Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 144 Blessing Elixir

"I'm going to kill Malfoy! He was the one who changed my cup!" Harry said in a dull voice as he hid himself behind the thick curtains on the bed.

Harry felt that he was too embarrassed to see anyone. Now he just wanted to leave Hogwarts overnight and go to a place where no one knew him. He is willing to give all his gold coins and even Firebolts, just to make people forget what happened today.

Ron pursed his lips tightly and his cheeks turned red. He coughed lightly and said: "Don't think so badly, Harry, you can think better. For example, you are quite beautiful now, even more beautiful than Hermione..."

"Ron!" Harry said angrily, his voice as clear as a little girl's.

"Ahem..." Hermione glared at Ron and comforted, "Harry, you can stay here these days, I will send you class notes and homework..."

At noon, a group of young wizards came over to see Harry, and the Weasley twins made particularly loud noises.

"Harry, don't be sad, you are a Gryffindor girl!" Fred said.

"No, no, no, is it Harley? Actually, I really want to try that potion..." George said.

Harry had to hold on to the curtain tightly to prevent himself from being seen by the group of hecklers. He also needs to be on guard against Colin Creevey, because the little wizard always wants to stick his camera in. If he really took a picture of his current appearance, Harry felt that he would have to say goodbye to Hogwarts.

Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey came to help Harry and drove away the noisy guys.

Harry's room became quiet again, and he lay on the bed blankly, as if he had lost his dream.

During class in the afternoon, everyone was discussing Harry's affairs. I believe that this will be a topic of conversation among young wizards for a long time.

"Tell me, should I tell the Daily Prophet about this? They will definitely be willing to publish it and make Potter famous all over the country." Draco said proudly.

"That's so wicked, Draco!" Daphne said with red cheeks, "I really didn't know you would do such a thing..."

"Haha, this is called wit!" Draco said with a smile.

"It's quite interesting. I have to say, Potter is quite beautiful." Theodore coughed lightly.

"Theodore, why do you agree with this kind of thing?" Daphne said, "He is not beautiful. If it is Brian, he must be much prettier than Potter..." She suddenly paused and covered her head. The exposed skin of the mouth turned bright pink.

A group of people suddenly burst into laughter. Brian glanced at Daphne speechlessly, thinking that he would have to be more vigilant when eating in the future.

The afternoon class ended quickly. Brian used the time turner again and came to the Room of Requirement.

He first sorted out all the research materials on ominousness and placed them on the table. Then he closed his eyes slightly and recalled what he saw and heard.

His birthday party should have started by this time, but he didn't set out to go. He planned to use the time turner to go there later.

Brian continued to sort out everything this semester and make the best preparations.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the door to the Room of Requirement opened, and his future self walked in with a smile on his face.

"You're late..." Brian said, "Can you tell me what clues I can get? That way I won't need to use Felixir."

Yes, Brian was going to use a Felixir to see if he could find any ominous clues. He believed that opportunities always come to those who are prepared, and using the Felixir in advance might allow him to be prepared earlier.

"Why don't you use the elixir of happiness?" The future self said with a smile, "I won't say anything anyway."

"Okay." Brian nodded and took out the small bottle of elixir. The golden liquid inside was like molten gold, shining with a golden luster.

Brian took a small sip of the dose, just enough to give him a lucky hour.

The elixir slid down the throat, and soon, an extremely exciting feeling flowed throughout the body, as if there were infinite opportunities, and everything was no longer difficult.

Brian just felt like he could do anything, and do it easily. This feeling of arrogance made him somewhat resistant, and the strong self-confidence in his heart made him extremely conflicted.

"Don't fight it, Brian." His future self said with a smile.

Brian didn't resist the feeling anymore. He stood up and walked back and forth a few steps. Then he took out the bottle of Felixir and said, "I think I want to take another sip." He took another sip.

"Excellent, this thing tastes delicious." Brian narrowed his eyes and then looked at the information on the table.

"Well, this book makes me feel good..."

He picked up the book and flipped through it casually. It was a book about ominous speculations. The author believed that ominous eyes locked onto prey through those searchlight-like eyes. Ominousness sees you, and you see ominousness, then you are locked in by ominousness.

Brian found this statement interesting.

"I have to check it out..." Brian put the book aside and turned his attention to other information. It occurred to him that it would be better to look at the time interval between the victim's attacks.

"The time interval between the first victim and the second victim's ominous sighting was exactly ten years..." Brian's eyes lit up, "It was exactly ten years, both at nine-thirty in the evening."

"When it came to the third and fourth victims, the interval was more than ten years and a few days. The fifth victim was a goblin. Twenty-three years later..."

Later, the ominous times that the victims saw became more and more irregular, ranging from about ten years to several decades. However, researchers generally believe that the long intervals are because some people were missed in the middle. Those poor people The guy probably died silently without telling anyone.

"But the time interval between ominous occurrences is always greater than or equal to ten years." Brian came to this conclusion, which was consistent with what Dumbledore said.

"But, why? Is it the ominous ten years of not being hungry, or is there any limit to it?" Brian thought with burning eyes, "For example, it can only appear in this world once every ten years?"

"And..." Brian closed his eyes, "It started out exactly ten years ago, but then it became more and more irregular... And the last victim, Biliers, he saw at noon ten years ago. Ominously, it’s exactly ten years again.”

"It seems like they are deliberately concealing this time gap..." Brian used psychological methods and silently analyzed, "Is it ominous and thoughtful? No, no one can escape its clutches. It doesn't need to be concealed at all. Be wary of humans..."

Brian opened his eyes suddenly: "Only humans would be so cautiously wary of humans!"

He stood up and walked in circles, frowning tightly: "Could Ominous be controlled by humans? From this point of view, the first few times can be seen as experimenting with Ominous abilities, and the latter is a cover-up..."

"Of course, it may also be controlled by other intelligent races, such as goblins."

"So, when we arrived here, the time interval was exactly ten years..." Brian lowered his eyes and thought, "As if he couldn't wait to take advantage of the bad luck to get rid of me?"

Brian narrowed his eyes and thought of the man in black robe outside Christmas Manor.

"But, who did I offend?" Brian thought thoughtfully, but even the Elixir of Fortune didn't point him in the right direction.

"So, does this mean that if I can escape the ominous attack this time, I can get ten years of breathing time?" Brian said to his future self.

"Maybe, uh..." He in the future suddenly paused, his eyes becoming extremely bright.

"What did you think of?" Brian stared at him.

"Who knows?" The future self said mysteriously.

"Okay." Brian didn't think about it. He walked out of the Room of Requirement and took out the time turner. "I think I should go back now."

He turned the time-turner three times and headed straight for the common room.

Along the way, Brian was no longer as guarded as usual. He even wanted to sing.

He crossed the stone wall of the common room with light steps. It was quiet inside.

"Brian, you're finally here!" Draco waved to him, "Follow me!"

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