Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 139 Conversation with Dumbledore

After the Transfiguration class, Brian received another letter from Dumbledore, inviting him to come over for dinner.

Fawkes, the "owl" with two fiery red feathers on its head, delivered this letter to him before dinner. Draco even pulled the feathers on its head out of curiosity, and Fawkes pecked his forehead green in anger.

"If it bites harder just now, you might be able to get a scar with an interesting shape." Brian said playfully as he watched Fox flutter his wings and fly away.

Draco covered his forehead and rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "This owl has such a bad temper. If I see it again, I will definitely pluck out the two hairs on its head..."

Brian shook his head. He checked the time, went to the principal's office on time, and said the password to the ugly stone monster sculpture in front of the principal's office.

When he entered the familiar office that seemed unchanged, sumptuous delicacies and a variety of desserts were already laid out. Dumbledore was wearing a purple robe embroidered with gold patterns, looking energetic and not at all like an old man. look.

After dinner, Dumbledore said with emotion: "Food, especially desserts, always make people happy."

His bright blue eyes looked at Brian through the half-moon lenses, and he said slowly: "I heard the prophecy that Sybil told you, Brian."

Brian looked up at him quietly, nodded slightly and said, "Is this what you want?"

"Yes, what I have to tell you is that Sybil's prophecy must be treated with caution."

"Of course, not the usual remarks, you know..." Dumbledore winked at Brian, "but the prophecies that were spoken in her unconscious state."

"Although Sybil's knowledge of divination is not very good, I have to say that she does have a natural prophecy ability... That is a real prophecy, Brian." Dumbledore said with emotion.

"Then what can I do?" Brian said softly.

"Ah, I don't know either." Dumbledore spread his hands. "You don't seem to be too panicked. This mentality is the best. Don't do anything dangerous because of this prophecy. This is the most important thing."

"Of course, sir." Brian nodded.

"So, can you tell me, have you ever been involved in anything dangerous, or have you ever seen the 'ominous thing' she said?" Dumbledore said seriously.

"If the ominous thing you are talking about is the black dog, I have seen it..." Brian slowly recounted what happened at noon today.

"Oh, then, with your intelligence, you must have used the time turner properly, right?" Dumbledore blinked again.

"Yeah, I went back and looked, but I didn't see that ominous black dog in the future." Brian said.

Dumbledore paced in front of the desk, his brows furrowed tightly. He walked to the bookshelf and flipped through a book, while Brian looked at him quietly.

After a long time, Dumbledore closed the book in his hand and said slowly: "Ominous, this is something that has been around for a long time, but it did not exist forever..."

"The earliest record actually can only be traced back to the thirteenth century. A wizard named Anthony Smith saw it at a party with friends, but his friends thought he was just dazzled... The next afternoon, he was Found dead suddenly at home."

"This is the first recorded case of 'ominous'. Anthony claimed that it was a large black dog with eyes as bright as searchlights, very steady and solemn."

"After that, the 'ominous' black dog began to wreak havoc all over the world. There were examples of it being found everywhere, and those people soon died of various misfortunes..."

"Wizards have conducted a lot of research on ominous things and discovered some very interesting phenomena..." Dumbledore said, "First of all, based on the descriptions of many eyewitnesses, its appearance is more like a Castro Laborero dog. But it's much bigger. Secondly, people increasingly believe that it is a real creature..."

"Sorry, sir, is Ominous a real creature?" Brian straightened his back.

"Yes, researchers increasingly think so. Of course, this kind of research is not known to outsiders." Dumbledore nodded, "I specially asked the researchers to borrow this book." He shook it. book in hand.

"Ominous, let's call it that for the time being. There is no pattern in the area where it appears, but the time it appears is traceable." Dumbledore looked up at the painting on the wall, "The time it appears every time The intervals are all between ten and twenty years.”

"Ten to twenty years..." Brian muttered to himself, holding his chin in his hand.

"Yes, some researchers believe that the omen may be looking for food. The person it targets is actually its food. What it devours is life, soul, or luck... so that person will die. , and the ominous ones who have had a good meal are going back to rest.”

"Of course, some people think that it is the messenger of the God of Death, harvesting souls for the God of Death... This is obviously mostly speculation."

"But there is no doubt that as long as they really see something ominous... I'm sorry, Brian, what I'm about to say may make you unhappy..." Dumbledore said softly, "They will all Didn’t survive a month.”

Brian pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

"The last person who saw the ominous thing was Bilius. He died twenty-four hours after seeing the ominous thing. The cause of death was a bean stuck in the trachea..." Dumbledore said, "But the interesting thing is , the time interval from when he died to when you saw the omen was exactly ten years.”

Brian narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.

"I can lend you this research notebook about ominousness. I hope you can find something out of it." Dumbledore handed the book in his hand to Brian, "Of course, remember to return it to me after solving it."

"And, I will always be ready to solve some problems for you, Brian." Dumbledore looked at him deeply, "If you encounter any problems, you can come to me."

"Okay, sir." Brian took the thick book and said softly, "Thank you."

Brian slowly turned around and left with the book in hand, when Dumbledore suddenly stopped him: "By the way, I heard that you have been studying alchemy?"

"Yes, sir." Brian said.

Facing Brian's somewhat confused look, Dumbledore said with a smile: "Sure enough, I heard Severus say that you were studying alchemy, tsk tsk, he wasn't very happy, because he was training you as a successor. …”

Brian nodded slightly and said, "I am very grateful to Professor Snape, but I am also really interested in alchemy."

"Of course, I don't want to stop you from studying alchemy," Dumbledore winked mischievously. "As a wizard, you always have to study more fields. The truly outstanding people will never bother to dig into the corner of a cow..."

"I have an old friend who left me an alchemy book before he left. He hoped that I could find a suitable owner for this book. I think you are quite suitable." Dumbledore rummaged through the bookshelves. , finally took out a golden book and handed it to Brian.

Brian gently touched the cover of the book. It was not too thick, but heavy, and the name was written on it: Nico Flamel.

"Professor Dumbledore, why would you want to give me this book?" Brian said softly.

"Ah, because this old friend of mine is very picky. He has never found a satisfactory heir in his life. He wants a child who is smart, studious, talented and has studied alchemy. He also hopes that the child is young and has not been abused. Other schools of alchemy have absorbed..."

"No, what I'm saying is, why can you believe me? Give me such a precious book?" Brian raised his head, stared into Dumbledore's eyes and said, "You know, my family is not That will make you trust me.”

Dumbledore looked at Brian seriously and said slowly: "But you deserve my trust, Brian."

Brian still looked at Dumbledore.

"It's not because of Legilimency. I know you are guarding against me. To be honest, I don't like using it." Dumbledore sat on the chair and crossed his hands. "It's just because I believe you."

"I think I see many similar shadows in you, and you can always create miracles." Dumbledore said with emotion, "You are like me, but much more rational than me... Last semester, was it you? Rescued us from the dream?"

"I don't know." Brian said.

"Okay, Brian." Dumbledore looked up at the small lamp on the ceiling, "I am willing to believe you, because your mind and behavior can gain my trust..."

"I just hope that if you can really get through the difficulties this time, can you please also believe in me, Brian?"

Brian was silent for a moment and nodded slightly.

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