Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 134 Journey into the Forbidden Forest

Time flashed to the end of November. In the Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw won, and Brian also gained 0.1 witness points through this.

During this period, he was still in a period of rapid growth in strength.

His level of transfiguration successfully reached the proficient level, because at the end of the month he truly learned the vanishing spell and made a beetle disappear.

Although Brian never figured out where the beetle went. Even through the tracking of the magic spell, no trace of it could be found, but various signs indicate that the beetle is probably dead.

Brian's transformation still has a long way to go, though. Take the disappearing spell as an example. The more complicated the object is to disappear, the more difficult the spell becomes. Therefore, it is basically impossible to use the disappearance spell in battle to make a powerful wizard disappear.

At the same time, his spell-free spellcasting level was successfully upgraded to mastery level, because Brian had a good level of charms and practiced spell-free spellcasting smoothly.

On Potions, he had been studying the notes Snape had given him. It contains almost all of Snape's hard work over a period of time. Not only does it contain some improvements in potions, experiments with medicinal properties, and his own potion formulas, but it also records his own magic spells, including the Shadowless Curse of the Divine Edge. and its uncurse.

Brian couldn't help but sigh that Snape was indeed a true genius. His talents in Potions, Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts were outstanding.

Brian learned the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse, which is indeed a very powerful attack magic. The wounds caused by it cannot be healed by conventional methods. If it didn't have a special solution to the curse, it would probably be listed as one of the unforgivable curses.

At the end of this semester, Brian took a vacation to prepare for Christmas, intending to temporarily relax his nerves that were tense due to intense study.

He didn't plan to stay at Hogwarts this Christmas, but decided to go home so that Mrs. Foley wouldn't resent her.

Brian stood on the edge of the field looking at the falling snowflakes, thinking that it was really comfortable not to be involved in the Savior's affairs.

Luna walked out of the castle wearing a thick black cloak, a furry dog-head hat on her head, and holding a large bag in her hands. After she saw Brian, she said hello to him very happily, her erratic voice appearing even lighter in the snowy sky.

"Hey, Luna, what are you doing?" Brian looked at Luna's strange dress and blinked.

"I'm going to feed the animals." Luna blinked her eyes that always seemed to be wide open. "I found that creature on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. It was so weird... I have never seen anything so interesting. animal."

"Really? Can I come with you?" Brian smiled.

"Yes, but it is very timid. You'd better dress up like me, otherwise you will scare it away..." Luna pointed to her dog-head hat, "I think this way it will think that we are its kind. "

Brian twitched the corners of his mouth and used the transformation technique to turn the hood on his cloak into a dog's head.

They walked along the snow-covered field towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Next to a withered bush, Luna placed the food she was holding on the ground, calling in a light and gentle voice, as if she was singing.

After waiting for a long time, a huge black dog with gray eyes came out from the side. It grabbed the bag with food in its mouth, glanced at them intelligently with a pair of human eyes, and then got into the bushes. Gone.

"Luna, when did you start feeding it?" Brian raised his eyebrows. He felt like the black dogs were laughing at their hats.

"I found it in November," Luna said in a tone as if she was talking in her sleep. "I tried to give it some food, but it always ran away when it saw me."

"I think it's afraid of me, so I dressed myself up in a similar way," Luna said enthusiastically. "As expected, it no longer rejects my approach, but it still doesn't want to eat the food I give it."

"It was obviously so hungry, but I think it was afraid of humans hurting it. So I finished the food in front of it. After a few times, it was willing to eat the food I gave it."

"Maybe he thinks you are a little stupid." Brian shook his head helplessly and said silently in his heart.

"I think it must be a magical animal in the Forbidden Forest. It's really wonderful. I will definitely go to the depths of the Forbidden Forest to take a look. Maybe there will be a Snorlax inside." Luna said yearningly.

"It looks like an ordinary black dog." Brian said.

"Yes, but I always feel that he is a gentle person," Luna said in a dazed tone, "very gentle and very sad."

"Really?" Brian murmured.

"I wonder if he is the child who was cursed in fairy tales. From then on, he silently protected the children from the curse and pain..." Luna said in an ethereal voice.

"A spirit that protects children?" Brian said softly, "Maybe."

"How about we go to the Forbidden Forest for a walk?" Brian suggested.

"Okay." Luna agreed happily.

They walked along the deserted forest path into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, their feet making a "click-click" sound on the ground.

The Forbidden Forest in winter is still dangerous, but it seems less noisy, with only a few howls of wild beasts occasionally coming from the depths.

But for Brian now, all beasts are no longer dangerous. He knocked out the beast that attacked them with ease, and kept going deeper.

Although the Forbidden Forest is dangerous, there are also beautiful scenes that Brian has never seen before.

At the edge of a frozen pool, they found several palm-sized elves. They were babbling and playing with the snowflakes. Instead of being afraid when they saw the two people, they held hands and circled around their heads.

Luna smiled and stretched out her hand to them. The elf flapped its transparent wings, pulled her fingers curiously, and danced in her palm.

"They can sense malice from a long distance, so they can survive in the Forbidden Forest." When they said goodbye to the elves and moved on, Brian said softly.

Luna nodded and raised her hand to straighten the black dog hat on her head. A few strands of disheveled blond hair stuck out, making her look a little funny.

At one place, they broke into the territory of a group of Thestrals. Those Thestrals' pale white eyes looked at the two people meekly, minding their own business resting or strolling around.

Deep in a cave next to an unfrozen spring, they also found a nest of unicorns.

A big unicorn swayed its long tail, its beautiful blue eyes looked at them warily, and it paved the soil with its golden hooves uneasily. It has pure white shiny fur and a spiral spike on top of its head.

In the cave, there were several young unicorn babies lying, huddled in nests made of grass and feathers, like balls of snow-white cotton. Their clear eyes looked at the two people curiously.

"What a beautiful creature..." Luna looked at the unicorn with some fascination, her light eyes seemed to shine.

"Yes, but this is a unicorn with a cub. I'm afraid it won't let us get close," Brian said.

But Luna could always do things that surprised Brian. Under her funny movements and singing voice, the big unicorn approached her very curiously and even allowed her to touch her breasts. Hair, even close to those little unicorns.

However, the big unicorn still stared at Brian with some vigilance, not allowing him to get closer.

Brian leaned against a tree trunk and watched Luna smiling as she picked up a little unicorn and stroked it gently. The little unicorn rubbed her cheek, looking very lively and friendly.

Brian smiled lightly. This girl always has a wonderful charm that makes people feel at ease.

They finally left the unicorn's lair and continued exploring the Forbidden Forest.

It's been an amazing journey for Luna, and it's not all good.

They strayed into the territory of a group of wasps as big as a human head and were chased by them all the way. Brian had to use a spell to catch them all and hang them from the branches.

They also broke into the territory of the centaurs and were almost shot with arrows by the unfriendly centaurs. Finally, a friendly silver centaur escorted them out of the area. He told them that his name was Firenze.

When the sky gradually darkened, they walked out of the forbidden forest. Brian caught a glimpse of a black shadow shrinking back in the shadow of the tree. The black dog seemed to be following the two people from a distance.

"Thank you, Brian," Luna said softly, "for giving me a wonderful adventure."

"Then, consider this my Christmas gift." Brian smiled, "You have to think carefully about what gift to give me."

"Of course." Luna nodded seriously, the dog-head hat swaying on her head.

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