Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 140 Respective Actions

"Trelawney told you a prophecy?"

After the routine Potions tutorial, Snape suddenly said in a low voice.

"Yes, sir." Brian nodded.

"...be vigilant." Snape's black eyes were indifferent and empty. He was silent for a long time and said concisely.

"Of course." Brian nodded and left the office.

The corridor at night still looked dark and gloomy. Brian took out his wand and played with it in his hand, alert to everything around him.

He took out the Marauder's Map he made and looked at the surrounding situation. There were several little wizards wandering in the corridors. The one closest to him was Blaise Shabini, and the little dot representing him was walking slowly along a corridor. moving.

Brian remained vigilant and made his way to the Room of Requirement without incident.

He took out the time-turner, allowed himself to go back five hours, and took out the two books given to him by Dumbledore.

He first flipped through "The Alchemical Notes" by Nico Flamel. It had a beautiful golden cover and was obviously not very thick, but it took Brian a long time to finish flipping through it.

"It seems like a book with something like an infinite extension spell attached..." Brian was silent for a moment.

The content of this book is much richer than he imagined. It contains both basic introductory knowledge of alchemy and more in-depth advanced knowledge. Even the most profound ones include the refining methods and experiences of the magic stone.

This should be the real focus of Nico Flamel, the master of alchemy.

Brian pursed his lips, put away the heavy book, and turned to study another book: "Ominous Research Record."

It is not a book, but a collection of various research reports, filled with various research materials, investigation reports and research conjectures.

Brian spent a few hours browsing through it, and the description was pretty much what Dumbledore had said. Brian checked the information of those who had died after seeing something ominous, and found that there was nothing special about them, and there was no connection between them. The time, place, and even the final method of their death were all different.

Brian marked the places where the victims died, but also discovered a pattern.

While there are victims all over the world, it is clear that victims in Europe account for almost half of all victims. This is not normal.

"Is there an ominous lair here?" Brian said mockingly.

He also summarized the race of the victims and found that most of them were humans, but there were actually victims from all intelligent races, such as goblins, house elves, dwarves, etc.

"Like attacking intelligent races?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

He recorded his thoughts and findings, and when he saw that the time was almost up, he packed up his things, cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself, and returned to the common room with vigilance.

At this time, the common room was full of little wizards doing homework. Daphne waved to him, and Brian sat down next to a few people.

Draco was writing his ancient rune homework. He was flipping through the rune dictionary a little irritably, making a mess on the parchment. Crabbe and Goyle were copying Draco's homework with their heads turned sideways, making the paper even more messy.

Daphne nodded to Brian, and then quietly tutored Astoria in the art of transfiguration. The little girl listened attentively.

Theodore sat elegantly in the armchair, with a copy of "Transfiguration Today" spread out on his lap, reading slowly.

Ofer, the Silver Linn Snake, was scurrying back and forth on the table here, coming and going freely like a silver sword, and he was having fun.

Brian did his homework for a while, and Blaise returned to the common room and sat down next to Brian and the others.

"Where have you been? Aren't you afraid of being caught by Filch at this late hour?" Theodore raised his eyelids and said calmly.

"When I go out for a walk, that old guy Filch can't catch me." Blaise said proudly.

Ofer wandered onto the table in front of Blaise, hissing and sticking out his tongue at him.

Blaise blinked, spread out the textbook and looked at it.

Draco raised his head, smiled wickedly, picked up Ofer, and walked straight to Blaise, who rolled his eyes at him.

Draco raised his eyebrows: "Are you not afraid of Ofer anymore?"

"Ahem, when have I ever been afraid of it?" Blaise coughed lightly, "How could I be stumped by a mere little snake..."

He moved, stood up and said, "I'm going back to the dormitory first." He left in a hurry.

"What has Blaise been up to lately? He is as mysterious as Brian these days." Theodore frowned.

"I happen to know a little bit..." Draco said slowly, touching Ofer's scales.

Draco gave it up and found that no one supported him, so he said helplessly: "He is probably in love."

"Huh?" Theodore and Daphne both looked over, and Brian also glanced at Draco.

Draco raised his chin proudly and said: "Yesterday evening, I saw him secretly talking to a girl on the edge of the field. I have never seen him so close to a girl... and she is a senior girl..."

"Who is it?" Daphne asked curiously.

"It was too far, I didn't see clearly." Draco said, "They separated quickly after seeing me. Maybe Blaise felt a little embarrassed to fall in love with a senior girl..."

"How do you know you are a senior?" Theodore raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, that girl's figure... you know." Draco glanced at Daphne's chest, turned his head and pretended to be nonchalant.

Daphne's cheeks turned red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "D-La-Ke!"

Theodore choked and coughed slightly.

Brian blinked his eyes and shook his head in confusion.

He freed the struggling and shouting Ofer from Draco's grasp and placed it carelessly on the table.

"Huang Mao is abusing me! Master, one day I will bite him!" Ofer hissed angrily.

Brian smiled, looking far away at the deep lake outside the window.

In the Gryffindor common room, Hermione had a pile of books piled in front of her. She finally finished her thick homework and stretched slightly.

Her big ginger cat, Crookshanks, poked his head out of a nearby armchair and stretched too.

She looked towards Harry and Ron, bit her lip in confusion, and then moved closer. Crookshanks jumped out of the armchair and followed her slowly.

"Oh, Hermione, let your broken cat go away!" Ron said unhappily, holding the trembling little ball in his pocket.

"You can go away, I just want to talk to Harry." Hermione said arrogantly.

"Humph, very good!" Ron hugged the mouse Scabbers and walked away. Crookshanks followed him leisurely, and Ron kicked him impatiently, but he nimbly dodged it.

Hermione breathed out heavily, and sat down on the armchair next to her. Facing Harry's confused gaze, she gritted her teeth and said, "Harry, your Marauder's Map..."

"Hermione, that's just a map, it's not dangerous at all!" Harry groaned, "My Firebolt has been destroyed by you, please don't..."

"That's not what I wanted to say." Hermione pursed her lips tightly and her cheeks turned red. "I just wanted to ask if you could lend me...the Marauder's Map."

Harry looked at the little witch in front of him with some surprise, as if he was wondering if she had been tricked. Hermione had always thought the Marauder's Map was a dangerous thing.

"You know, I've always been concerned about what happened last semester..." Hermione said anxiously, "It makes me uncomfortable. I want to figure out some things."

"Hermione, who do you suspect?" Harry asked cautiously.

"You know who it is, Harry!" Hermione said with a straight face, "He is the only one who has the motive to do that."

"But, Foley, it was he who told the truth and helped us defeat the Basilisk and Voldemort!"

"Yeah, this is something I can't figure out. But are you sure the truth he told is really the truth?" Hermione asked, "Those are all his words. If...I mean if, Instead of throwing away the diary, he kept it until later and then threw it to Fred?"

"This... this is too outrageous, Hermione." Harry shook his head and said, "What he did was the most unmotivated. Attacking classmates, but ensuring that they would not be killed, almost resurrecting Voldemort, and then Personally prevented his resurrection? This is full of contradictions!"

"Yeah, I know." Hermione gritted her teeth.

"Then why did you..."

"Intuition, Harry, it's just because of this." Hermione turned to look aside and said, "The day I can't solve this doubt, the day I can't face him. Maybe I just want to find a piece of evidence to prove that my intuition is wrong. "

"Okay, of course I will lend it to you." Harry said, "Of course, I will observe him with you. I think Ron will too..."

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