Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 120 A chance encounter (please order first)

Under the slightly dim light, Brian flipped through a book called "Alchemy: 108 Key Points to Improve Success Rates". This large and thick book seemed very old, but the knowledge recorded in it fascinated Brian.

The door of the store was pushed open, Brian closed the book and looked up with a smile: "Welcome."

The person who came in was wearing a long black cloak, greasy black hair hanging down beside his sallow cheeks, and his aquiline nose looked very eye-catching. His empty and indifferent eyes looked over.

"Professor Snape." Brian stood up and greeted.

"Brian, why are you here?" Snape was silent for a moment and said in his low tone.

"I am an apprentice here, learning alchemy, Professor." Brian picked up the textbook at hand and shook it. "It is really difficult to find comprehensive and systematic alchemy teaching materials."

Snape nodded slowly and squinted at the products on the counter.

"Do you want to buy something?" Brian blinked.

"Buy some materials." Snape pointed to a pile of strange bones on the counter.

"Okay, how many do you need?"

"Five dollars."

Brian took out a small scale from the counter, used clamps to pick out five bones, put them on it and weighed them, then converted the weight into a price.

"Fifty-five Galleons, Professor." Brian smiled and put them into a bag.

Snape paid the money, picked up the bag and turned around to go out. Before that, he paused and said, "Do your parents agree to you coming here?"

"Yes, they are traveling to Greece now." Brian said softly.

Snape nodded imperceptibly, opened the door and left. Brian quietly looked at his back walking away in the alley, and looked at the time. It was almost noon.

He stretched slightly, put away the books, locked the door in a familiar manner, and walked out along the dim alley.

He unfolded the letter sent by Hogwarts a few days ago, which contained the textbooks that needed to be prepared for this school year, as well as the Hogsmeade village visit permission form that required parent signatures.

Brian folded the permission form and put it away, then looked at the book list.

He first had lunch in a restaurant where the mince pies were delicious. Opposite is the Florin Fusco ice cream shop, where little wizards often buy ice cream. He had seen many of his classmates who were also at Hogwarts.

But he had no idea of ​​going out to say hello. After paying the bill, he took a slow walk along Diagon Alley. Diagon Alley was not crowded with so many people at noon, and the windows of the surrounding shops were filled with a dazzling array of products.

Brian went to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, planning to buy textbooks for next school year in advance.

In the bookstore, the place where the thick gilded magic books were originally displayed was now occupied by a large iron cage, which contained more than a hundred "Monster Books of Monsters". The books were tangled together, biting each other menacingly, fighting fiercely, with broken pieces of paper flying everywhere.

The clerk was trying to stop them from fighting with a helpless expression, but instead a book bit his palm like a vicious dog pouncing on it. The clerk fought hard and finally got the book off, but the book bit the clerk's ankle after falling to the ground.

"Oh, loosen your mouth! Damn stinky book!" The clerk kicked the book and looked like he was about to cry.

The clerk finally shook the book off his feet, and the book flew towards Brian menacingly. Brian reached out to catch it, gently stroking the spine of the book with his right hand. The book trembled and lay obediently in Brian's arms.

Brian blinked and glared at the embarrassed-looking clerk.

"I think you need a bandage." Brian pointed to the clerk's bleeding palms and ankles.

"Oh, yes, I mean...how did you make it obedient?" The clerk seemed to have seen a savior.

"Just touch its spine, like petting a small animal." Brian demonstrated again, "Maybe this year's professor thinks it is interesting."

"Oh my god, it's really bad!" the clerk complained, "I thought "The Invisible Book of Invisibility" was bad enough..." He glanced at the books that were biting each other in the cage, and did not dare to reach in and touch them. They resigned themselves to picking up the sticks next to them and beating them hard.

"What book do you want to buy?" the clerk took the time to ask.

""Looking Through the Fog to See the Future", "Numbers and Grammar", and this one." Brian raised the very cute book in his hand. The beautiful green cover had golden fonts.

"Oh, okay, have you started taking divination and arithmetic classes? I think these two divination classes will make you talkative." The clerk put down the stick in his hand, looked for a book in the corner, and kept talking. , "Of course, you must be a top student in elementary school. I think those who will take three courses are..."

"But don't you need "Intermediate Transfiguration" and "Standard Spells, Level 3"?" The clerk put the books on the counter.

"I already have it." Brian said patiently. He had already learned them long ago, as had the ancient runes. As one of the commonly used reference runes in alchemy, Brian had long studied and studied them.

"As expected, you are a top student." The clerk said.

Brian paid and put the books in his bag. He tied up the "Monster Book of Monsters" with a few leather straps to prevent it from going crazy again and destroying it everywhere.

Then he went into a magic shop and bought a good quality speculum, because he had recently been studying how the speculum worked.

Opposite is the Quidditch boutique, where a large group of yearning wizards are always gathered outside the window, and now is no exception. Because there is a magnificent flying broomstick on display there - the Firebolt.

Brian took a glance and found a very familiar figure inside.

"Harry Potter?" Brian said softly. He knew that Harry had run away from home after inflating his aunt and was currently living in the Leaky Cauldron.

Harry was staring at the Firebolt eagerly, and when he heard the sound, he looked back and said, "Fli?"

"You like this?" Brian raised his chin towards the Firebolt.

"No...I was just looking..." Harry blushed. He already has a nice broomstick, so why should he long for the Firebolt?

"Oh..." Brian drawled slightly, playing with the speculum in his hand. It was like a small glass top. At this time, it suddenly spun rapidly, made a piercing chirping sound, and flickered with light.

"Your speculum lights up..." Harry pointed to Brian's speculum, then looked around and said, "Ron also gave me one. If there is anyone suspicious around, it will light up and spin... …”

Brian gave Harry a strange look and said, "It can't be you, can it?"

"How is that possible? I'm not suspicious at all..." Harry looked around and suddenly choked when he scanned a dark corner.

Brian looked up following his gaze and found a big black dog retreating into a dark alley in panic.

"Did you see that?" Harry's face turned pale slightly. He thought of the ominous cover of the book "Omen of Death" in the bookstore.

Brian glanced at Harry and looked thoughtfully at the speculum in his hand. It no longer spins and shines.

"Sirius is wary of me coming into contact with Potter?" Brian shook his head slightly.

"No, there's nothing there." Brian raised the corners of his mouth playfully, and saw with interest that Harry's cheeks became paler.

"There... there is a big black dog... you really didn't see it?" Harry said sternly.

"Maybe I just didn't see clearly," Brian said softly, "It's so dark there."

But Harry's lips also turned white.

He suddenly ran over there, stood at the entrance of the dark alley and looked inside, then seemed a little lost.

"Don't be afraid of black dogs or anything, Potter." Brian said with a smile, "Maybe it just wants a bag of dog food."

"Are you kidding?" Harry laughed dryly.

"Not necessarily. Legend has it that seeing a big black dog that is invisible to others is a sign of death and is ominous," Brian said softly, "But maybe it's just a homeless black dog. Maybe give it some food. It will let you go."

Harry nodded oddly, thinking that Foley was indeed a weirdo.

"Your looking glass isn't working," he said.

"Yeah, maybe it's broken. This thing is easy to break." Brian said meaningfully, "Then it's time for me to go, bye."

"Bye." Harry watched Brian's figure disappear into the crowd. He glanced at the dark alley again, gritted his teeth, ran to a magical animal store and bought a large bag of dog food, placed it at the entrance of the alley, and then hurried away.

"How could I do such a stupid thing..." Harry's face turned redder and redder, and he ran back to the Leaky Cauldron as if being chased by something.

After a while, a dirty big black dog dragged the dog food back into the shadow of the alley, its bright eyes like stars in the dark night.

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