Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 124 Time Turner

The train soon stopped at Hogsmeade Village Station, and everyone got off the train. The scene was chaotic. The rain has stopped, but there are still dark clouds in the sky.

The owl was hooting, the cat was meowing, and even Neville's pet toad was squawking under his hat.

"First-year students, come this way!" Hagrid's loud voice shouted.

"I'll go over first." Astoria waved to everyone and stepped onto Hagrid's boat.

Brian and the others came to the muddy path outside. There were at least a hundred carriages pulled by Thestrals parked there. The Thestrals in front of the carriages swung their tails meekly, staring at the little wizard who was walking with their pale eyes. them.

Brian touched the mane on the back of the head of one of the Thestrals, and got into the carriage with Daphne and the others. There was a faint smell of musty and straw in the carriage.

Thestrals quickly pulled the carriage and started running. The carriage bumped forward violently and passed through two extraordinary wrought iron gates. There were winged wild boar sculptures on the pillars on both sides of the gate. Two dementors stood guard at the door.

The carriage accelerated down the long ramp and finally stopped in front of the castle.

They stepped off the carriage, and Draco found Crabbe and Goyle. The two big men stood out among the crowd. They had naive expressions and were so nervous that they seemed not to be affected by the Dementors.

The three of them got off a carriage next to them. Harry was still a little pale, and Hermione was holding her big ginger cat.

"You were scared to death by dementors, Potter?" Draco laughed loudly after seeing Harry, "Poor Potter, were you scared to tears?"

"Get out of the way, Malfoy," Ron said viciously. Harry looked a little distracted.

"Did you faint too, Weasley?" Draco shouted, "Tell me, did you kneel down and beg it to let you go?"

"Is there any trouble?" said a gentle voice. Professor Lupine emerged from the other carriage, carrying his tattered trunk.

Draco's eyes glanced critically at Lupin's patched robes and shabby trunk, and his eyes became disdainful and arrogant.

"Draco, come here quickly!" Daphne looked over and said.

"Oh, nothing, Professor," Draco drawled. He came over with Crabbe and Goyle.

Brian glanced over there and knew that Draco was provoking Harry Potter again. He's used to it.

Professor McGonagall shouted through everyone's heads: "Potter, Granger and Foley! Come here!"

Brian turned his head and Daphne and Draco looked a little surprised.

"What's wrong?" Draco lowered his voice, "That old woman wants to cause trouble for you?"

"No, she should have something to tell me." Brian smiled at them and said, "I'll go over there." He squeezed towards Professor McGonagall.

Harry and Hermione were already there, looking a little nervous.

"There's no need to be nervous, I just want to talk to you in the office." Professor McGonagall said.

They followed Professor McGonagall through the foyer, up the marble stairs, and down the corridor.

Professor McGonagall's office was small, but the roaring fire in the fireplace made it warm. Professor McGonagall motioned for them to sit down, and she herself sat at the back of the office.

"Professor Lupine sent an owl to say that you were feeling unwell on the train, Potter." Professor McGonagall said suddenly.

Harry's face flushed a little, obviously he found it frustrating to be stunned by a dementor.

There was a soft knock at the door, and then Madam Pomfrey hurried in, followed by Professor Snape.

Madam Pomfrey checked on Harry, pushing his hair back and touching his forehead.

"Send dementors around the school, it's a good thing they figured it out." Madam Pomfrey muttered, "He won't be the first person to faint. Those guys have too much influence on already fragile people... …”

"I'm not fragile!" Harry said angrily.

"It's not that difficult to admit that you are vulnerable, Potter." Snape turned his lips and showed a sarcastic smile, "You should run away in front of them, otherwise this won't be your first time. Fainting in front of dementors..."

"I won't! I'm fine!" Harry held back his anger and tried not to look at Snape's proud face.

"Do you really feel okay, Potter?" Professor McGonagall said sternly.

"Yeah," Harry said.

"Very good. Please wait outside for a while. I have something to explain to the other two people." Professor McGonagall said.

After Harry and the others left, there were only four people left in the office. Snape stood aside gloomily, as if he was here to cause trouble.

Professor McGonagall took out two long and thin gold chains, with two sparkling small hourglasses hanging on them, which looked very delicate.

"This is the time turner that the school applied for for you. This holiday we wrote many letters to the Ministry of Magic, proving that you are indeed model students, so they agreed to send two." Professor McGonagall said.

"Well, first of all, you must make a guarantee that you will never use it for anything other than your studies." Professor McGonagall said seriously, "You must sign a contract, and we will pay attention to your use of the time turner. I In charge of Miss Granger, Professor Snape will pay attention to your situation, Foley."

"If we find out that you are messing with the Time-Turner, then unfortunately we will take it back."

Brian glanced at Snape and saw him nodding slightly.

The two signed the contract, and Hermione was so excited that her hands were shaking when she signed.

Professor McGonagall handed them two small hourglasses and told them: "The method is very simple. You only need to turn the hourglass. Each time you turn the hourglass, the time will go back one hour."

"However, it must be noted that you must never allow time to go back more than five hours." Professor McGonagall's face looked particularly stern. "Countless experiments have proven that all people who try to go back time for more than five hours have suffered serious consequences. Damage, most of which is irreversible.”

Brian and Hermione both nodded.

"Of course, you must keep it secret from anyone, and be careful not to appear in front of your past self when using it. Because there are many people who have killed your future or past self in the past."

After Professor McGonagall explained the precautions, Brian put the gold chain of the time turner around his neck and hid it in his robe. They walked out of the office together and walked towards the auditorium.

By the time they returned to the auditorium, the sorting ceremony was over. Brian sat down at the long Slytherin table, Daphne leaving the seat open for him, and Astoria sitting on her other side.

Daphne seemed to be in a good mood, with a relaxed smile on her face.

Dumbledore stood up and spoke. He emphasized the dementors: "They are stationed at various entrances to the school. When they are there, no one is allowed to leave the school. Any tricks, tricks and disguises are all lies." Things that don’t protect against dementors include the invisibility cloak!”

Then he introduced Professor Lupine, and the ragged Professor Lupin received a little applause. Daphne clapped politely, while Draco crossed his shoulders and looked sarcastic.

Brian glanced at Snape on the other side of the teacher's chair. His face was gloomy and about to drip, and his expression was twisted with hatred and disgust.

"As for our second new teacher," Dumbledore continued, "your Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Kettleburn, retired at the end of last term, and Professor Rubeus Hagrid has offered to fill his position."

"Oh, no!" Draco groaned from beside him, "That stupid big guy?"

The applause from the Gryffindor side was particularly enthusiastic, while the Slytherin side seemed very cold.

"This is simply a nightmare. That stupid big guy will probably let his little cuties twist our heads off." Draco sneered coldly.

"What else? A textbook that bites people! He probably thinks it's funny." His gray eyes rolled, as if he was thinking of some bad idea.

Dumbledore announced the start of the banquet at this time, and the long table was filled with food and drinks. The hungry little wizards began to feast.

Brian followed dining etiquette and ate his dinner elegantly and quickly. Next to him, Daphne and Astoria's movements were exactly the same, which was pleasing to the eye.

Brian drank a glass of juice and waited until the banquet was over. The satiated little wizards yawned and slowly returned to the common room and entered their respective dormitories.

Thank you to the book friend "God is a bad guy" for the reward of 2281 starting coins, and the book friend "This is very interesting" for the reward of 1500 starting coins. Jing Wu thanks everyone for your support.

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