Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 126 Reversing Time

[Witness the divination class event, witness points +0.5]

Brian followed the ladder and left the Divination classroom. Daphne walked beside him silently, still feeling a little depressed.

"Actually, you don't need to take Professor Trelawney's words to heart, Daphne." Brian comforted softly, "She predicts that one student will die every year, but that has never come true."

"Yeah, I'm just a little worried..." Daphne comforted herself, "I hope that's not true."

They walked down the long stairs one by one. Brian looked at the time and said, "I'm going to take the arithmetic divination class first."

"What? We are going to have herbal medicine class soon!" Daphne said in surprise.

"You go ahead, I'll be there in a minute." Brian waved his hand and hurried to the arithmetic divination classroom.

He found a remote classroom with no one around, and first took out a silver pocket watch from his pocket. The time on it showed ten forty-five. Brian took out his quill and drew a mark on his wrist.

After packing his things, Brian pulled out the slender gold chain from the collar of his robe, held the small hourglass and pondered for a moment, then turned it over three times.

Brian felt like he was flying backwards at a very fast speed, with blurred colors and shapes flashing around him. His eardrums were swollen, and he couldn't hear his own voice.

Soon, he felt that his feet were on solid ground again. He was still standing in this empty classroom. Nothing changed around him, except that the position of the sun outside was tilted a little.

"So, it was three hours ago." Brian looked at his wrist, and the mark was still on it. He checked his books again and found that the notes he took in the divination class were still there.

"So, it's not that my time went back, but that I went back three hours ago." Brian pondered. He deliberately went back a little longer to check the function of the time turner.

He took out the pocket watch. The time on it was ten forty-six, and the second hand on it was still ticking.

"Everything on my body has followed me back to three hours ago, but the time of the items is still moving." Brian nodded, "That is to say, the lifespan cannot be increased through this method. The time of The total amount is certain, and now I am just advancing time in the future."

"Hey, if you think about it, I will reach adulthood early in the future." Brian thought, "It is feasible to use this method to speed up the growth of the body and make myself stronger faster."

He put the pocket watch back into his pocket and looked carefully at the small hourglass of the time turner. The sand in the hourglass that had been stagnant was now slowly flowing.

Brian pursed his lips and turned the hourglass again, but he was not taken back to an hour ago.

"In other words, the time turner took me to three hours ago. During this period, I had no way to use it again. I had to wait until three hours later, which was the time when I just used the time turner. point so I can use it again.”

"So, if I have many time turners that I use alternately, can they take me back to a longer time and avoid the dangers caused by time backtracking?" Brian thought wildly, but Then he shook his head again.

"I'm afraid not. The safe range of backtime cannot exceed five hours. This should be the total time, not the backtime of a single time converter." Brian sighed and hid the small hourglass in his collar. If risks could really be avoided through that method, time would have been wasted by the wizards long ago.

Brian walked out of the empty classroom. At this time, the little wizards in the auditorium were having breakfast. Brian waited on the road to the north tower, wanting to see if history could be changed.

"In another hour or so, I will pass by here..." He leaned behind a corner and hugged his shoulders. "If I made a little noise, I would be keenly aware of it in the past. But my memory does not That section.”

Brian smiled. He found this topic of studying time very interesting.

After checking that the time was still very long, Brian took out a book on transfiguration to enrich his knowledge reserve.

"Now that I have overcome the difficulty of transforming dead objects into living things," Brian looked at the textbook, "the previous transfiguration techniques were to turn an object into something of similar quality, such as turning a teacup into a mouse. So. Next comes the transformation of quality, such as turning a teacup into a feather or a table.”

"So, where did the missing mass go? Where did the extra mass come from?" Brian frowned as he looked at the description in the textbook. This is almost one of the foundations of the vanishing spell.

Brian waved his wand: "Maybe I shouldn't look at it from a scientific perspective, because magic is inherently idealistic."

He practiced according to the textbook, constantly strengthening his beliefs in his mind, and his concentration was extremely concentrated. Under the command of his wand, a stone in front of him slowly transformed into a snow-white feather.

"Successful!" Brian picked up the feather. It was light and fluttering. Brian let go of his hand and the feather floated away in the wind.

However, his level of transformation has not improved. I am afraid that he will have to master the Vanishing Curse before he can truly improve it to a proficient level.

Brian looked at the time, and it was almost nine o'clock. He was so focused on practicing his Transfiguration that he didn't notice the passage of time.

"So I walked over a long time ago..." Brian frowned, "Forget it, we can continue to verify it next."

He hurried towards the arithmetic and divination classroom, hurrying slowly, and finally entered the classroom before the bell rang.

Professor Victor stood in front of the podium. Her face was sullen and serious, reminding Brian of his math teacher in his previous life.

Hermione sat in the front row, and Brian could see her shaggy, fluffy hair.

When the bell rang, Professor Victor clapped his hands and said: "In this class, I will not teach you to identify blurry images in the crystal ball, or to find the mystical meaning in random graphics. I will teach you You use careful calculations to discover the mystery in numbers, to understand the essence of magic, and to predict the possibility of the future."

"Of course, I think most of you will find it difficult to fall in love with the extraordinary charm and strange magic hidden in numbers, but I will not lower my requirements for you because of this..."

After Professor Victor finished his opening remarks in a calm tone, he asked everyone to open "Numerical Science and Grammar" and write various numbers and symbols on the blackboard.

This class is indeed boring, like returning to a math class, but Hermione sitting in the front row is obviously very excited, and you can see her hands raised high throughout the class, and Professor Victor is also generous Give her extra points.

Brian was not interested in what was being said now. He flipped through the textbook boredly, and with his now superb memory and understanding, he basically understood the knowledge in it quickly. Occasionally when he encountered some difficulties, he calculated on the parchment for a while and quickly mastered it after drawing a few diagrams.

This class as a whole is more like the Eastern Book of Changes fortune-telling, which finds hidden mysteries in complex numerical and graphical operations, while the divination part is more like probability.

The bell rang at this time. Professor Victor assigned a long paper as homework, and then hurriedly left the classroom.

"Oh my God, it's so difficult and boring." A little witch's voice said.

"No, I think it's very interesting. Much more interesting than Divination," Hermione said to her friend. "Divination is just bullshit!"

Brian left the classroom unhurriedly, walked across the field, and came to the greenhouse for herbal medicine class. Daphne had just arrived at this time.

"Brian, why are you here? Didn't you say you were going to take an arithmetic divination class?" Daphne looked confused and dazed, and her dazed look was very cute.

Somehow, Brian suddenly wanted to pinch her cheeks. He shook his head to get rid of this strange thought and smiled: "I have finished the class."

Draco said slowly from the side: "Daphne, Brian must have learned the art of cloning. Maybe if you hit him, he will disperse like smoke!"

They had an herbal lesson together and then returned to the auditorium for lunch.

Thank you for the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by Boring Forbidden City, the 100 starting coins rewarded by Fiery Red Maple Leaf 2020 and Yuguo Tianqing Sky, thank you for your support~

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