Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 127 Time Closed Loop

After lunch, Brian and the others walked out of the auditorium to attend the first Care of Magical Creatures class.

As they walked through the hall, a little witch's textbooks were scattered on the floor, and she was picking them up hurriedly. A stone hit the stone pillar on Brian's left, causing him to pause slightly, bend down to pick up the stone, and glance around thoughtfully.

"What's the matter, Brian?" Draco turned around.

"Nothing." Brian shook his head slightly and put the pebble into his pocket.

They walked out of the castle and walked on the wide grounds.

"I was wondering how to get that stupid guy out," Draco said slowly, "Can anyone help me think of an idea."

"Draco, you don't have to target Professor Hagrid." Daphne had come out of the shadow of the Divination class and returned to her usual quiet and peaceful demeanor.

Draco rolled his eyes, raised the textbook that was tied tightly in his hand and was still struggling, and said: "You don't think that stupid guy can teach well, do you? You can use a textbook whenever you want." Textbooks that bite off our hands?”

Daphne looked at the textbooks tied into rice dumplings in her arms and pursed her lips, speechless.

"Don't worry, following him will only waste our time and my mood," Draco said.

"But why are your textbooks so clever, Brian?" Daphne glanced at the book in Brian's hand.

Brian said lazily: "Just touch the spine of the book."

Daphne touched her book and was a little happy to see that it was finally no longer struggling. She removed the straps on the textbook and managed to open it.

"Oh, so it's that simple? Only a ghost can guess..." Draco muttered, "You have to remember to keep petting it, lest it reacts and bites off your head."

They arrived at the door of Hagrid's hut, where Hagrid was already waiting for them. When everyone arrived, Hagrid led them outside a small paddock.

"Okay, first you need to open the textbook!" Hagrid asked them to gather around the fence and shouted loudly.

"Oh, you didn't manage to open it?" Hagrid looked a little overwhelmed. He seemed to see a savior after seeing the textbook that Brian and the others had opened. "Ah, yes, how did you open the textbook?"

Brian repeated the words helplessly, and got a lot of affirmation from Hagga.

Draco's eyes looked playful and sarcastic, while Hagrid said unconfidently: "Okay, we already have the textbooks... Now, we still need magical animals... By the way, I'll bring them over, wait. Wait a minute..."

Hagrid left everyone behind and disappeared into the Forbidden Forest.

"Oh my God, Hogwarts is over," Draco said in a sinister tone. "A fool can teach? My father will definitely have a heart attack after hearing that..."

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry said.

"Potter, be careful, there's a dementor behind you..." Draco sneered.

At this time, Hagrid trotted over with a dozen animals. They all have the body, hind legs and tail of a horse, but their front legs, wings and head are like those of an eagle, with bright orange eyes.

"Hippogriff!" Hagrid roared happily, "How beautiful, isn't it?"

Brian looked at the strange and magical animals. They were obviously ferocious, but they were also really beautiful.

Hagrid talked about their characters and characteristics with great excitement, and told everyone that as long as you look at it and bow, if it bows to you, you can touch it and even ride on it.

"Of course, don't insult them, otherwise you may die." Hagrid emphasized.

Hagrid asked Harry to go over and give a demonstration, and let Harry fly around in the air on the hippogriff "Buckbeak".

Later, the students in the class also gained confidence. They cautiously approached the paddock and repeated Harry's actions.

Brian and Daphne selected a dark blue hippogriff, stared into its eyes, and bowed to it. The hippogriff bowed lazily, allowing the two men to touch its shiny fur.

"It's so magical..." Daphne said in a very soft voice.

"Yes, this is the charm of magical animals," Brian said softly. He had been paying attention to Draco's side.

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle chose Buckbeak. At this time, Draco was slapping Buckbeak on the mouth with a proud and proud look on his face.

"I don't think this class is that bad," Daphne said, glancing in Draco's direction, "Draco should also like it quite a bit."

"That's impossible to say..." Brian said, "If he doesn't seek death."

As soon as Brian finished speaking, he heard Draco shouting over there: "It's easy, since even Potter can do it. You're not dangerous at all, are you? You big ugly monster? "

Buckbeak's orange eyes opened suddenly, and he stretched out his sharp claws angrily and clawed at Draco.

"There are many obstacles!" Brian placed a barrier spell in front of Draco, and the Hippogriff's claws also grabbed it. Draco let out a piercing scream, and his body flew out diagonally, landing in the grass beside him.

"Draco!" Daphne covered her mouth and screamed.

"It's okay, he shouldn't be injured." Brian hurried over and looked at Draco lying in the grass. He was curled up on the ground, holding his chest, and let out a breathless scream.

"What's wrong with you?" Brian scanned his body and found no wounds.

"Well done, Brian!" Draco winked at Brian, thanked him in a low voice, and then shouted, "I'm dying! My chest hurts so much, I'm bleeding internally! It's going to kill me!" My life!" He pretended to cough.

Brian looked at him expressionlessly, and seemed to have a headache. He returned to Daphne, hugging his shoulders and watching silently.

"You can't die!" Hagrid's face turned extremely pale. He quickly tied up the angry Buckbeak, picked up Draco and rushed up the hillside towards the castle.

All the students were frightened. Several Slytherin girls headed by Pansy complained loudly to Hagrid. Crabbe and Goyle showed off their muscles to several Gryffindor students aggressively.

"He should be fired immediately!" Pansy said with tears in her eyes.

"How is Draco?" Daphne looked worriedly at the direction where Draco was taken away.

"He's fine, he's just pretending." Brian said calmly.

"What? I mean...why did he..." Daphne seemed a little at a loss. She then bit her lip and said, "Is this the idea he came up with?"

"Maybe." Brian shook his head, not wanting to say anything about it.

Theodore was also watching coldly and noticed Brian's gaze. He said calmly: "Bad acting, but very effective. Hagrid is going to be in trouble."

"Let it go." Brian said, and Theodore and the others looked indifferent. They walked across the grounds and back into the castle.

[Witness the Care of Magical Creatures lesson event, witness points +0.5]

Brian glanced at the system prompts, said goodbye to them, and used the time turner to go back to two hours ago.

He used a disembodiment spell on himself, hid beside the foyer, and saw himself eating lunch in the auditorium.

It's always a strange feeling to see your past self with your own eyes.

"Then, let's continue testing." Brian played with the stones in his hand and recalled his previous experiences.

"While walking through the foyer, this stone suddenly hit the stone pillar on my left. I should have done it." Brian squinted his eyes and looked at the stone carefully, "Then, if I hit it What will happen on the stone pillar on the right?"

When his past self walked through the foyer, Brian ejected the stone in his hand and it flew towards the stone pillar on the right.

Brian, who was passing by, was talking to Daphne with his head turned. In the noisy environment, he didn't notice that someone had popped a stone.

The stone was flying in the air, and when it was about to hit the stone pillar on the right, a little witch just blocked its path. The stone hit the textbook in her hand, causing the textbook to scatter on the floor.

"Ouch!" the little witch called softly and hurriedly packed up her textbooks.

The stone bounced back, hit the stone pillar on the left, and fell to the ground with a "snap".

Brian paused as he passed by, then bent down to pick up the stone, looked around thoughtfully, and then walked through the foyer to the outside of the castle.

"It's... interesting." Brian stood in the corner of the hall with an intriguing smile.

"So, what I saw in the past was the history affected by the present me, and history cannot be changed." Brian thought, "So, what would happen if I just canceled the Disillusionment Curse?"

Thinking of this, he laughed self-deprecatingly and said: "So it's just what if. In fact, I didn't do that, so history is what I see."

"It seems that time in this world is like a single straight line, constantly moving forward, rather than several parallel lines, so it does not allow paradoxes to appear." Brian mused, "I can't change the past, I'm just making up for it. It completes a piece of history and completes a closed loop of cause and effect.”

"However, it does not mean that this closed time loop is perfect." Brian showed a playful and interested smile.

"I'm curious, where did that stone come from?"

Thank you to Yitianqing for the 1,500 starting coins, and book friend 20210603011243511 for the 100 starting coins. Thank you all for your subscriptions, monthly votes and recommendation votes!

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