Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 143 Harley?

Brian returned to the dormitory, took out the small bottle of elixir, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It is extremely difficult to brew the elixir. Only potion masters have the ability to brew it, and it takes half a year. Potion masters are often short of time and are not willing to brew the elixir multiple times, so it is basically not available on the market. Any drop of the elixir will attract countless wizards.

Among the potion masters in England, Slughorn is probably the only one who likes to brew this kind of potion.

"Is it possible that Professor Snape got it from Slughorn?" Brian felt that this possibility was very high. Snape himself was a member of the Slug Club.

"Don't use Fuling Elixir too much, otherwise it will have serious side effects and make people become reckless and arrogant." Brian thought, "Basically, a person can get up to twenty-four hours of energy from Fuling Elixir in his life. Lucky time, any more will have an impact.”

"The dose is just right..." Brian looked at the bottle of Felixir and put it into his pocket.

He rummaged through his bag, and found a corner filled with potion bottles that he had brewed in Snape's office or from daily practice. Brian poured them out and sorted through the various potions.

Maybe he could send them home, and Mr. Foley would probably like them and come up with all kinds of weird ways to use them.

Soon, the table and floor were covered with all kinds of potion bottles. Draco took Crabbe and Goyle back to the dormitory. He was a little stunned and said: "Oh, there are so many potions, did you rob the potion store?"

"It's just the product of daily practice." Brian shook his head and put them into categories in the potion box.

"You can take a look and use whatever you want..." Brian said after putting some more dangerous potions into the box.

Draco's eyes lit up, and he carefully checked the name on the potion bottle, sighing from time to time.

"I want this!" His eyes shone when he saw a crystal bottle containing pink potion.

"...Are you sure?" Brian glanced at the potion bottle, looking at Draco with a somewhat surprised and complicated look.

"Of course, keep an eye on it!" Draco said with excitement.

"Take it..." Brian blinked.

Early the next morning, Brian sent the potions home. And Draco arrogantly took Crabbe and Goyle to find trouble with Harry.

Brian was eating breakfast, and soon Draco came back happily. He was whispering to the two big guys, looking over at Harry from time to time, with a sly smile on his face.

After taking an herbal medicine class together, they went to the underground classroom of the Potions class together.

The underground classroom was always cold and dim. Snape stood on the podium with a gloomy expression and after taking the roll, he began to teach everyone how to prepare new potions.

Draco looked in Harry's direction frequently, but Harry ignored him and Ron glared back at him fiercely.

"Brian, your potion won't work, right?" Draco said suspiciously.

"What do you mean..." Brian raised his head and blinked dully, "Don't tell me you gave Potter something to drink?"

"That's right!" Draco said triumphantly, "I went over to change his drink cup this morning... with Potter's IQ, I didn't notice it at all."

Brian slapped his forehead with his palm and groaned: "This is such a good idea..."

He also looked towards Harry, feeling helpless and curious. I have to say that what Draco did was very interesting to him.

Halfway through Potions class, Harry suddenly groaned, clutching his stomach.

"What's wrong with you, Harry?" Ron asked at a loss.

Harry's hair was growing wildly, and his figure was slowly changing, seeming to have become smaller.

"Harry!" Ron exclaimed.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for disrupting class discipline, Weasley." Snape turned around and said.

"But, Professor, Harry is not feeling well!" Ron said with a blush.

"This is no reason for you to roar in class, Weasley." Snape said in a smooth tone, "Even if Potter blows up, you have to abide by class discipline..."

He walked towards Harry and frowned at Harry's changes.

"What did you eat?" Snape said indifferently.

"I didn't..." Harry said a few words and then choked. Because his voice turned into a high-pitched girl's voice.

Everyone in the class looked over, and Harry raised his face in panic.

"Oh, Harry..." Ron groaned.

Harry's hair grew to his waist and was slightly curled, his cheeks became tapered, his appearance changed slightly, looking soft and beautiful, and his emerald green eyes were larger and watery inside.

The Potions classroom exploded, and the little wizard's exclamations and discussions almost overturned the ceiling. ,

On the Gryffindor side, Hermione looked at Harry helplessly, Ron's eyes were dull, and Neville accidentally knocked over his cauldron.

The little wizards in Slytherin burst out laughing, especially Draco. He laughed so hard that he kept slapping the table with one hand, making a "bang bang" sound.

Snape's empty eyes stared straight at Harry's face, with a complex and inexplicable light shining in them. After he was silent for a long time, he said in an extremely cold voice: "Quiet! Go back and brew your potion!"

At this time, Snape exuded the aura of keeping strangers away, which made the young wizards instantly become hoarse and returned to their cauldron, but their eyes still glanced towards Harry involuntarily.

"Harry, Potter..." Snape said in a soft voice, with the utmost sarcasm, "I really didn't know you still had the hobby of turning into a girl... Do you want to change your name next?" Harley?"

Harry looked at Snape's sallow face with an unprecedented ugly expression, and then he realized his changes. He screamed: "No--" Then he covered his mouth and rushed out of the classroom. .

"Harry!" Hermione screamed, and she ran out.

Ron opened his mouth, looked at Harry who was running away, then at Snape who was close in front of him, and followed him out.

There was another burst of low laughter in the classroom.

Snape stood silently for a long time, like a dry sculpture.

"Brew your potion!" He said coldly, glaring at Draco who was smiling secretly. "If you can't brew it before get out of class is over, please add two rolls of parchment to your homework."

There was a sound of air conditioning coming from the classroom.

In the following time, Snape's mood became very bad, and his expression became gloomier than ever before.

He found an excuse to deduct sixty points from Gryffindor, and even Slytherin was deducted twenty points by him.

When Potions class ended, Snape assigned three volumes of parchment papers as homework, which made the little wizards howl, and Draco was no exception. This is more homework than three courses.

However, the ones whose cheeks are really pale are those little wizards who failed to brew the magic potion. They need to write five volumes of parchment. Neville had been sobbing after class, with tears welling up in his eyes.

"Really, if I had known that Professor Snape would be so angry, I wouldn't have given him that potion this morning..." Draco complained from the side, "Three rolls of parchment, it's a big loss now. ”

Brian shook his head helplessly.

In the school hospital, Madam Pomfrey was checking Harry's condition.

"Don't hide yourself, dear, let me see." Madam Pomfrey said gently.

Harry lowered his hands from his face, his cheeks flushing.

"Oh, child, did you drink the witch's potion?" Madam Pomfrey said with a smile after checking, "You shouldn't have come to me..."

"Is it that kind of potion?" Hermione covered her mouth, her cheeks suddenly turning red.

"Yes, this potion was created to allow men to experience the feeling of being a woman. Correspondingly, there is the wizard potion..." Madam Pomfrey covered her mouth and smiled, "It's difficult. The configuration and ingredients are also expensive. You can enjoy this novel feeling, which is not a bad thing.”

"No, ma'am, I want to change back!" Harry said in a high-pitched voice.

"Oh, with all due respect, why do you want to change back? This potion does no harm and is even very good for your body..." Madam Pomfrey said in surprise, "Experience what it feels like to be a girl, but there are many It’s something that boys can’t even dream of…”

"No, ma'am, please..." Harry said hurriedly, burying his head in his arms.

"Oh, I understand." Madam Pomfrey sighed, "Unfortunately, this potion is not poison in the first place, and no one will develop an antidote for it. Those who can use it will not think of using the antidote... ...Perhaps Professor Snape will have an idea, you can ask him."

"I will never go find him!" Harry said with embarrassment.

"Well, the effectiveness of this potion usually lasts for three to seven days," Madam Pomfrey said, "If you really feel embarrassed, I can leave a bed here for you."

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