Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 122 On the train (please subscribe)

Brian walked out of the Borgin-Bock store with the withered claw. He looked back and saw Borgin closing the door with a "snap", as if to drive away the plague.

"What?" Brian tilted his head in confusion and looked thoughtfully at the closed store door.

"By the way, I haven't used the fireplace in the store to go home yet." He shook his head helplessly.

These days, Borgin has never revealed anything about that rune to him, and has even been avoiding the topic.

Brian walked slowly for a few steps in the dark alley. Several hooded wizards were squatting in front of the stalls, choosing products, and a few pedestrians were walking slowly.

Brian glanced around, squinted his eyes, and his body disappeared instantly while spinning, leaving only a crisp crackling sound.

The moment Brian's figure just disappeared, several different magic spells hit the spot where he had just stood, blasting a big crater in the ground there. The gravel flew and hit the surrounding walls, making crisp sounds. .

The wizards setting up stalls on the street, the wizards screening goods, and a few passers-by all turned around, pointing their wands at where Brian was standing. A few innocent passers-by hurried away from here without being surprised.

These people looked at each other silently, gathered together and said a few words in a low voice, and then dispersed, disappearing into the corner of the street like a few big bats.

Peace has returned here again. Soon after, several old witches squatted down on the street, spread out a black cloth, and placed strange products on it.

Brian's figure appeared at the door of his home. He frowned and thought about what happened just now.

"Something's wrong, the people setting up the stalls have all been replaced, and the few wizards buying things are too laid-back. It's not like the daily life of Knockturn Alley at all." He mused.

He felt something was wrong just now, so he apparated home without staying any longer.

"Is it Bo Jin?" He held his chin with one hand and shook his head, "It's not him, otherwise he wouldn't have warned me to be careful... But why did he think of giving me this advice in advance?"

Brian's mind was racing as he recalled what he had done, but he didn't find anything special so that he wouldn't be targeted.

"Or is it someone who wants to kidnap me?" he thought with a bit of laughter, "and then extort ransom from the Foley family?" This is what those dark wizards can do.

Unable to figure out why, he opened the door and walked in. Mr. and Mrs. Foley had also returned from their trip. They were wearing retro ancient Greek costumes and were dancing in the living room to the music on the gramophone.

Seeing Brian back, Mrs. Foley stopped dancing with flushed cheeks. Mr. Foley coughed lightly and turned off the phonograph.

"Actually, you can keep dancing." Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Ahem... Brian, you're going to school tomorrow. Are you ready for everything?" Mrs. Foley returned to her usual calm and gentle tone.

"Already ready," Brian nodded, "I thought you wouldn't come back before I started school."

"By the way, you need to sign this." Brian took out the Hogsmeade Village Visit Permit.

"Hogsmeade, that's a really nice place." Mr. Foley signed his name on it coolly. "Well, you know, there are no such objectionable things as Muggles there."

"But you have to be careful and don't run around invisible this school year." Mr. Foley added, "Dumbledore agreed to let those lovely guards from Azkaban guard the entrance to the school. Dementors are not I’ll reason with you.”

"But I think if they really worked, Sirius Black wouldn't have escaped from Azkaban." He spread his hands.

Brian nodded and put away the permission form handed over by Mr. Foley. Mr. Foley took out a lot of travel souvenirs and placed them on the table. He smiled and said, "Would you like to choose something interesting? Really, at first. I can’t stop buying things.”

Brian looked at the small models, jewelry and some strange magical gadgets on the table, and picked a few at random.

The next morning, they arrived at King's Cross Station early, and it still looked like that.

Mrs. Foley smoothed the wrinkles on Brian's clothes and said softly: "Don't do anything as dangerous as last time this school year, Brian."

"Of course, I hope Hogwarts will be a little more peaceful this year." Brian smiled.

Mr. Foley leaned over and whispered: "I know the school has applied for a time turner for you, but you have to promise me that you will absolutely follow its usage requirements, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

"How do you know?" Brian said in surprise.

"Haha, how could you not tell me such a big thing? Your mother and I have signed several agreements, promising not to pursue any consequences that may arise from your improper use of the time turner."

Brian nodded and said, "I'll pay attention."

"Brian, long time no see!"

While they were talking, Daphne waved to him on the train, her blue eyes looking very bright and clear.

"Daphne!" Brian smiled and waved his hand.

"This little girl is pretty good." Mr. Foley said with a smile and a "you know" expression.

"That's the girl from the Greengrass family. The youngest girl in their family is going to school this year. The child is not in good health, so you have to take good care of her." Mrs. Foley said softly.

"Of course, Mom, I'm getting in the car." Brian nodded.

Mrs. Foley kissed Brian gently on the forehead and watched Brian get on the train.

Daphne poked her head out from a carriage and waved to him: "Here, Brian!"

Brian walked into the carriage, where several people were already sitting. Draco was showing a magic crystal ball filled with black mist, and the little girl sitting opposite him was watching with interest.

"I found this on an uninhabited island in the Mediterranean this summer. There is a huge mausoleum hidden underground, and there are a large group of ghouls inside..." Draco told the horror story in a sinister tone. The little girl opposite her put her chin in her hands and listened with interest.

Brian sat next to him and Draco nodded lazily to him.

"Brian, this is my sister, Astoria, whom you have met." Daphne said elegantly.

Astoria is small and thin. She has long golden hair like Daphne and beautiful blue eyes, but her pale complexion makes her look a little sickly.

She turned to Brian with a just right smile and said in a gentle voice: "Hello, Brian."

"Hello." Brian smiled. Ofer, the Silver Linn Snake, poked his head out of his bag and slowly swam to the table.

"Oh, is it the Silver Lin Snake?" Astoria said with interest.

"His name is Ofer, Brian's pet." Draco carried Ofer and petted him, "It doesn't bite."

Daphne's white cat Daisy jumped on the table, one paw pressed down on Ofer's body, and the other front paw played with Ofer's tail curiously.

"Let me go, yellow hair! And the stupid cat! I'm going to bite someone!" Ofer hissed, but unfortunately only Brian could understand him.

Astoria held Daisy in her arms with a smile and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Astoria, you must not be assigned to another college, so that I can take care of you more." Daphne seemed a little worried about gain and loss.

"Of course, Daphne, you don't have to worry about this." Astoria's voice sounded very light.

"Actually, the Sorting Hat will consider the students' wishes." Brian bought some chocolate frogs from the sales witch. "You can tell it whether you want to go to that college or not."

"Really?" Daphne sat up straight.

"Of course." Brian said with a smile and put the chocolate frog on the table.

"By the way, where are Crabbe and Goyle?" Realizing that there seemed to be two foodies missing in the carriage, he looked at Draco and asked.

"I asked them to go to the next compartment. The two of them are enough to fill the compartment." Draco raised his chin.

Several people were talking about interesting things about the summer vacation in the carriage. Soon, Theodore also sat in. His skin was tanned.

Blaise also followed and walked in with a smile. After seeing Ofer staring directly at him and spitting out the letter, he said with a stiff face: "Oh, I'll change the carriage. There are too many people in here."

The pace of his departure always seemed like he was running away.

The people in the carriage suddenly laughed.

The train spewed steam and started to move slowly. The sky became a little gloomy and it was going to rain.

Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by Zunlupi. This is very interesting. The 500 starting coins rewarded by Yandu in the third watch. Thank you for your subscriptions and monthly recommendation votes. Thank you very much!

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