Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 135 Going Home

With the last week before Christmas, the campus is already filled with Christmas atmosphere.

Professor Flitwick from Charms class decorated his classroom with colorful lights, which turned into real fairies and flew around with flapping wings.

The students are all discussing their vacation plans. Very few people chose to stay in school this Christmas. Obviously no little wizard wanted to spend Christmas with the dementors guarding the school.

On the last weekend, little wizards can go to Hogsmeade again. Everyone happily prepared early, passed Filch's inspection one by one, and rushed to Hogsmeade like birds released from their cages.

They browsed various stores before flocking to the most popular Honeydukes Candy Shop.

Daphne and Blaise squeezed into the crowd, choosing their favorite candies. Crabbe and Goyle can always occupy good positions with their size advantages and grab a lot of candies.

Brian saw a notice from the Ministry of Magic posted on the door of the candy store, telling everyone that dementors would patrol the streets of Hogsmeade from sunset every day, and warned all customers to finish shopping before sunset.

Draco also came over to look at the notice. He glanced at Ron and Hermione who were standing not far away. Ron wanted to stay away as if he had seen something disgusting.

"Potter is still huddled in the dormitory and shivering. He must be frightened by so many Dementors, as well as Sirius Black." Draco said in a long voice, "If it were me, I wouldn't be like this if I were killed. Coward. I would have rushed up to fight Black, instead of hiding far away from the murderer of his parents like poor kid Potter..."

Brian saw the shadow of a pair of feet suddenly flashing on the ground next to Ron and Hermione, like an illusion. Draco also glanced suspiciously.

"Don't make this up, Malfoy!" Ron said, staring at Draco in disgust.

"Making it up? It's a joke. Everyone knows about it. Right, Brian?" Draco raised his eyebrows at Brian.

"Oh, almost." Brian said casually.

"Tsk tsk, doesn't poor little Potter know this?" Draco pretended to be surprised, "That's right, no one dared to tell him this, lest the timid Potter be scared to death. …”

Brian rolled his eyes slightly, not bothering to get involved in Draco's daily pleasure. He glanced at the crowd in the candy store and said, "I'm going to the magic equipment store first, and I'll meet you at the Three Broomsticks Bar later."

He stayed away from the crowded area and walked towards the magic equipment store where there were fewer students. There will also be some alchemy materials sold there, and he needs to replenish some.

"Forley!" A small voice sounded beside him. Brian looked back and saw nothing there.

"Potter?" Brian raised his eyebrows, "Why are you here? You shouldn't have come out..."

"No, Foley, do you know about Sirius Black and...my parents?" Harry's voice sounded a little urgent, "Can you tell me?"

"That's not what you should know, Potter." Brian blinked. Sooner or later, Harry would learn the truth from somewhere else, and Brian obviously didn't want to waste time and saliva telling him again.

"No, you know, Foley, this is very important to me. I should have the right to know..." Harry whispered with a slight tremor, "Can you please tell me? I promise I won't do anything impulsive. , let alone hurt you..."

"This is not a matter of implication. I think you should know more about this from the professor." Brian said helplessly, "Potter, why don't you go to the Three Broomsticks Bar? You can get a lot of information there."

"The professors won't tell me at all, they always think I'm so fragile that I could break at the touch of a touch!" Harry obviously didn't want to leave easily, he chased after me.

Brian finally couldn't stand his persistent pursuit and said concisely: "When the Dark Lord was looking for your parents and you, your parents used a very complicated spell to avoid him."

"The Loyalty Charm can hide a secret in a person's soul, and that person is called the secret keeper. As long as the secret keeper does not take the initiative to reveal the secret, the Dark Lord will never be able to discover them, even if he puts his nose to it. Not even outside their living room windows.”

Beside, Harry's breathing quickened, and he said in a slightly trembling tone: "Could it be that..."

"Yes, your parents chose Black as the secret keeper, and they trusted him. But obviously, Black informed the Dark Lord, and then... you know." Brian said slowly.

"After that incident, another friend of your parents, Peter Pettigrew, intercepted Black and wanted to avenge your parents. As a result, he was blown to pieces by the crazy Black, along with a street and ten people on the street. Two Muggles together."

There was no word from his side for a long time, and Brian thought Harry had left secretly.

"...I understand, thank you, Foley..." Harry's voice seemed a little hoarse.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Hagrid or Professor Lupin... I don't think anyone has a more say than them." Brian said.

"Okay, thank you..." Harry's voice was a little low, and his footsteps moved away messily.

Brian looked at the direction Harry left, shook the wand in his hand slightly, and whispered softly: "Can't you see, my Apparition Spell is not good enough?"

He shook his head, entered the magic equipment store, and swept through large bags of materials.

When their trip to Hogsmeade was about to come to an end, a group of young wizards drank a cup of warm butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks pub before returning to Hogwarts with more than satisfied.

Early the next morning, the little wizards boarded the train home, with laughter and laughter echoing around the train.

Brian and the others occupied a private room and ate the candies they bought yesterday. Blaise lit a large bundle of Libian fireworks, and his head was burned by the fireworks flying everywhere.

"Ah, unlucky." Blaise rubbed his hair and said, "An old witch told me during the summer vacation that I would be unlucky this year. It was indeed true..."

"Isn't this a normal thing for you?" Theodore said calmly, "Actually, as long as you don't seek death and don't always think about doing something different from ordinary people, will bad luck happen to you on its own? Can’t do it?”

However, Blaise ignored Theodore's chatter and lit another bundle of fireworks. The violent fireworks turned into the shape of a phoenix and burned Theodore's hat.

Theodore jumped up and grabbed Blaise's neck, while Draco laughed happily. Brian and Daphne played several games of wizard chess. Even with Astoria on hand to give advice, the little girl still lost and doubted her life.

Soon, the train arrived at King's Cross Station. Brian and the others got off the train, and the platform was crowded with little wizards.

"There are so many people going home this Christmas." Daphne said with emotion.

"Who wants to spend Christmas with those dementors?" Draco said. "And Sirius Black."

"I'm just saying, Potter is going to be scared to tears this holiday..." Draco said in a long tone.

"Get out of the way, the Dark Lord is coming!" A deliberately high-pitched voice came from behind them. The Weasley twins imitated Draco and took steps to disown their relatives. Fred looked arrogant like Draco, while George put on a flattering and funny expression. Ginny followed them, covering her mouth and laughing.

"This Dark Lord thinks that the Malfoys' feet are the best in the world, so I will go to his house to wash my feet today." Fred said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, I will take you there right now!" George winked.

Draco was furious, but before he could say anything, George pinched his throat and said, "No, Harry Potter is here!"

Fred instantly bent over and shrugged, looking around with fear on his face: "What? Where is it? Did you bring Potter here?"

"George, Fred, what are you doing!" Mrs. Weasley rushed over and slapped each of them on the head, panting angrily like an angry lion, "This is something that can be joked about. Really? When can you learn from Percy?"

Percy puffed out his chest proudly. The twins lowered their heads with drooping eyebrows, exchanging glances secretly.

The Weasley family quickly left, and Draco saw Mr. Malfoy. He said angrily: "They ran fast, otherwise my father would have pinched off their heads and used them as balls for the trolls to kick..."

Brian found Mrs. Foley in the crowd. He smiled and said, "I'm going back. Goodbye."

After a group of people said goodbye to each other, they walked towards their respective families.

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