Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 132 Game in the Storm

Before the little wizards of Slytherin returned to the common room, Percy, the president of the boy student union, hurried over and asked the prefects to organize everyone to return the way they came.

The little wizards returned to the auditorium with confused expressions on their faces. Draco said suspiciously: "Don't tell me what happened at Hogwarts again. Could it be that Peeves blew up the common room?"

"No, I think it's more likely that Peeves will blow up all the toilets." Blaise replied.

Dumbledore told everyone: "We will conduct a comprehensive search of the castle. For your own safety, I'm afraid you can only spend the night here tonight."

He asked the prefects to guard the exit of the auditorium and entrusted the president of the Male and Female Student Union to manage it. Percy puffed out his chest in triumph, as if he had just been appointed Minister of Magic.

"Oh, by the way, you still need..." Dumbledore waved his wand before leaving, and long tables flew to the edge of the auditorium, and hundreds of soft purple sleeping bags appeared on the ground.

"Sleep well." Dumbledore said and hurriedly left the auditorium.

Discussions immediately filled the auditorium. Everyone soon learned from the young wizards of Gryffindor that Sirius Black had broken into Hogwarts and destroyed the door guarding the Gryffindor common room. Portrait of the Fat Lady.

"So, Black must have come to kill Potter." Draco whispered to a few friends who didn't know the situation, "My father told me that Sirius Black was an undercover agent of the Dark Lord. He was the one who I told the Dark Lord the location of the Potter family, but it caused the Dark Lord's downfall..."

"He must hate Potter to death." Draco gloated. "Look, it's all because of Potter that those ugly dementors guarded Hogwarts and scared Potter until he cried. of……"

"To be honest, I think Blake has gone crazy. Otherwise, why would he still work for that person wholeheartedly..." Theodore agreed, "So I won't be surprised if he does anything crazy."

Brian got into his sleeping bag and listened, but he didn't understand why Sirius didn't go to Dumbledore. He should know that Dumbledore has the ability to learn the truth from him, and also has the ability to help him clear his grievances.

However, he chose the approach that was least likely to achieve his goal and most likely to put Harry in danger - breaking into Hogwarts and trying to kill Peter Pettigrew himself.

"Didn't he think that if Peter Pettigrew was forced into a desperate situation, he might be harmful to Harry?" Brian curled his lips. If he hadn't taken into account the acquisition of the witness point and subsequent plans, he really wanted to capture Sirius and package it up and send it to Dumbledore.

At Percy's urging, everyone got into their sleeping bags, and silence gradually fell into the auditorium.

In the next few days, there was only one topic in the school, and that was Sirius Black.

Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff tried to tell anyone who would listen that Black would become a flowering bush.

The gatekeeper of the Gryffindor common room has been replaced by Sir Cadogan, leaving the young Gryffindor wizards to lament the ridiculously complicated passwords that have to be changed at least twice a day. Neville, in particular, could barely get into the common room on his own.

But soon the little wizards were attracted by another thing, that is, the first Quidditch match of this school year was about to begin.

The weather was getting worse and worse, and storms were raging wildly. After discussion among the Slytherin team members, captain Flint planned to postpone the game because Draco was still injured.

"This is very beneficial to us. We don't have to play in this kind of weather, and it can also make Gryffindor's tactics against us useless." Flint smiled slyly. His proposal was unanimously approved by the team members.

So, this Saturday's game was changed to Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff.

Although the members of the Gryffindor team were very dissatisfied, they could only accept this arrangement, which made Draco seem gloating. He always liked to walk around in front of Harry a few times, admiring Harry's angry but helpless expression. .

During the Defense Against the Dark Arts class the day before the competition, Professor Lupine took time off and was replaced by Professor Snape. He was still wearing the loose black robe, with a gloomy and mocking smile on his face.

The little wizards in Slytherin seemed very surprised, but the Ravenclaws who were taking this class with them didn't seem too happy.

"Sir, what happened to Professor Lupin? Did he finally lie down because he had no money to eat?" Draco said to Snape in a long tone.

A smile appeared on Snape's face, and he said in a smooth tone: "Sit down, Malfoy. Professor Lupin is indeed feeling unwell, as he does once a month."

"Oh, then he's really useless." Draco smiled and sat down.

"Then, turn your textbook to page 394. In this lesson we will learn -" Snape's black eyes sparkled, "Werewolves."

Everyone turned to the last chapter of their textbooks, a chapter they were not supposed to learn until much later.

"Can any of you tell me how to tell the difference between a werewolf and a real wolf?"

Theodore raised his hand and answered the question, which satisfied Snape and gave Slytherin ten points.

In this lesson, Snape told everyone: Werewolves are usually similar to normal people, but they will turn into irrational beasts on every full moon night, and normal people will turn into werewolves if bitten by them at this time.

When the bell rang, Snape assigned an assignment for this class: an essay on how to identify and kill werewolves.

After class, Draco said that Professor Snape's teaching level was much better than Lupin's.

Brian raised his eyebrows, thinking that Snape had gone to great lengths to let the students discover that Lupine was a werewolf. He kept hinting at it, but it was hard to make it clear.

The next morning, a storm swept through Hogwarts. The sky outside was as dark as night, with occasional zigzag lightning streaking across the sky.

Draco felt very lucky for their foresight. He smiled and followed all the little wizards to the stormy Quidditch pitch outside.

Brian helped them use a waterproof spell to prevent rain from falling on them.

Soon, the Quidditch match in the storm began. The players flying in the air were like birds struggling in the storm, trying hard to stabilize their bodies and identify the position of the ball.

The little wizards in the stands tried to keep their eyes open, and sometimes they let out huge cheers.

When the game came to an end, when Harry and Hufflepuff's Seeker Cedric rushed towards the Golden Snitch at the same time, ghostly black shadows flew over the field, floating under the zigzag lightning.

All the little wizards in the stands suddenly lost their voices and turned pale, as if their throats had been strangled.

In the stands, Astoria collapsed and was supported by Draco who was standing next to her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Draco shook the little girl's shoulder.

"Hoo... call for divine protection!" Daphne mustered up the courage to raise her wand and shouted, a thin wisp of silver mist spurting out from the tip of her wand.

Several young wizards who had learned the Patronus Charm together raised their wands, and wisps of silver mist enveloped their surroundings, filling the small space around them with warmth and hope.

Brian smiled and watched Astoria struggle to stand up, struggling to raise her wand and chant the spell with everyone.

The silvery white mist is like an ethereal bubble, covering a small space, fragile but tough.

On the field, Harry's body fell off his broomstick and fell straight down from the sky. His broomstick was blown out of the field by the strong wind.

Dumbledore in the stands looked angrier than ever before, and his blue eyes seemed to be burning with fire. He glanced at Brian and the others, then rushed to the court and waved his wand, slowing down Harry's fall.

Then he pointed his wand at the Dementors in the air and cast the Patronus Charm on them. A silver phoenix spread its gorgeous wings and flew towards the dementors, causing those black shadows to fly out of the stadium in embarrassment.

On the other side, Cedric also caught the Golden Snitch, and then he saw Harry falling to the ground, looking a little dazed and at a loss.

All the players landed, and Dumbledore put the unconscious Harry on a stretcher and took him off the field.

Mrs. Hooch also blew the whistle to tell everyone that the game was over and Hufflepuff had won.

In the stands, the little wizards who were struggling to maintain the Patronus Charm looked at each other and smiled, then breathlessly canceled the spell and burst into laughter.

Draco, in particular, laughed particularly hard. Harry was stunned by the dementors again, and Gryffindor lost the game. He thought nothing could make him happier than this.

"I feel like I'm about to cast the real Patronus Charm." On the way back, Draco said slowly with his chin raised, "There's nothing happier than this."

Brian looked at the one witness point he had obtained and smiled lightly.

Thank you Dutong for the reward of 6500 starting coins. This is very interesting. The reward of 175 starting coins is very interesting. Jing Wu thanks the big guys for their support!

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