Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 138 Discussion on Prophecy

Brian said goodbye to Daphne calmly. He hurried to an unattended corner and took out the time turner.

"Is it ominous?" Brian frowned and turned the small hourglass of the time turner three times.

Everything around him turned into colorful blocks like a whirling kaleidoscope before his eyes. When everything returned to normal, he was already standing here three hours ago.

Brian put the time turner away, took out his wand from his pocket, and cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself.

He headed directly towards the venue, found a secluded place and waited silently.

Time passed slowly, and Brian stood here silently like a sculpture. Finally, Brian saw his past self walking through the corridor with Daphne to take a divination class, looking into the venue through the window.

Brian looked at the middle of the field and raised the wand in his hand.

However, there was nothing in the middle of the field, nothing.

Brian looked at his past self and paused for a moment, then walked away with Daphne as if nothing had happened.

He closed his eyes and hurried to the Room of Requirement.

"Is Trelawney's prophecy true?"

Brian walked into the room and said, although it was a question, his tone was very firm.

"I don't think she needs to lie to us." The other Brian in the room said calmly, leaning against the wall.

"So, did you get any answers from 'Future'?" Brian said.

"Unfortunately, not really." The future self shook his head.

"Then, let's analyze it first...what have I done that could lead to my own death?" Brian said, "There should be some clues."

"You said it." The future version of him smiled, "It's not my place to say this."

Brian pondered for a moment and said: "If it is really because of my time travel, there is no way to solve it at the moment. So let's not talk about it for now..."

"Then...there are still some doubts, such as the group of men in black robes outside the manor during Christmas..." Brian said, "Could they be coming for me? My parents happened to not be at home at that time."

"Then, going back to an earlier time, on the last day before school started, when I left Knockturn Alley, the group of very strange people who were surrounding me vaguely, could it have anything to do with it?"

"Also, Bo Jin's advice, 'be careful', I always thought he was reminding me to pay attention to the group of people outside after I went out... But now that I think about it, his actions are actually very suspicious."

"If he really knew that someone was out there trying to do something bad to me, why did he kick me out of the store instead of letting me go home via Floo like usual..."

"But if he is with the people outside, why would he bother to remind me to be careful?" Brian thought quickly, and many clues gradually connected into lines.

"There are two possibilities. One is that what Bo Jin reminded me was not about things outside the store at all, but other things. The other is that he didn't want to offend those who wanted to harm me too severely, or he was coerced, or even He was involved in this matter...for some purpose, and he didn't want them to succeed."

"In any case, Borgin must have some information. Moreover, he said it was 'our' gesture, which also made me feel very concerned."

In the future, he nodded and said: "But since Bo Jin just mentioned caution, he will definitely not take the initiative to reveal the news to us."

"Yes, and we can't ask him directly." Brian frowned, "Hogwarts is the safest place for me at the moment. Once I recklessly go to Borgin Bock's store to ask for the truth, maybe It may be a cocoon to promote the establishment of the prophecy.”

"Yes, when it comes to ominous things, you must be cautious." He agreed in the future, "I wonder if I will be very unlucky recently."

"Speaking of that prophecy..." Brian frowned, feeling a little distressed, "We can review it..."

"First of all, I was found by Ominous. It stared at me and invited me to the right place..." Brian recalled the prophecy, "Is Ominous really the big black dog?"

"Indeed, seeing a big black dog is often considered by wizards to be a sign of death," he nodded in the future, "The black dog that represents death is called ominous..."

"Before class, I met a big black dog on the field. I thought it was Sirius Black." Brian said seriously, "But when I went to look just now, I didn't see it..."

"That's something that can only be seen in my eyes at that moment." Brian said slowly.

"Very good, I need to check the divination books." He closed his eyes in the future and said.

"Okay, so back to the prophecy... why is it 'invite me to the right place'?" Brian said.

"In death, Brian, all I can think of is this..." he said in the future, "No matter what, we shouldn't be alive in the first place, right?"

"Resurrection from the dead is not allowed?" Brian said with an indifferent expression.


"Okay, the last prophecy is that the morning star will light up and death is approaching." Brian continued, "Does the morning star represent death?"

"It also represents rebirth, Brian." He said softly in the future, "This expression is too abstract. Maybe we need to look up the past few times when the morning star shone."

"The first time may have been impossible to verify, but the second time... we already have an idea, right?"

"Yeah, but it's hard to find the answer. It's been too long..." Brian pinched his chin and said, "Maybe I can try to find it..."

"If the prophecy will definitely come true, we need to hurry up." He said in the future.

"But Trelawny's prophecy did not say at what point in time things will happen," Brian said. "Death is always approaching, and the morning star will light up without knowing when... But the first thing we need to escape is Ominous."

"I will be swallowed up by the ominous..." Brian said, "But the prophecy does not say that I will die at that time. The ominous is a harbinger of death, but it does not equal death."

“This is where my life comes from.”

"If I am going to die eventually, but at least I have to postpone it to a further time, until I understand more about the secrets of 'death'..." He said slowly.

"Yeah, so there's no need for you to come over here to talk to me... We've already made preparations, haven't we?" He from the future said with a smile, "Now, it's time for you to go to class."

Brian's black eyes became calm and reserved again. He glanced at his future self, turned around and walked out of the Room of Requirement.

He finished an arithmetic divination class, and after the time turner returned to a usable state, he went back to the past and came to the Room of Requirement, waiting for his past self.

During the conversation with himself, Brian sorted out his thoughts again, and his mood became less gloomy.

He is always obsessed with facing unknown challenges.

Always make this unexpected life journey more exciting, so that it can be worthy of being called a "great adventure".

"It's a bit ironic." Watching his past self leave, Brian smiled sarcastically.

He finished his homework in the Room of Requirement, waited until the time was almost up, and then rushed to the Transfiguration classroom.

Along the way, the little wizard's eyes looked a little strange when he saw him. Apparently, word of Trelawney's prophecy quickly spread among the students.

Brian became a celebrity, and wherever he passed, people would always look at him with pity, or even shun him in a hurry, as if he was carrying a deadly germ.

Brian ignored the opinions of others and entered the Transfiguration classroom. The noise inside suddenly stopped, and everyone held their breath and looked at him.

"I think they took that liar's words seriously, right?" Draco said lazily, "That disgusting big insect... Do you want to write a letter home, and let's drive her out of the Hogwarts together?" Gwartz?”

"Good idea, I can't stand her lessons anymore." Daphne agreed with Draco for the first time.

"Don't take it to heart, Brian. I think the difference between her and previous years is that this year he predicted the death of two people, and Potter..." Theodore added.

"Yeah, let that female liar go to hell." Blaise said, hugging his shoulders.

"You guys...I'm not that fragile." Brian blinked, feeling a little warm in his heart, but also a little helpless.

Crabbe and Goyle nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Professor McGonagall walked in and started class.

Thank you Mengzhitan for the 100 starting coins~

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