Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 129 The gift of time

"The gift of time?" Brian narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, it is something that has no beginning and no end. It is just to complete the cause and effect cycle during this period of time." He said with a smile in the future, "During this distorted time."

"So..." Brian closed his eyes and randomly found a book from his bag. He turned to a random page, tore it off and balled it up into a ball, showing the pages in his hand to his future self.

"Can you tell me what's inside this piece of paper?" Brian asked.

"I knew it." His future self sighed.

"Yes, you understand." Brian stared closely at his future self, "If you say you don't know, I will open the ball of paper next and read the content inside. This creates a contradiction...unless You lied to me."

"And if you knew the answer..."

"Page 75 of "Interpretation of Ancient Runes", an interpretation of an ancient Greek poem..." The future self nodded and smiled, "Do you need me to recite it again?"

"Of course...need it!" Brian stared at him closely.

In the future, he closed his eyes and recited the entire article smoothly.

"You know, I won't take apart the time turner and look at it before using it." Brian said slowly.

"Yeah, I really haven't read it..." The future self showed a meaningful smile, "Everything was recited to me by the future me when I was still at your time."

"Then this is interesting, where did I get the answer?" Brian put the paper ball into his pocket and said every word.

"It has no source, just like that stone." He sighed in the future, "It must be a gift of time."

"Slytherin's portrait said that death connects everything, time, space, destiny, life and truth..." Brian said softly, "Then, can I understand that in this process, time connects the truth, Show us part of it?”

"It can be understood this way." His words from the future seemed to be sighing softly, "I think that within this closed loop of time, that is, within the entire twisted time where there are two me, there are two me, and there are Two time turners, items that don’t exist outside the closed loop, and answers that appear out of thin air..."

"This is a twisted closed loop, Brian. It has infinite possibilities." He sighed in the future.

"So, do you know what the secret of the system is?" Brian asked.

"Obviously, I don't know." His future self blinked innocently.

"So why didn't this question get a gift?" Brian mused.

In the future, he said: "It's very simple to know the content on the paper ball, and I will definitely know it. But the secret of the system is still too far away, and I can't use it to create paradoxes at the moment... so time has not told me. "

"In other words, if I can reasonably create a situation that may produce a time paradox, time will reveal some truth to me?" Brian asked playfully.

"This is my own guess, and it is also the point of view that 'I' put forward to me at that time... I think it makes sense." He said in the future with his chin in his hand.

"It seems that time holds many secrets." Brian nodded.

"But that's what makes it interesting, isn't it?"


The two were silent for a long time, and the future self suddenly said: "It's time for you to go back, Brian."

"Then, goodbye." Brian looked at the time, turned the time turner hanging around his neck once, and disappeared from the spot.

After going back in time again, Brian appeared in the Room of Requirement an hour ago. He walked about the room for a long time, and finally sat down in the armchair.

Not long after, the door opened and a familiar figure walked in.

Brian looked at the pocket watch in his hand. It was exactly the time he came in, and it was exactly the same time.

"You're neither too early nor too late." He chuckled.

Watching his past self disappear in front of him, Brian took out the ball of paper from his pocket and unfolded it gently.

The content on page 75 of "Interpretation of Ancient Runes" is exactly the same.

"It's time..." Brian smiled, carefully flattened the paper ball, and used the restoration spell to return it to the textbook intact.

"All possibilities exist in this twisted closed loop of time." He slowly walked out of the Room of Requirement and yawned lightly.

He slowly returned to the common room, where Daphne was absentmindedly writing her homework and Astoria sat next to her. Daphne looked at the stone wall at the entrance from time to time, and after seeing Brian back, she quickly lowered her head.

Brian sat aside, spread out his parchment, and worked hard to finish his homework for the arithmetic and divination class. Then he said goodbye to Daphne and the two sisters, yawned profusely, and went back to the dormitory to rest.

"It seems that in the future, I can use the time turner to go back a little more than two hours and go back to sleep. Otherwise, this will be unbearable." Brian thought vaguely.

He fell on the bed and quickly fell into sleep.

After the extremely long first day of school, Brian knew he would continue this routine this semester. He made a schedule of his work and rest on the parchment to ensure that he could get enough rest.

Draco stayed in the school hospital for three days before returning to class. Although Madam Pomfrey checked and found that he was not seriously injured, he still lay in the school hospital screaming in pain, which made Madam Pomfrey very unhappy. Happy.

"I told my dad and he would be able to drive that stupid guy out of school." Draco said proudly. Because of Mr. Foley's operation, Mr. Malfoy was not expelled from the school board last semester. Now Draco still arrogantly regards Hogwarts as if it is run by his family.

A group of Slytherin wizards surrounded Draco, saying that his idea was very clever and made him hold his head high. In the eyes of most little snakes, Hagrid is really unpopular.

While taking potions class with Gryffindor, Draco prepared ingredients on the same table as Harry and Ron, and proudly provocatively said: "Ouch, I was almost killed by that monster. . I think Hagrid will be laid off soon, and my dad is very unhappy about my injury..."

"You're pretending, Malfoy!" Harry glared at Draco angrily, his emerald green eyes seeming to burst out of fire.

"Sir," Draco shouted to Snape, "I'm hurt and I need someone to help me cut the roots of these daisies..."

"Potter, cut the root for Malfoy." Snape said without looking up.

"The part you injured is not your arm." Harry's face turned red. "Of course, if you injured your brain, just pretend I didn't say it..." He cut the root in three strokes and chopped it with a knife. There was a "duh" sound on the table.

"Sir, there are still these figs that need to be peeled..." Draco scoffed.

"Weasley, help Malfoy peel the figs." Snape said lazily.

Ron looked at Draco as if he wanted to eat someone. He peeled the fig viciously, as if he were peeling Draco's skin.

Draco proudly ordered Harry and Ron to do this and that. In Brian's opinion, it looked like...well, the face of a villain, yes, that's how Brian felt.

Daphne and Theodore moved a little further away from Draco, seeming a little embarrassed.

At the end of class, Snape tried the shrinking potion Neville had brewed for this class on Neville's toad, and it successfully turned back into a tadpole. Snape said gloomily: "Ten points from Gryffindor. I told you that you are not allowed to help him, Miss Granger."

This is the daily routine of Potions class.

In the Care of Magical Creatures class, Hagrid seemed to lose confidence and asked them to take care of the Flobber caterpillar day after day, which was simply the most boring creature in the world.

"I really don't understand... This is simply a waste of life!" Theodore, who was in the same group as Brian, said with a dark face.

Brian was flipping through an alchemy book and nodded casually when he heard this. He waved his magic wand, causing the lettuce leaves to chop automatically, and then slowly crawled into the thin throat of the Flobber caterpillar.

Compared with this boring class, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is particularly interesting.

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