a little strange.

"A...crow? No, a raven?" Brian blinked.

The patron saint was quite big. It landed on the shelf and tilted its head to glance at Brian. Its eyes were clear and bright, intelligent and steady, and seemed to have seen through everything.

The raven flapped its wings and flew around Brian several times, casting a silvery glow and bringing a steady stream of warmth and hope.

The time for the elixir passed, and the feeling of being able to do everything faded away, and Brian exhaled softly.

"What a nice day."

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