Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 121 Advice (please subscribe)

A month passed in a hurry, and Brian's life seemed extremely fulfilling.

His alchemy level improved rapidly. Through a lot of reading and practice regardless of loss, his level was successfully raised to the mastery level, and his foundation was very solid.

These days, he first studied the looking glass he bought. It only had a kind of magic to detect malice. If the suspicious person mastered Occlumency, it would not have any effect.

After studying the technology of the lens, Brian put it in his bag and let it gather dust.

He also used some magical means to obtain some firearms and electronic products from Muggles, intending to study the combination of technology and magic.

Brian found that this combination would be more convenient.

For example, he modified several mobile phones and used magic power instead of electricity. It can smoothly make long-distance calls and send text messages, but sometimes the signal is not good.

Similarly, he also modified several bugs, which also achieved good results.

Unfortunately, electronic products will be greatly interfered with in many magical fields. For example, in Hogwarts, Muggle watches will stop spinning. The same goes for these products that Brian transformed.

This is mainly because magic interferes with those delicate circuits and electronic devices, but if you want to use alchemy to block this interference, the signal cannot be sent out.

Moreover, electronic products have no resistance to magic and are very easy to break. If we insist on improving it, I'm afraid we have to improve it from the basic electronic devices and basic materials, which will be a big project.

Brian had to give up transforming these things because it was a waste of time. However, he also understood that the combination of magic and technology was feasible, could make up for each other's shortcomings, and had a lot of room for development.

Brian put more thought into the modification of firearms. He used his current highest level of alchemy to comprehensively improve and upgrade the firearms.

In view of the shortcomings of the firearm: loud sound, strong recoil, easy barrel overheating, and small magazine capacity, Brian made improvements.

He first thoroughly studied the structure of the firearm and remade a new firearm using mithril alloy. This material does not generate heat, is strong, durable, and lightweight. This nicely solves the problem of barrel overheating and wear.

Brian attached a silent spell to it to silence the sound. Runes of a buffering charm were engraved on the rear chamber to offset the recoil. An infinite expansion spell was cast on the magazine, allowing it to hold tens of thousands of bullets.

The firearms that Brian transformed looked very magical. They were light silver in color and engraved with golden runes. They looked like firearms that only appeared in anime in previous lives.

He tried it in the manor, and it completely retained the power of the firearm. The bullets fired quickly and were very lethal.

Satisfied, Brian reloaded the magazine and put the pistol back in his bag. The reason why he went to great lengths to transform it was because it did not work by magic and could be of great use in places where magic could not or was inconvenient.

In the blink of an eye, there is only the last day left before the start of school. Brian's ordinary life of hanging at least one blind wizard or unknown creature in Knockturn Alley every day was about to come to an end.

These days, he sees Harry often, because Harry always does his homework outside the Florin Fusco ice cream shop, and Brian's favorite restaurant is opposite.

They sometimes chatted, but mostly just nodded.

And today, he met Harry, Hermione and Ron again. They were sitting outside the ice cream shop talking happily.

"Good afternoon." Brian greeted softly.

"Oh, good afternoon, Foley," said Harry. Hermione looked away unnaturally and nodded casually, her hair looking fluffy and soft. Ron blinked blankly.

"When did you become so familiar?" Ron asked. Since the secret room incident last semester, his attitude towards Brian has improved a lot, because Brian saved his and Fred's lives at that time.

"Foley has been here in Diagon Alley these days." Harry said, "Speaking of which, why are you always here? I seem to have never asked you." He said to Brian.

"Oh, I'm... working on a summer job, I guess." Brian organized his words.

"Summer job?" The two boys looked at him blankly, and even Hermione turned her head and stared at him in surprise.

"What, is it weird?" Brian tilted his head.

"No...you still need a summer job? You're not short of money." Ron said exaggeratedly, "And no one here will hire child labor!"

"I just want to enrich myself." Brian smiled, "I don't work in Diagon Alley either."

"Then where are you? There's nowhere to work nearby." Harry automatically ignored the adjacent Knockturn Alley.

"In another alley, Knockturn Alley." Brian smiled, "I worked as an apprentice and clerk at Borgin-Bock's store, learning alchemy."

"Not...Knockturn Alley?" Ron thought he heard wrongly, "Your mother allowed you to go there?"

"Well, it's really messy there... Okay, I should go, see you when you have time!" Brian looked at the time and waved to them.

The three little wizards looked at Brian's back, Ron's expression was especially exaggerated.

"How dare he go to work in Knockturn Alley!" Ron shouted, "And he's still working in the Borgin's and Burkes store! If I did anything, my mother would definitely break my legs... Of course she didn't have to do anything. , I don’t think I’ll survive until then, the group of dark wizards in Knockturn Alley have already treated me like an appetizer and eaten me with sauce…”

Harry frowned and nodded. Last year, he accidentally entered Knockturn Alley, which left a deep shadow on him. He knew that the store was a dark magic shop, and that Knockturn Alley was full of dark wizards. If Hagrid hadn't appeared in time, he didn't dare to think what would have happened to him. He never wanted to go there again in his life.

Hermione bit her lip with some confusion and worry and said, "Since his parents allow him to go there, there should be no problem..."

"Yeah, it's really..." Ron said with a weird expression, "Fred and George have wanted to go there for a long time, and I want to go there too. You know, mother never lets us go there..."

"Ron, don't make that idea. I don't want to find your body in the Daily Prophet one day!" Hermione said in a very serious tone.

"Oh, of course...I don't have that idea." Ron said vaguely, "And I don't think the dead guys in Knockturn Alley can leave any bodies...Dad said that a few people die there every week, but No body has ever been found!" he said in a dark voice, lowering his voice.

"As long as you know the danger, it's not something you can play around with." Hermione said sternly.

"By the way, we will stay at the Leaky Cauldron tonight, and we can set off to King's Cross Station together tomorrow." Ron changed the subject.

Harry said happily: "That's great!"

"I'll stay there tonight too!" Hermione nodded happily, "I'm also going to buy a pet. After all, you all have pets."

Ron took out his pet rat Scabbers from his pocket and said, "I just want to take Scabbers for a checkup. He has been lackluster since he came back from Egypt. He may be acclimatized."

Banban looked a lot thinner, his beard was obviously drooping, his left ear was somewhat damaged, a toe was missing from his front paw, and he looked around with watery eyes.

Ron stroked it with some worry and said, "It's very old. I hope it can recover this time."

They walked towards a magical creatures shop.

Brian also returned to the Borgin-Bock store at this time. He put away the books on the counter and returned them to their original places in the study.

Over the past few days, he has read all the books he needs, and even memorized the more advanced alchemy books that he cannot understand. Basically, there is not much use for him here.

"Are you leaving?" Bo Jin appeared behind him at some point.

"Yes, I should say goodbye to you, Mr. Borgin." Brian said calmly, "Thank you for your guidance these days."

Bo Jin nodded and said slowly: "I saw a big black dog outside today. I thought I saw something ominous."

"I have a friend who died of unknown causes. Do you know? Unknown is an existence that has no solution. Perhaps only time can slip away from its fingers." Bo Jin said in his oily accent.

Brian blinked slightly.

"Mr. Borgin, may I ask...that advice?" Brian smiled.

"My advice is..." Bo Jin looked into Brian's eyes and said slowly, "Be careful."

"No more?" Brian frowned slightly and looked at Mr. Borkin quietly.

"No more." Bo Jin waved his hand impatiently and drove him out of the study, "Okay, you should go."

"Mr. Borgin, I want to buy the Hand of Glory."

"Very good, you have great vision."

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