Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 128 Meeting

Professor Babling in the ancient runes class is a witch who speaks vaguely. She keeps talking non-stop during class.

Brian did not waste time on the parts he had already learned. Instead, he took out his magic glyph set and looked at it with interest. The brain is like an extremely sophisticated machine that automatically categorizes knowledge in an orderly manner and extracts the useful parts.

Professor Babling seemed a little unhappy after discovering Brian's behavior. But after asking Brian to answer some questions, she was somewhat happy to say that Brian was good enough to pass the final exam of this school year.

"In this case, I won't stop you from previewing new content in my class. Of course, I don't advocate this behavior very much, so I won't give you extra points for it..." Professor Babling said nonchalantly. With.

Hermione looked a little shocked by Brian's learning progress. A trace of frustration appeared on her face, but she soon became more motivated and was aroused by Brian's competitive spirit.

She raised her hands high throughout the class, and was a little surprised why Brian didn't raise his hands to speak.

Brian shook his head helplessly. After Hermione woke up from petrification last semester, her attitude towards him became weird. Although they still occasionally exchanged questions in letters, the frequency was obviously much reduced. The little witch has been avoiding him consciously or unconsciously.

After finishing the ancient runes class, Brian then rushed to the transfiguration class.

In this class, Professor McGonagall explained to them the knowledge of Animagus. She transformed in front of the class into a tabby cat with glasses-shaped patterns around her eyes.

"So...so cute!" Daphne's blue eyes were shining brightly, and she seemed to be restraining her urge to go over and touch her. "It's a pity that it was Professor McGonagall..."

Brian blinked speechlessly and glanced at Crabbe and Goyle. Draco didn't come to class.

He looked at the description of Animagus in the textbook and thought about whether he should learn this kind of transformation.

Obviously, Animagus transformation is not very useful, because wizards can almost only transform into ordinary animals, and they will lose their magic power, and they are very fragile in this case.

It can only be useful in special situations, such as when Sirius escaped from Azkaban with this magic. At the same time, it may be more convenient in some covert operations, provided that the Animagus is not too outrageous.

The learning of Animagus is a time-consuming, troublesome and dangerous thing. In comparison, the rewards after learning it do not seem so satisfying.

"The price-performance ratio is not high." Brian studied it and temporarily put aside the idea of ​​learning it. "Transformed animals have no magical abilities. This is simply a trap."

"The effort is not proportional to the reward. No wonder there are so few Animagus." Brian shook his head.

After the Transfiguration class, they had dinner and Brian seemed a little tired. After all, he used the time turner to go back quite a while.

But he still had to brace himself for the astronomy course and seemed a little drowsy in class.

Professor Sinista told them about the symbolic meaning of different stars in astronomy in this class. When talking about Venus, she said: "Venus is also known as the morning star. It always appears on the horizon at dawn or dusk. Above, is a very bright star.”

"In the eyes of most astronomers, it is very elusive, and divination and prophecies involving Venus often yield completely opposite results. Today, many schools of thought believe that it is both a metaphor for death and a symbol of resurrection..."

"It is worth mentioning that thirteen years ago, on February 15, 1980, an extremely rare celestial change occurred. The morning star at dawn that day was particularly bright, as if it had turned into a small moon... "

Brian straightened his back slightly and suddenly woke up. Daphne whispered: "It was the day you were born, Brian."

"People think that it symbolizes that the world is finally liberated from the cruel rule of the Dark Lord, but some people also pessimistically interpret it as that the shadow of the Dark Lord will eventually envelope the world, bringing endless death and terror. ..." Professor Sinistra said leisurely, "Obviously, facts prove that the former is right, and the Boy Who Lived ended everything."

"And this rare celestial phenomenon of Venus shining has occurred three times in the existing historical records. In addition to the one I just talked about, there was one about two thousand years ago, and one fourteen hundred years ago. They appeared once...but what changes they brought have long since disappeared in the long river of history..."

Brian listened thoughtfully to Professor Sinistra's explanation until the bell rang.

"So, for this class's homework, you need to write a paper on the 'Symbolic Imagery of Venus.'" After Professor Sinistra finished speaking, he waved everyone to dismiss the get out of class.

"So... maybe the morning star that day means that you will become a great person." Daphne said with a smile. She glanced at Brian secretly, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Brian smiled slightly, looked at the time, and said softly: "I need to leave for a while. See you later, Daphne."

"Are you in a hurry?" Daphne said, "You have been busy today."

"No, it's just... I think I should have a date with someone." Brian smiled and waved his hand.

"Date..." Daphne murmured and repeated, her expression looking a little disappointed.

Brian climbed up the stairs to the eighth floor of the castle, walked back and forth in front of the Room of Requirement three times, and entered.

"You're here either early or late." The man inside said, sitting on an armchair and looking at his pocket watch.

Brian also took out his pocket watch and took a look at it, and said: "Just right." He looked at the man. He had the same outfit and the same expression. Except for the different postures, the two people seemed to be looking at each other in the mirror.

"Future me? When did you come back?" Brian sat down opposite him.

"What time do you think it should be?" His future self smiled.

"What I'm thinking of is using the time turner in an hour," Brian said.

The future self smiled and said nothing.

"Then, you should remember what I will say and what I will ask." Brian said with his fingers crossed in front of him.

"Yes, your present is my past." He in the future blinked, "Even what I would say is deeply remembered."

"So, try to say a few words that you haven't heard before?" Brian tilted his head.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea." He smiled in the future, "It's better to follow the rules of time. I don't want to be harmed by time."

"So, what happens if I don't use the Time Turner after an hour?" Brian asked.

"The fact is that I am already here. This is an unchangeable piece of history for me. It is inevitable that you will use the time turner." He rubbed his brows in the future and said, "If you don't do it, maybe time will It will force you to do something...such as letting the time turner go out of control and you will be thrown back to this time."

"I think such consequences may be acceptable, but if you think about it, take that time in the divination class as an example. I didn't see my future self there, but my future self insisted on appearing at that time. If you forcefully change history, what do you think will happen?" He said with a smile in the future.

Brian pondered for a moment and said: "If history really cannot be changed and my future self is very resolute in my behavior, then what might happen to my future self at that time?"

"I think so, such as being thrown to a certain point in time, or the most terrifying thing, being directly torn apart by the torrent of time." He said in the future with deep and dark eyes.

"Why do you know this?" Brian narrowed his eyes.

"Obviously, it was my future self who told me when I was at your time." His future self smiled very playfully, "I think it does make sense."

"So, where did this answer come from?" Brian put a hand on his chin, "You can't guarantee its authenticity."

"You shouldn't risk yourself even if there is even a slight possibility, right? Moreover, I think this is far closer to the truth than the conclusions I have verified myself." He said in the future.

Brian blinked: "This answer has no source, just like that pebble. The me in the past picked up the pebbles thrown by the me in the future, and then went back to the past and threw it to me at that time. That pebble was originally It wasn’t something that should have been there, and I didn’t pick it up off the field the whole time.”

"It only exists within that time closed loop, starting from when I use the time turner to return to that point in time, and ending with the past me starting to use the time turner. There are two me during this time, and one that shouldn't exist "It's a pebble." Brian analyzed clearly and logically, "But after I left that closed time loop, that pebble no longer existed."

In the future, he kept a calm and restrained smile and listened carefully. He nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, that stone is just a prop to achieve the cause and effect cycle. Maybe the answer is the same."

"Perhaps, we can regard them as... a gift of time?" he said softly in the future.

Thank you Yiyu for the 100 starting coins~

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