Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 142 Birthday Gift

Since knowing that Hermione and Harry were following him, Brian became more and more cautious.

After testing, he found that there was indeed a way to hide Harry's Marauder's Map. First, it required the anti-tracking spell, and second, it required a good level of Occlumency. Combining these two spells, the little dot representing him will not appear on the Marauder's Map.

However, Brian found it troublesome and usually only used Occlumency to make another name appear on the Marauder's Map.

And usually he also uses the Illusion Body Curse more often to hide his whereabouts, which makes him even more mysterious.

But the looking glass still screams from time to time, sometimes it's Filch or Mrs. Norris passing by, sometimes it's Peeves, sometimes it's Harry and Hermione who come for a walk from time to time, and even some ghosts A little wizard who sneaks around the castle and explores.

Brian reluctantly silenced the looking glass to prevent it from disturbing his thoughts.

Recently, he searched for information about ominous and morning stars, but he didn't make much progress. At present, he can only focus on precautions.

He finally began to use the 7.2 witness points he had saved and began to improve his abilities again to cope with the crisis.

Brian used three witness points to upgrade his reflexes to the master level. This was also his first ability to reach the highest level given by the system.

This was a leap-forward improvement. Brian seemed to have experienced a transformation. For a moment, time seemed to slow down in front of his eyes, with a powerful ability like bullet time.

"This is a qualitative change..." Brian muttered.

Not only was his neurological reflexes enhanced, but his physical reflexes were also able to keep up. Obviously, his physical fitness has also been improved accordingly.

The enhanced reflexes allow him to detect danger faster and dodge or counterattack, allowing him to cast spells faster, which greatly improves his survivability.

For the remaining witness points, Brian did not recklessly add magic power, which might cause the magic power to get out of control again, which was very dangerous for him now.

He used two witness points to raise the level of Charms from expert level to master level. Professors like Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape should be at this level. Brian believed that Dumbledore should be at the higher level of Grand Master.

Brian still did not use the remaining 2.2 witness points easily and reserved them for emergencies.

In the following time, Brian fully devoted himself to improving his strength. Since I can't find a way to deal with the ominous situation for the time being, I can only devote my energy to improving my own abilities.

With the support of his spell science level, his mastery of spells became more and more advanced, and he would always have some inspiration for his own spells, but Brian didn't have the energy to focus on that for the time being.

The more outstanding progress is that he has learned the "End of All Curses" spell that he has never been able to learn before. This spell is an upgraded version of the "Surprise Stop" spell, which can be used to terminate most spells and black magic, and can even be used to extinguish powerful fires. , is the most profound solution to the curse.

With this spell in mind, Brian also began to try to study black magic.

He copied many black magic books in the restricted area of ​​the library and studied the essence of them. The progress is going smoothly, making his abilities more comprehensive.

During the rest of the time, he also studied Flamel's alchemical manuals in an attempt to improve his alchemical level. However, the improvement of alchemy is still far away.

However, his spell-free casting level was accidentally raised to mastery level, making his spell-free casting faster and more powerful than before.

It had been more than a month since he saw the ominous sight, but Brian had not been in any danger, which made him a little confused.

You know, since ancient times, no one has survived for more than a month after seeing something ominous.

But Brian confusedly broke this restriction, which made him a little suspicious.

"I couldn't have been wrong that day. Trelawney's prophecy also confirmed this... But why?" Brian frowned, "Did I do anything special?"

After thinking for a while, Brian stopped such meaningless speculation, cast the Disillusionment Curse and the Silence Curse on himself, and then walked out of the Room of Requirement.

He slapped his forehead, used the time turner once, and went to Snape's office to study Potions.

Brian has been using the time turner so frequently recently that his sense of time has become blurred.

After the Potions tutorial, Snape stopped him.

"Have you noticed any dangerous signs or unnatural things recently?" Snape looked at him with dark eyes.

"No, sir." Brian shook his head helplessly, "It's like an illusion."

"Trelawney's prophecy should not be underestimated." Snape said in a low voice.

"Tomorrow is your birthday..." Snape said.

"Yes." Brian blinked.

"Maybe it will be of some use to you, just take it as a gift from me." Snape took out a small potion bottle from his pocket, which was filled with golden potion and splashed happily in the crystal bottle. With.

"Elixir of Fortune?" Brian's eyes lit up.

Snape nodded silently.

"You prepared this?" Brian asked, "This potion needs to be brewed for half a year."

"No." Snape said coldly, "I don't think it's worth wasting half a year of my time. I hope you can use it carefully. It's not as useful as you think. If you use it, it will still be waste."

"The amount of magic potion in this bottle is enough for you to gain good luck for twenty-four hours." He added slowly.

"Okay, thank you, sir." Brian said sincerely.

He said goodbye to Snape and returned to the common room smoothly. Draco and the others were discussing something excitedly when they saw Brian coming and stopped talking casually.

Brian glanced at them but didn't ask.

Daphne had a bright smile on her face, and she said to Brian excitedly: "Brian, I learned the Patronus Charm! It's a white swan!" Her face was flushed, and her blue eyes were twinkling. Shining with hope, like a little girl longing for praise from her parents.

"That's great, Daphne!" Brian said with a sincere smile.

Theodore held his forehead helplessly and said: "Unfortunately, I haven't learned it yet, but there has been progress recently..." Obviously, Theodore is also a rational and calm type. This kind of personality will become a problem when learning the Patronus Charm. hinder.

"Brian, why have you never learned the Patronus Charm?" Draco came over suspiciously. Because he was the first to learn the Patronus Charm, Draco was proud for many days and even teased Harry with more enthusiasm.

"Perhaps I can't find enough happy memories to shape my Patronus." Brian held his chin and said, "Probably, it's similar to Theodore..."

Blaise hurried back to the common room at this time, looking unhappy.

"Brace, what's happened to you recently?" Draco said lazily.

"Who knows." Blaise sat aside with a gloomy expression.

"Did you encounter any difficulty?" Theodore handed everyone a cup of black tea.

"Maybe, that's my own business." Blais hugged his shoulders proudly.

Brian took out the speculum that suddenly screamed again from his bag and looked around suspiciously.

Draco and the others looked at each other and turned their heads to the side unnaturally. Blaise blinked.

"What did you do?" Brian blinked.

"Ahem, it's nothing..." Draco said.

"Daphne?" Brian narrowed his eyes and looked at Daphne.

Daphne blinked her blue eyes, struggled for a moment, and whispered: "You added something to your teacup..." She lowered her head with red cheeks.

"Daphne, are you rebelling like this?" Draco asked, jumping on his feet.

Daphne put her rosy cheeks aside and said, "It's not good to do this..."

Facing Brian's glaring gaze, Draco said nonchalantly: "It's just a little happy potion. I thought it might allow you to use the Patronus Charm..."

"This kind of potion will only make people dance like a madman." Brian said slowly, "I said, the potion can only play a negligible supporting role in learning the Patronus Charm."

"Okay, I get it," Draco muttered. Theodore turned his head away unbearably.

"So, you just want to see my joke, right?" Brian said helplessly as he looked at the speculum that had stopped in his hand.

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