Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 119 Remarks on the launch

Before speaking out, it seems important to ask for an initial booking.

I suddenly received a notice this morning that it would be on the shelves at 12 o'clock today. As usual, I seemed to have to write a testimonial, so I hurried out.

I don’t have the manuscript saved, but I’ll try my best to update it today. If I don’t update it, I might be crazy. After being put on the shelves, it will be updated twice a day.

It’s the first time I’ve written a review for being published, but I have nothing to say at this time.

No matter what, the author of this book will insist on writing it and write it well. After all, the first novel Jing Wu read was Harry Potter. Although writing this book was also a sudden idea, I always wanted to make it complete.

The writing of this book was also stumbling, and it has always been stuck, but fortunately it has never been updated. Some readers like it, while others criticize it. The author thinks that the writing is not very good, but he has been working hard to come up with more interesting plots.

I would like to thank the book friends who have accompanied me here. Whenever I feel stuck and cry or am criticized to the point of doubting my life, I immediately gain motivation after seeing your comments, rewards, monthly votes and recommendation votes.

Thank you to the editor for your continued recommendation. Although my grades are mediocre, it has lowered the limit for most authors.

Although not many people will watch it, Jing Wu will try his best to tell this story to everyone.

The Q group number is 852581175. If you want to come in and chat, you can join. There are not many people in the group, but the atmosphere is good.

Okay, no more verbosity. In order to echo the beginning and end, I would like to subscribe again.

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