Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 125 Divination Class

The next morning, they came to the auditorium for breakfast.

Draco thought it was hilarious that Harry was stunned by the dementors, so he adapted the incident into a ridiculous and funny story and told it to everyone. Crabbe and Goyle were silly and happy.

When he saw Harry and the others walking by, Draco deliberately pretended to faint suddenly, causing everyone to laugh.

Daphne couldn't help laughing, but then felt that it was very impolite, so she forcibly suppressed the smile on her face, and her fair cheeks turned slightly red. She turned and spoke quietly to her sister.

Pansy Parkinson was surrounded by a group of girls. She screamed in an evil voice: "Hey, Potter, the dementors are coming! Woohoo...run for your life!" She looked at Germany with admiration. Raco made Draco raise his chin proudly.

Harry sat down at the dining table angrily, ignoring the sarcasm and laughter.

Brian was looking at his new class schedule.

Because the number of elective courses is small, all elective courses are taught together in the four colleges.

Brian has seven classes today. Divination and Arithmancy are both at nine in the morning, followed by an Herbology class. The first class in the afternoon is Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes, and the last class in the afternoon is It's Transfiguration, and at night there's Astronomy.

"This class schedule...how do you want to go to class, Brian?" Draco looked over at some point, "Don't tell me you know how to clone!"

Daphne also looked over curiously, her blue eyes widening slightly.

"I always have some special methods," Brian smiled, "some... uh, traditional arts."

"What method?" Draco leaned over.

"Don't say it," Brian put his index finger to his lips and said, "it won't work if you say it."

"Ugh-" Draco turned his head away in disgust.

After breakfast, they went to class separately. Brian and Daphne walked towards the north tower together.

The divination classroom is on the top of the north tower, ten minutes away from the castle. Brian was familiar with the passages of Hogwarts in the castle model under the secret room, so he took Daphne to take a shortcut, but the long stairs still made the two of them breathless.

They finally climbed to a platform. In the front painting, a short, fat knight in armor was dueling with his pony energetically, shouting loud and rhythmic slogans.

"The brave Sir Cadogan will never compromise!" cried the knight in the painting, and was kicked by his pony.

Daphne took a look with interest, then continued to follow Brian up the long stairs, and finally arrived at the Divination classroom. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so far," she said softly.

"Yes, it can be used as a physical exercise." Brian said casually.

Several students have gathered here on the platform, and a brass sign hangs on the circular trap door in the ceiling, which reads "Sybill Trelawney, Divination Teacher". But at this time the trapdoor was tightly shut.

They waited outside, bored. Soon, not long after the three Harrys came over panting, the trap door suddenly opened and a silver ladder was lowered.

They climbed up the ladder, and there was a strange classroom inside, with twenty small round tables crowded together. There were calico armchairs and bulging little futons around the tables, like an old-fashioned teahouse built in an attic.

The curtains were tightly closed, everything around was shrouded in hazy red light, and the flames in the fireplace were burning brightly, making the place suffocatingly hot. The teapot was burning on the fire, emitting a strong and nauseating aroma.

Professor Trelawney walked out of the shadows and said in her soft, unclear voice: "Welcome, it's so good to finally see you in the material world."

She is very thin, wearing a pair of huge glasses, a shawl dotted with glittering metal pieces, countless bead chains hanging around her neck, and many bracelets and rings on her hands. She is very crazy and crazy. A mysterious feeling.

Brian and Daphne sat down at a round table by the window. Daphne pursed her lips in discomfort and said in a low voice: "So, divination should be this mysterious and weird?"

"No, I think, it's just a personal hobby." Brian blinked. The air and temperature here are testing one's nerves.

Trelawney first greeted Neville's grandmother, making Neville restless and worried about her condition, and then warned Parvati Patil to be wary of a red-haired man. Next, she predicts that someone will leave forever around Easter, and tells Lavender that the thing she fears most will happen on October 16th.

Daphne looked a little nervous, and when Trelawney looked over, she suddenly tightened her grip on the quill in her hand.

Fortunately, Trelawney did not make any predictions about Brian and Daphne, which made Daphne deeply relieved.

"Could what she said be true, Brian?" Daphne said softly.

"To be honest, I'm not sure either." Brian shook his head. Although Trelawney behaves like she is fooling people in her normal state, there is no doubt that her predictions seem to be correct if she insists on being accurate.

For example, Trelawney predicted that Neville would break the teacup, and it came true.

"How should I put it? I think it's amazing." Daphne shook the tea leaves in the tea cup and turned the cup upside down on the tray. "Does she know everything about the future?"

"It's hard to say," Brian exchanged cups with Daphne and said softly, "This is more like nonsense." In short, he didn't really believe it.

Aside from those few true prophecies, Trelawney was usually more of a liar.

Neville's grandma is old, and the probability of having some minor problems is very high. It is nonsense that Parvati should be wary of red-haired men. In comparison, her friend Lavender needs to be wary even more.

She predicted that one person would leave forever, and that might be Hermione, because she could no longer stand the nagging divination class and decided not to take this class, but this was obviously not leaving everyone "forever". Lavender's rabbit did die that day, but it was more like a coincidence. Who would always be afraid that their rabbit would die?

There is no doubt that several of her predictions were not successful, and in the Order of the Phoenix, Trelawney did not predict that she would be revoked from her position as professor.

"Maybe what she just said made Longbottom nervous, so he really broke the tea cup... However, prophecy is indeed a magical magic, but it requires talent. Not everyone can always see the future. "

Brian interpreted the shape of the tea leaves in Daphne's tea cup based on his memory. He had already read the book "Looking Through the Fog to See the Future" once and memorized it completely.

He struggled to identify the wet tea leaves, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything in them. He looked at the piece of tea leaves that looked like some kind of bird. The description in the book was that "you will be worried recently", and the other side looked like a forest, which predicted "you will be very happy".

"Well, I think this is like a dark cloud, and we need to be alert to the upcoming crisis." Daphne looked at Brian's tea cup, frowning and looking at her textbook.

Trelawney walked behind Brian. She looked at Daphne's tea cup and said in a nagging tone: "Oh, this is really not a pleasant cup. It indicates ups and downs and loss... You try hard, but in the end nothing happens." I can't get it." She sighed, looking at Daphne as if she was looking at a poor little girl.

Daphne's face became a little pale, she opened her mouth, and her eyes became misty.

After Trelawney finished speaking, she turned to Harry. Brian said to the disappointed Daphne: "Don't believe her words. You know, she is a little crazy..."

Daphne nodded lowly, fidgeting with the teacup in her hand uneasily, then raised her head and smiled at Brian and said, "Don't worry about me, I don't take it seriously."

Brian frowned and nodded, glancing at his level of prophecy. It was still in an inexperienced state. He looked at the five testimonial points he had saved again.

To be honest, he is not very interested in prophecy itself, because seeing the future is not something to be happy about. The unknown future is more desirable. In particular, prophecies are difficult to change, and your efforts will often in turn promote the fulfillment of the prophecies.

"However, you can use a witness point to get started with prophecy..." Brian pondered. He was just curious about how people made predictions. Did they see a flash of images for a moment, or did fate show a part of the trajectory?

He used a witness point on prophecy, and the small words on the system changed slightly:

[The conditions are not met and cannot be upgraded temporarily]

Brian stared blankly at the changes on the panel, his eyes suddenly becoming extremely deep.

"Oh, no -" Trelawney's scream interrupted Brian's thoughts. She pointed tremblingly at Harry's teacup and shouted, "My dear child, it's ominous! That one haunts the cemetery. The big eerie black dog is a bad omen of death!”

Trelawney's eyes were wide open, magnified by the huge spectacle lenses, making her look like some kind of insect.

Harry's face looked a little ugly, and Hermione's eyes were filled with fire. She stood up and said sharply: "I don't think that's ominous, Professor!"

Trelawney looked at Hermione displeased and commented that she had no gift for prophecy.

She weakly announced the end of get out of class. Most of the little wizards were in a low mood and left the classroom along the ladder without saying a word.

Thank you Mengzhitan for the 100 starting coins~

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