Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 136 Christmas at Home

Christmas at Foley Manor is not as lively as at school, but warm enough.

After Brian got home, the family started decorating for Christmas. They decorated the two tall Christmas trees in the hall with lights, baubles and ribbons, and wrapped ivy and mistletoe around the walls and ceiling.

On Christmas Day, Brian got up from the bed on time, while Ofer was lazily warming himself on the fireplace. There were already piles of gift boxes under the Christmas tree.

Brian opened his gifts one by one, including a large string of special fireworks from Draco, a green scarf from Daphne, several modern Muggle history books from Hermione, etc.

Luna gave Brian a Christmas crystal ball. There were two little people in it, a boy and a girl. They looked exactly like Brian and Luna. They were holding hands and jumping around in the crystal ball with big smiles on their faces. Bounce.

Brian turned on the switch of the crystal ball, and an ethereal and melodious Christmas carol floated out, probably sung and recorded by Luna herself. The little man in the crystal ball began to dance awkwardly but cheerfully.

Brian smiled, put the crystal ball aside, and opened Blaise's gift box.


A spider-like thing as big as a head suddenly jumped out of the box and tried to hug Brian's head.

Brian instinctively swung his wand, smashing the thing to the ground and exploding into a ball of colorless liquid.

He was a little frightened and took out a note from the gift box, which read:

"A surprise that will accompany you throughout your vacation! This little cutie will hug your face intimately and then dye your cheeks and hair into your favorite color! It uses the latest strong ink, so you don't have to worry about it fading within seven days. oh."

"I would like to dedicate this to my friends and wish you a Merry Christmas!"

Brian twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking that if he was really hugged, he might not be happy this Christmas holiday.

This Christmas, everyone received gifts, even the house elves of the Foley family each received a soft and warm quilt from Mrs. Foley, which made them grateful to their kind mistress.

At noon, the family of three had a warm dinner together. It was rare that Mrs. Foley no longer insisted on the etiquette of aristocrats, and she was the first to let go of her restraints after drinking a few glasses of red wine.

The two adults drank wine and hugged and danced a ballroom dance after lunch. A group of dwarfs played various instruments and performed a grand symphony.

In the afternoon, the family played in the large field for a long time. There are some flowers that only bloom in winter in the garden, and their fragrance comes in the cold wind.

Mr. Foley rode his favorite Firebolt, tumbling smoothly in the air, and enthusiastically performed several Quidditch tactical moves for them, such as the sloth tree roll and Wronsky's feint.

According to Mr. Foley, he originally wanted to join the Quidditch national team after graduating from school and had passed their test. However, his behavior was considered by his father to be unprofessional and he was taken back to inherit the family business.

"This is really a sad thing." Mr. Foley said regretfully. "During that time, I hated your grandfather. He kept spending money and wasting the family. But your grandfather told me contemptuously that what I spent every day was not as much as One-tenth of the money he earns from lying down every day..."

"So?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

"So I came back to inherit the family property." Mr. Foley also raised his eyebrows.

They chatted on the field until night fell. Brian lit the special fireworks that Draco gave him, and they turned into various images such as fire dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns. They performed a grand dance in the sky, and finally exploded into golden stars that scattered all over the sky. The sky shines like day.

"Well - it's so beautiful, but it will definitely be seen by the Muggles in the village..." Mr. Foley said with a smile, "It's really troublesome, you can handle it yourself."

"They can't find it here," Brian said. Because a Muggle shielding spell was cast on their home.

"Yes, yes, Muggles are like that. They don't think about anything and will soon forget about it." Mr. Foley said lazily.

"Dad, have you heard about the news about the Muggle world?" Brian suddenly mentioned.

"Oh, I mean, why do you care about that?" Mr. Foley blinked.

"I think Muggles are not as stupid as we think, Dad." Brian said softly, "After all, their population base is so large, there will always be amazing people..."

"Brian, you don't have to worry about those Muggles who are as weak and stupid as ants." Mr. Foley frowned.

"Dad, I think it's not a bad thing to open your eyes and see the outside world." Brian said in a very soft voice, "I found that the Muggle world has developed very quickly in recent years, so fast that people are caught off guard..."

"Uh, you...did you take the wrong medicine?" Mr. Foley said. Mrs. Foley patted Brian on the shoulder and made no comment.

"No, I'm just expressing some thoughts." Brian narrowed his eyes and smiled. He took out the Muggle modern history book Hermione gave him and handed it to Mr. Foley, saying, "I think it's necessary to learn more about it. ."

Mr. Foley flipped through the books in his hand and blinked dullly.

When Brian strolled back to the manor, Mr. Foley reacted and shouted: "Brat, when will it be your turn to teach me?"

Mrs. Foley covered her mouth and chuckled.

Early the next morning, as if nothing had happened, they went shopping in Diagon Alley all morning under the leadership of Mrs. Foley, watching her frantically buying goods.

Diagon Alley was also shrouded in the Christmas atmosphere at this time. A gorgeous stage was set up at the entrance of Diagon Alley. Bands and troupes took turns performing on the stage, and they were surrounded by tourists watching.

They waited until the afternoon before they returned to the manor with unfinished business.

After Christmas, life in the manor returned to a relaxed and somewhat boring routine. Mr. and Mrs. Foley went on vacation somewhere, and Brian studied alchemy out of boredom.

At this time, the mirror in the corner of the study suddenly made a pleasant tinkling sound, and displayed a scene outside the manor.

"Muggle?" Brian raised his eyebrows and murmured in surprise.

He walked out of the door and approached slowly. Two house elves followed him respectfully from a distance, protecting his safety at all times.

In the jungle on the mountainside, a group of people were walking panting.

"It's strange, why are we lost in this ghost place? It's obviously just a hill." A boy of fifteen or sixteen years old said.

"There have always been haunting legends here. Could it be that we are haunted by ghosts?" A girl of about the same age held a little girl of about ten years old and said uneasily, "Those sneaky ones just now The man in black robe is very suspicious... We really shouldn’t come here privately.”

"Come on, Martha, you were the most enthusiastic when I proposed the adventure just now, and you even brought your sister with you." The tall girl walking at the front rolled her eyes.

"Who allowed there to be such beautiful fireworks on the mountain yesterday..." Martha's cheeks turned red.

"Why did you turn a corner as soon as you got here instead of continuing up the mountain?" The little girl held by Martha panted, and she pouted unhappily, "We have been to this place several times, but You just don’t move forward..."

"Wait a minute, Alyssa, are you hallucinating?" Martha said in surprise, "I don't remember being here, and I didn't turn a corner?"

"Obviously, sister, you are so careless." Alyssa said.

"Why do I feel... a little hairy?" The group stopped, feeling a little creepy.

"what to do?"

"We've been walking for so long, are we going back like this?" Martha said with her hands on her hips, "Since Alyssa has a good sense of direction, let her lead the way!"

Led by the little girl, they finally passed through the jungle and reached the top of the mountain.

"Ah, a castle!" Alyssa exclaimed with bright eyes.

"Castle? No way! There is obviously only a wasteland here!" Others said in a fuss.

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