Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 133 Alchemy Notes and Marauder’s Map

The first Quidditch match of the school year ended with a surprise.

Draco got a lot of laughs for a long time. He kept imitating the dementor in front of Harry and acted out the embarrassing look of Harry falling off his broomstick.

Ron finally couldn't stand Draco's provocation, and dropped a huge, slippery crocodile heart on Draco's pale pointed face during the Potions class, causing him to fall unsteadily on Crabbe's face. In arms. As a result, Snape deducted fifty points from Gryffindor.

Harry seemed to be in a bad mood, because he once again saw the big black dog that represented "unknown", and his Nimbus 2000 was blown to the Whomping Willow by the strong wind, and was hit by the fierce Whomping Willow. It became more than ten yuan.

The only thing that gave him some relief was that the unknown seemed to have failed and failed to let him die. He laughed at himself, thinking that the dog food he sent might suit the unknown appetite.

In the Divination class, Trelawney's eyes, which were dilated by her glasses, were filled with tears. She made such a fuss over Harry that he turned pale.

Hermione's cheeks were red with anger, she contradicted Trelawney again, and walked away after the bell rang.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Lupine returned, although he looked more sickly, with thick shadows under his eyes. This made Draco and the others feel a little sorry.

Brian was still studying step by step. During this period, he continued to go to Snape's office every week to study Potions. He also began to teach himself how to cast spells without spells, and now he has successfully started.

His Potions skills had successfully reached Mastery level, and according to Snape, he was now able to pass the O.W.L. examination with ease. Some time ago, he easily brewed a series of magic potions that were only encountered in the sixth grade, including the joy potion.

One night, Snape specially taught him how to prepare the Wolfsbane potion. This was a potion that was very complicated to prepare and required expensive ingredients, but Brian still succeeded in brewing it.

"Brian, tell me what the wolfsbane potion does?" Snape said in a low voice as he watched Brian brew the potion.

"Wolfsbane potion is a potion that can keep a werewolf sane on a full moon night. If taken one week before the full moon, the werewolf will remain sane even if he turns into a wolf." Brian blinked and said.

"It's just that because the wolfsbane potion is difficult to prepare and the required medicinal materials are rare, its price has always been high, and it is difficult for any werewolf to really afford it." Brian added slowly.

Snape nodded imperceptibly, his dark eyes looking empty and indifferent.

"Your current level of potion science is in a serious state of partiality," he changed the subject. "Your memory and magic power are excellent, and your control of magic power is relatively stable. When configuring potions, it is like an extremely precise machine, almost There will be no mistakes. So as long as you have the formula, you can brew the finished potion very well, and even the wolfsbane potion can be successfully prepared..."

Brian nodded slightly and listened carefully.

"However, you are still at the stage of learning from others, and you are far from the ability to innovate yourself. This is the most important step towards becoming a potion expert or even a master." Snape said, "A good potion master can always Make the most suitable potion according to your own needs..."

Brian nodded in agreement. He understood that if he wanted to improve his level of potions from proficient level to expert level, he would need to analyze poisons to prepare targeted antidotes and create potions based on their properties.

"To cross this step, talent and hard work are both indispensable. You need to master more knowledge, understand the properties of all medicinal materials and their interactions, and make continuous efforts day after day..." Snape said slowly. Xu said, "But for most people, reaching your current level is completely sufficient."

"Then, do you want to continue to study potions in depth and explore its ultimate truth, or are you going to limit yourself to daily use and call it a day?"

"I want to continue studying it further, Professor Snape." Brian said seriously.

"Then you should understand that this will cost you a lot of time and energy. People's energy is limited. You have to make a choice and specialize in one or two fields. Otherwise, you will only suffer in every aspect. For mediocrity." Snape said very sternly.

"I understand, sir," Brian said firmly. His current ability is enough for him to study knowledge in multiple fields, and the witness points also give him more confidence.

"Very good." Snape was silent for a long time and said concisely.

He took out a thick old notebook, which was messily written with dense small characters. Some places were even darkened due to erasure and alteration, and the handwriting looked very blurry. He stroked the notebook gently and handed it to Brian.

"These are the research notes I took when I was studying Potions. Make good use of them." Snape said indifferently.

Brian took the note and looked at the somewhat dirty cover, the pages that were rolled up due to long-term use, and the dense thoughts and experiences about potion brewing inside. He looked at Snape with some surprise.

Of course he knew how precious a potion master's research notes were, they were almost a legacy.

Snape maintained an indifferent expression, and took out a book list more than one meter long from the drawer and handed it to Brian: "These are books you need to read carefully and even memorize. Some of them are in the restricted book area. Here is my permission signature..."

"Next week I will examine the contents of your first ten books." Snape said slowly.

Brian took the long list of books with some shame and nodded heavily.

"I understand, Professor Snape," Brian said softly, his eyes shining brightly. This professor shouted with more sincerity than ever before.

But Snape didn't let him stay moved for long, and drove him out of the office roughly.

Standing in front of the closed office door, Brian smiled complicatedly, bowed slightly to the office door, and left slowly.

It was a bit late, and it took a long time to brew the wolfsbane potion. He came to the secret room with light steps and went directly back in time for five hours.

"Then, let's get started." Brian circled around the castle model and rubbed his hands excitedly.

He plans to make his own Marauder's Map.

He could draw the map of the castle directly using the castle model. After observing and studying the castle model for such a long time, Brian also mastered many secret passages and entrances and exits to secret rooms.

It is not too difficult to display the location of a person's name in the castle. All it takes is a tracking spell.

After all, the Marauder's Map was made by a few students who had not yet graduated. In fact, the alchemy level contained in it was not too advanced, and Brian's level was enough to copy it.

But there is another problem. The Marauder's Map can see through people's disguises and reveal their true names. For example, it can show Peter Pettigrew in the form of a mouse, and Barty Crouch using Polyjuice Potion.

And even the castle model under the secret room cannot reveal the real name.

For example, Brian's eyes fell on Harry's dormitory, which only displayed a few names, as well as Scabbers the mouse, Leif the toad, etc.

Through discussions with the Slytherin portrait, they all agreed that the Marauder's Map used a special improved tracking technique, which may be one of the secret inheritances of the Black family or the Potter family.

Slytherin's portrait believes that it most likely has the shadow of Legilimency, which may be combined with the special tracking technique of Legilimency. After all, even people who know Occlumency cannot maintain Occlumency at all times. There will always be times when they relax, and then the tracking technology on the Marauder's Map can read their real names. .

Brian feels that this analysis is relatively reliable, but he has not yet started learning Legilimency, so for now he only plans to use ordinary tracking techniques. In fact, this is enough for him.

He first made a map paper using special materials, and then drew the map of the castle on it with a pen that carved runes. Under the command of Brian's wand, the pen tip quickly moved across the paper as if it was alive, and a precise map quickly took shape.

Finally, he added the tracking runes to it and finally completed it after more than seven hours.

Brian held the map and compared it with the castle model. It successfully showed small black dots with names. Most of them were lying in the bedroom. Peeves was on the second floor. Moving up and down a corridor, Scabbers the mouse stayed in Harry's dormitory.

Brian also found a small black dot that said "Black Dog" in the Whomping Willow, and then the small black dot entered the secret passage under the Whomping Willow and left the map.

"Successful." Brian breathed out softly.

"Congratulations," the Slytherin portrait breathed.

Brian packed his things, said goodbye to the portrait, avoided the patrolling Filch and Mrs. Norris, and returned to the dormitory smoothly.

Thank you Mengzhitan for the 100 starting coins~

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