Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 131 The Mystery of Merlin

Brian spent several nights but could not find any trace that Merlin had ever attended Hogwarts.

He even found the student roster, award records, and group portraits from that time, but there was obviously no trace to prove that Merlin had ever been in this school.

"But why do so many people have memories and are so similar?" Brian frowned.

"Do you believe Merlin ever graduated from Slytherin?" Brian asked one night in the common room.

"Of course, this is a recognized fact," Draco said slowly, "I don't know what else to discuss."

"Yeah, that's what my parents told me." Daphne nodded.

"You're not going to be brainwashed by those jealous guys, are you?" Draco curled his lips, "It's a shame they can think of denying history."

"But Merlin became active in the 6th century..." Brian said.

"To be honest, there is no evidence to prove that the legend of King Arthur took place in that era. The content in the book could have been added later..." Theodore said, "And Merlin once studied at Hogwarts. Many people can attest to that.”

"Indeed, I am also very curious about Merlin." Blaise interjected, "I found out that many people have similar memories of Merlin's schooling at Hogwarts, including his teachers and classmates, and People from other schools, as well as many wizards who know Merlin. You know, they are all over the world, so it is definitely impossible to collude in advance."

"So, Bathilda Bagshot's History of Magic textbook is simply sensationalizing and spreading rumors to smear our academy." Theodore commented.

"Really..." Brian pondered.

"Did Merlin really attend school? So who wanted to erase all his records at Hogwarts and blur everyone's impression of him during this period?"

"In other words, Merlin really never went to school. So, is there a magic spell that can insert a vague but similar memory to so many people around the world?"

Brian suddenly remembered a phenomenon he had known about in his previous life, called the Mandela Effect.

It is a phenomenon in which the public’s collective memory of history is inconsistent with historical facts.

Many people have said that in their own memories, Mandela should have died in prison long ago. They even remember the reports they saw at the time, the TV clips of the funeral, and the tearful speech made by Mandela's widow. Large numbers of people from all over the world admit to having the same memories.

However, the fact is that Mandela did not die, but was released, became the president of South Africa, and lived for a long time.

The same phenomenon also occurs on the "Pensive Man" statue. Many people have always believed that the pose of the "Meditative Man" statue is "putting your fist on your forehead", but in fact it is "supporting your chin with the back of your hand."

There are many similar phenomena.

"Then what happened with Merlin is really similar." Brian narrowed his eyes.

He preferred that Merlin had not studied at Hogwarts, because the portrait of Slytherin would say "Merlin" and his deeds, which could not be made up.

"That's interesting." Brian wrote down Merlin's story in his diary, and then put aside this matter that could not be verified for the time being.

The study life on campus is still relaxed and peaceful, and the dementors guarding the various exits of Hogwarts do not disturb school life.

But the Patronus Charm study group was still established under Draco's enthusiastic organization. There were only twelve young wizards in total, and they held it in a remote classroom like a secret illegal gathering.

Brian explained to them the key points of casting the Patronus Charm, first let them practice the spell of the Patronus Charm, and then asked them to recall their happiest memories as much as possible.

The first one to make progress was Daphne. The tip of her wand spurted out silvery white mist, which made people feel warm in their hearts. Daphne had a joyful smile on her face, her blue eyes shining brightly.

Soon, the remaining little wizards also gradually grasped the key points through longer practice.

But Astoria hasn't reached this point yet, she's still too young. Crabbe and Goyle were also close. They...again, maybe it would be more suitable for them to hit people with a wand.

"I have nothing else to say. You have all started. The next thing to do is to find the happiest and happiest memories and let the Patronus truly take shape." Brian said, "I am still stuck at this step myself."

Facts have proven that neither the Occlumency technique nor the false memories created by the Forgetting Curse, as well as the Joy Potion and the Happy Charm, have much effect on the formation of the Patronus. You can deceive your brain with them, but you cannot deceive your soul.

"Of course, joy potions and happy spells can make you feel relaxed and happy, and it is indeed easier to find that happy state of casting spells." Brian added.

After agreeing to practice together once a week, everyone returned to the common room contentedly.

Time came to the end of October in a blink of an eye, before Halloween, and they could go to Hogsmeade this weekend.

Draco has been busy practicing Quidditch recently, and he is confident that he will avenge his disgrace this school year.

Brian is trying every means to improve his alchemy level. Recently, he has been thinking about the castle model under the secret room, which is similar to the Marauder's Map. He really wanted to understand the alchemical principles of the Marauder's Map and try to see if he could make one.

The morning before Halloween, Brian was woken up early by Draco and the others. They had breakfast together and went to Hogsmeade together.

Administrator Filch stood in front of the gate, checking a long list, staring at every face vigilantly, not letting anyone who shouldn't go out slip out of the gate.

Brian and Draco stood in a long queue together. Draco looked at Harry who was a little disappointed and said loudly: "You're just staying here, Potter? You don't dare to pass those dementors, do you?" ?”

Harry ignored him and walked up the marble stairs alone.

Brian passed through the door guarded by the dementors, and all the little wizards were silent and rushed through the uncomfortable chill.

However, they soon got rid of the influence of the Dementors and walked on the road to Hogsmeade Village, a group of people chattering happily and discussing.

They went to Zuko's Joke Shop, and Draco bought a lot of hard-drawn fireworks and some weird gadgets. Blaise found a large cage of brightly colored spiders in a corner of the store and bought them. Brian sincerely hoped they wouldn't end up in anyone's gift box.

Then they went to Honeydukes, which had a variety of candies, and the little wizards were willing to spend their pocket money for the colorful candies.

Brian also tasted a pile of cockroaches that looked like real cockroaches. It tasted sweet and crispy, and was not as repulsive as it looked, but Brian thought it was a bit too sweet.

Crabbe and Goyle ate a pack of pepper urchins, their noses kept breathing fire, and the two big guys giggled happily.

Daphne chewed Bubble Super Bubble Gum and blew out a large string of blue bellflower-colored bubbles, which floated leisurely in the sky.

Brian took the time to go to the magic equipment store and bought several interesting alchemical items for research.

After getting tired of shopping, Draco suggested going to the Three Broomsticks pub to drink a few butterbeers, which was agreed upon by almost everyone.

Of course, Blaise would love for them to go to the Hog's Head: "You know, that was once the headquarters of the goblin rebellion!"

"I heard that there is everything there, there are many dark wizards and even werewolves!" Blaise said exaggeratedly.

"So you're so anxious to go over and deliver food to them?" Theodore said disgustedly.

They drank a cup of hot butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, and as it was getting dark, they began to return to Hogwarts.

"Actually, we can go check out the Screaming Shack, which is a famous haunted house." Blaise said.

"It's very late, Blaise," Daphne said. "There haven't been any screams there for a long time. I think even if there was a ghost there, it would have left long ago."

Before it got completely dark, they passed through the dementors and returned to the school.

Soon, they gathered in the auditorium again for the Halloween party. The little wizards who had played in Hogsmeade all day had a great appetite, and the entire auditorium was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

At the end of the banquet, the ghosts of Hogwarts burst out from the walls and tables and put on a grand show. Nearly headless Nick reenacts his beheading experience and the performance is a great success.

When the banquet was over, the little wizards returned to their common rooms with unfinished content.

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