Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 141 Tracking

Brian thought he would face unimaginable risks these days, but the fact was that in the next few days, Hogwarts was as peaceful as usual, and he did not encounter anything dangerous.

The ominous big black dog seemed to be just his imagination.

But Brian understood that the more this happened, the more vigilant he had to be, because accidents often happened when he thought he was safe.

One week after Christmas school started, Slytherin played a Quidditch match with Ravenclaw. The Slytherin team won the match, but it was a narrow win. The Slytherin team had been lagging behind since the beginning, and the gap got worse and worse later on. Fortunately, Draco finally caught the Golden Snitch, allowing the Slytherin team to score twenty points more than Ravenclaw.

Draco faced the cheers of the team members and the cheers of the audience. This feeling of turning the tide made him raise his slender chin triumphantly.

Brian sincerely congratulated them after glancing at the witness points he had received.

After dinner, he returned to the stronghold of the Room of Requirement, sat at his desk, and took out the alchemy code he got from Dumbledore, only to find something in the bag that was making a loud noise.

He took out the thing, and it spun and screamed like a top, emitting a dazzling flash. It was the looking glass he bought in Diagon Alley during the summer vacation.

"Is there anyone suspicious nearby?" Brian frowned, took out the Marauder's Map and looked at it.

There were few people around the Room of Requirement. Mrs. Norris was patrolling a nearby corridor, and two dots were hiding in a classroom on the other side.

"Hermione and Potter?" Brian frowned and said thoughtfully, "Are they following me?"

"Does she finally want to investigate me?" He shook his head and used a spell to silence the noisy Looking Glass. He knew that Harry's Marauder's Map did not show the Room of Requirement.

He continued to look at the Marauder's Map. There was a large group of young wizards gathered in the Slytherin lounge, and they were probably all celebrating today's victory. In the Gryffindor common room, the two dots representing Ron and Scabbers were very close to each other. At the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Crookshanks was wandering back and forth.

Brian saw a small dot on the other side, which was Blaise. He was circling in a position, seeming to be anxiously waiting for someone.

"It seems that I have to try to see if Occlumency can deceive Potter's Marauder's Map," Brian thought helplessly as he saw Hermione and Harry still in the classroom, "The Marauder's Map is really bad." It’s such a defensive thing, I don’t know if they will discover this place because of this.”

Soon, future Brian came to the Room of Requirement and sat in a seat by himself.

"It's a pity that the witness point of an event cannot be obtained twice, otherwise I would also go to the Quidditch match." He joked in the future with a smile.

Brian ignored him and looked at the book in his hand seriously.

Time passed by in a hurry, and future Brian left here early and returned to the common room to participate in the carnival. The looking glass had long gone out, Brian looked at the Marauder's Map, and Harry and Hermione also went back.

He adjusted the time turner to go back five hours. He took the Marauder's Map, recited an anti-tracking spell to himself, activated Occlumency at full power, and quietly approached the classroom.

In the classroom, he used the Disillusionment Charm on himself, sat quietly at a desk in a corner, and looked at the map in his hand carefully.

In the past, he was coming here from the auditorium, while Harry and Hermione secretly followed him after a while.

When he entered the Room of Requirement in the past, the two dots representing Harry and Hermione wandered around in confusion for a while, then entered the classroom after discovering Mrs. Norris.

Brian looked up and didn't see them. Apparently they were cloaked in invisibility.

Two people sat very close to him, talking in low voices.

"Hermione, he's gone again!" Harry whispered, "It happens every time!"

"Yeah, it's a bit strange, he shouldn't use it so often..." Hermione murmured quietly.

"Hermione, can you tell me how Foley did it? You must know something!" Harry said, "He always disappears and reappears suddenly like this. That time I also found two people appearing on the map. One Foley, and two you..."

"Harry, I'm very sorry. I've said it many times. I promised Professor McGonagall that I wouldn't tell anyone..." Hermione said impatiently, "What I can tell you is that this is how we do it." In class..."

Brian blinked on the side and understood that the reason why they had not found the Room of Requirement was because Hermione thought he had used a time turner and therefore disappeared from the map, without thinking that there was a hidden room there.

"Well, there is no need for us to continue to observe him like this..." Harry said in a low voice, "He always disappears and appears suddenly, making it impossible to observe. And he has never been to the Chamber of Secrets..."

"No, there should be a Brian somewhere..." Hermione revealed a furry head from under the invisibility cloak and was looking for it on the Marauder's Map.

Brian smiled on the side, thinking if he had to cancel the Occlumency... they would probably be frightened.

He shook his head, dismissed the suddenly naughty idea, slowed down and left the classroom, returning to the Room of Requirement.

"There are too many people there, and I can't always find him..." In the classroom, Harry helped to search for a while and sighed, "I have some doubts about whether he really disappeared from Hogwarts, or entered some other place. Hidden chamber.”

"I don't know, Harry...I really didn't find him." Hermione scratched her hair into a mess irritably.

"Do you think he really went to the Chamber of Secrets? Although he has not been close to Myrtle's bathroom, it is not ruled out that there is another passage leading to the Chamber of Secrets..." Harry guessed wildly, "You You know, the location of the Chamber of Secrets cannot be shown on the Marauder's Map..."

"I don't know, Harry." Hermione frowned.

"But that doesn't mean anything. Maybe he regarded the secret room as a secret stronghold, and it's already safe there. Maybe there's no need for Parseltongue to enter through another passage?" Harry shrugged, "It's completely unreasonable for us to investigate like this. no point."

"Maybe..." Hermione said, "But...huh? Look here, Harry!"

Harry looked over and saw two unfamiliar names where Hermione was pointing.

"What's wrong?" Harry said.

"They are not Hogwarts students or professors!" Hermione said with wide eyes.

"Don't tell me you memorized the names of everyone in Hogwarts..." Harry twitched his lips.

"Of course, isn't this something you should do on the first day of school?" Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, they're gone... They should just be the parents who come to school to see their children." Harry looked at the Marauder's Map, "By the way, we can see what Ron is doing..."

"What he does has nothing to do with me." Hermione pushed the Marauder's Map away and said in a stiff tone.

Harry reluctantly put away the Marauder's Map and said: "Hermione, you know, Ron has always been worried that Scabbers will be eaten by Crookshanks..."

They talked and quietly left the classroom.

Brian returned to the common room, where the carnival after the victory was still going on. Draco was surrounded by a group of people and was talking proudly about how thrilling he was during the game.

"The portrait of Slytherin doesn't know about ominous things...is it because ominous things really didn't exist in his time?" Brian thought.

"Hey, Brian, do you want to practice the Patronus Charm?" When the rest room became quiet, several people from the Patronus study group came over.

"Okay." Brian nodded. They came to the remote empty classroom together.

"Brace isn't here. He's been busy dating recently, right?" Draco said.

They pulled out their respective wands and practiced the Patronus Charm. Soon, a thin silver-white mist filled the entire classroom.

Crabbe and Goyle clutched their wands tightly, their cheeks turning red, but nothing came out.

"Try to remember when you eat good food?" Brian said speechlessly.

The two big men nodded suddenly and continued to hold back the curse as if they were constipated.

"I succeeded!" Draco suddenly cheered.

Brian looked over and saw a beautiful silver-white peacock flying out from the tip of his wand and flying gracefully around the classroom. It raised its head high and had a pair of bright and public eyes as big as black beans.

"That's great!" A group of little wizards clapped with envy. They practiced even harder.

It has been more than half a year since the school started, and the first little wizard to learn the Patronus Charm has appeared.

It was Draco, which was unexpected and reasonable.

In the original book, Harry was able to learn the Patronus Charm in less than half a year. Although he had the help of the Boggart, the Dementors also had a great influence on him, which was not conducive to casting the Patronus Charm.

Draco's talent is definitely no worse than Harry's.

"Congratulations, Draco." Brian said sincerely, "This is amazing."

Draco raised his head high, looking very much like his Patronus.

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