Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 130 Boggart

In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Lupine asked them to learn to deal with Boggarts.

The Boggart will become everyone's worst fear. The spell to deal with it is "burlesque", and the thing that can completely destroy the Boggart is laughter.

Professor Lupine asked several young wizards to go up and deal with the Boggart. Brian watched from the side as the Boggart turned into all kinds of weird things.

The Boggart turned into a huge silver lin snake in front of Blaise Shabini, like an enlarged version of Ofer, which made Blaise look very ugly.

The little wizards below let out a burst of laughter. Apparently, what Blaise did in the first grade was still impressive, and the psychological shadow caused by it made them even more funny.

"Funny!" Blaise yelled a spell, and the silver snake turned into a soft leather belt.

When Professor Lupine called Draco's name, he refused to go up and perform.

"I think this is my privacy, Professor -" Draco drawled, "I have the right not to make it public."

Brian, on the other hand, used Occlumency to turn the boggart into a ghost from a horror movie he had watched in his previous life. He lazily turned it into a piece of paper and flew away lightly.

After the little wizards tried it one by one, the Boggart began to bump around in the classroom with some confusion. In front of Daphne, it turned into Astoria's corpse, with its thin body curled up on the ground and its blue eyes empty. Staring at her.

Daphne screamed and cried, "Funny!"

Professor Lupine rushed over, and after the Boggart turned into a silver-white ball suspended in the sky, he waved his wand and drove it back to the closet.

Daphne seemed depressed until after class.

"Daphne, you won't take Boggart seriously, will you?" Draco comforted, "Don't think so wildly."

Daphne nodded silently. After they had lunch, Brian went with her to a divination class.

"Are you worried about Astoria?" Brian asked gently.

"Yeah, I'm worried about her." Daphne blinked her blue eyes, "By the way, I have to tell Draco and the others not to tell Astoria about this..." She scratched her head His golden hair looked a little impatient.

"Astoria...is she sick?" Brian asked cautiously, "Of course, if it involves any privacy, you don't need to tell me..."

"It's not a secret, you will know it in the future anyway." Daphne pursed her lips and said, "It is a blood curse inherited from our family's ancestors. Family members with a blood curse will become very weak and their lifespan will not be long. …”

Brian listened quietly.

"I don't have that blood curse on me, but it was activated on Astoria..." Daphne said in a low voice, "I'm afraid of losing her, Brian."

"In our family's ancestors, no one with this blood curse lived past the age of thirty, and many of them died of weakness when they were only a few years old or in their teens..." Daphne bit her lip. He said, "Mom and dad have looked for many curse-breaking masters, but they are all at a loss."

"No matter what, magic is constantly being studied, and there will always be a way, Daphne." Brian comforted, "I will also find a way to study it and see if I can be of some help."

"Thank you, Brian." Daphne showed a sad and grateful smile, "I also plan to be a curse-breaker in the future."

"Well, do your best." Brian muttered, "But, Daphne, are you sure that the blood curse won't be activated on you?"

He thought of the "death" last semester. Could Daphne be summoned because of this?

"I'm sure," Daphne lowered her eyes, "that blood curse will appear as soon as you are born. There has never been an example of it appearing after birth."

"That's good." Brian blinked.

Time passed leisurely like this, and Brian made proper use of the time converter, allowing him to live almost every day as two days, which significantly improved his learning efficiency.

But he found that his alchemy level was still not up to the standard for making a time turner, and he was also a little unsure about the materials for the time turner.

On the parchment recording the time turner, in addition to the special runes, the required materials were also recorded, most of which Brian had already gathered.

But what he didn't understand was a material requirement that seemed to be sarcastic: things that contained the past, present and future needed to be included.

"What do you think this could be?" Brian said to himself, who was flipping through a book carefully. "If you don't know, I'll ask for the portrait of Slytherin."

"A magical creature that lives in the mists of time. It is extremely difficult to find, or it may have become extinct." He replied in the future without looking up, "I think Mr. Slytherin's answer must be like this. ."

"Then, this is impossible to do." Brian frowned.

"Actually, all we need are materials containing different time powers, so that the items made can carry the magic of time." He said in the future, "In other words, if there is a damaged time converter as the raw material, it will save trouble. Much more.”

"It's not even reliable." Brian commented lightly.

He turned out his parchment, quickly completed today's homework, and took out the "Intermediate Transfiguration" textbook to read.

"I have learned the Transformation Spell, but what kind of magical changes does the Vanishing Spell require?" Brian asked.

"Don't you know how to check the information yourself?" he said in the future.

"Obviously, I'm too lazy to look it up." Brian shrugged, "It saves time."

"Actually, the time you wasted is enough for you to find the answer." He said in the future.

"No, everything is earned. I got the answer, you reviewed the knowledge, and its authenticity should be guaranteed. After all, it is a gift of time." Brian raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"I feel that the gift of time may not always be correct." He said in the future.

"So you can also do a test on the way...it's not a big deal anyway." Brian said with a smile.

The future self smiled and told him the disappearing spell.

After finishing speaking, his future self smiled and said: "I am just like memorizing lines in a play now. I know the script clearly during this period... God knows how boring this is..."

Brian closed his eyes and tried the disappearing spell, but didn't answer.

The learning efficiency in the Room of Requirement is still very good, and during class, Brian also studies in an orderly manner and according to the plan.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class became most people's favorite class. After the Boggart in the first class, they also learned about the Red Hat, Kabbah, etc. Obviously, this majority did not include Draco, who looked down upon Lupine's tattered old robes.

"So, prejudice is a terrible thing, Draco." Brian expressed his opinion on this. "You can't underestimate him because of this."

"I didn't look down on him, I just looked down on him." Draco raised his chin and said, "I don't think a truly capable wizard would end up like this."

Daphne laughed secretly from the side. Many of Draco's opinions were really different from ordinary people, but they always made Brian speechless.

Daphne thought the class she hated the most was Divination, because Professor Trelawney would always stare at her with pity and say something like "poor little girl", as if she had been buried in a grave. And her attitude towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is quite neutral, because the Boggart in the first class cast a shadow on her.

Brian also looked up information about Morning Star in the library, and even sneaked into the library archives to look through Hogwarts students' information over the years, trying to find out about Merlin.

There is not much information about the Shining Star, most of which are about the one thirteen years ago, and most of the two more distant events have been lost in the long river of time.

But Brian still found relevant records in an ancient astronomical notebook.

The twinkling of Venus two thousand years ago occurred at dawn, consistent with the one thirteen years ago. And that time 1,400 years ago happened at dusk. Their impact is not recorded.

Confused, Brian carefully put the notes back into place under Mrs. Pince's nose. At night, he used the Disillusionment Charm to sneak into the archives, which only professors could enter, and search for student information.

After several days of searching, Brian was surprised to find that Merlin's name was not in the file!

Thank you to book friends 20180808212111525 and Mengzhitan for the 100 starting coins, and thank you for the monthly tickets and recommendation votes!

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