Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 118 Life in Knockturn Alley

The next morning the Foleys were reconciled.

Mr. Foley raised his eyebrows at Brian proudly, while Mrs. Foley had a natural expression on her face, as if nothing had happened.

"Betty, do you want to travel to Greece?" Mr. Foley said with a smile, "It will be very romantic without Brian as a little follower. I also happen to have some free time recently."

Mrs. Foley's face turned slightly red. She thought for a while and said, "But Brian..."

"Oh, don't worry about it. He beat you to the ground last night." Mr. Foley said, "Bojin is bound by an oath, so nothing much can go wrong."

"Yes, Mom, you go on a trip." Brian said with a smile.

"Okay then." Mrs. Foley raised her chin slightly, "If you need anything, let the owl write to us."

Brian nodded.

After they finished breakfast, Brian gathered some alchemy materials, sprinkled a handful of Floo powder in the fireplace, and stepped into the soaring flames.

"Knockturn Alley," Brian said clearly.

He whirled in the green flames, passed each furnace door, and stepped out at his destination.

The shop in front of him was spacious but dark. Brian used a cleaning spell to clean away the ashes on his body. At this time, Mr. Borkin also came out of the back room. He said softly: "Ah, welcome, Master Foley. Please come with me." ."

Brian followed him slowly into the back room, walking in the deep and dark corridor. Borgin said some precautions in his low and oily tone.

"First of all, Master Foley, have you solved the problem of Zongsi?"

"Of course, it's been solved." Brian nodded gently, "Just call me Brian."

"Very good, Brian. You know, Tracers are not welcome in this place." Mr. Bojin said, "Then what you have to do is very simple. You just need to act as a clerk at the front desk to ensure that the transaction proceeds normally."

"In return, you can browse the collection of books here." Mr. Bojin opened a door, which revealed a large study room filled with densely packed books, almost all of which were about alchemy. "Rubbings and external writings are not allowed. ."

"Of course, I'd be happy to answer some of your questions at my leisure," he added.

"Okay, Mr. Borgin, thank you very much." Brian nodded and looked at the books in the study with bright eyes.

"Then, let's talk about what you need to pay attention to." Bo Jin said in his smooth tone, and they slowly returned to the store.

"Don't touch the things in the store casually. I won't be held responsible if you are cursed." He said slowly, "You can decide to sell these gadgets. The prices are listed above. There is no need to bargain. If you encounter someone who is stalking you, Just throw it out."

"Of course, if it is these things..." Bo Jin pointed to the opal necklace and a large range of alchemical items around it, "If the customer wants to buy them, you can ring the bell behind the counter and I will Take care of it yourself.”

"How about it, can you handle it?" Bo Jin's slightly cloudy eyes stared straight at Brian.

"Okay, it's not too difficult." Brian said calmly.

"Very good. If you want to go out and do something, you can do whatever you want," Bo Jin added, "As long as you don't leave for too long. There isn't that much business in the store."

"But please don't do dangerous black magic experiments in the store. If an accident occurs, you need to compensate for the losses." He said smoothly, "Of course, unfortunately, I won't pay you any wages, if you can accept it."

"Of course, Mr. Borgin, I've got what I need." Brian smiled politely.

"Then you can get familiar with the environment and products in the store first." Bo Jin nodded.

Brian spent the rest of the time wandering around the back room. There were not many rooms there, only a large study room, an alchemy workshop, a utility room and a simple living room.

He was familiar with the products in the store. Most of them were not that dangerous. Many of them were just cursed, but they were all of very good quality.

Of course, the most important ones are the very strange items. Let’s not talk about the very dangerous necklace. It is like a stack of blood-stained playing cards placed behind the glass counter. It can guarantee that the holder will win every bet, but it makes people vulnerable to disaster.

There was also a motionless glass eyeball, which Mr. Borkin said had a see-through effect. In addition, there are ferocious masks hanging on the wall, tooth-like instruments and long nooses hanging from the ceiling, and a large black cabinet in the corner.

As Brian looked at the withered human hand, Borgin excitedly introduced him to this interesting thing.

"The hand of glory inserts a candle, and only the person holding it can see the light." Bo Jin grinned, "It is the best friend of thieves and robbers!"

"There is no doubt that it is very rare, and this is the only one left here." Bo Jin said, "It can be made by cutting off the right hand of a hanged thief, wrapping it with mandrake and soaking it. But it can be made. Raw materials are becoming increasingly scarce these days.”

"Very interesting." Brian looked at the withered human hand calmly.

"Of course, if you want to buy it, I can give you a discount." Mr. Bojin said.

"Let's talk about it later," Brian muttered. The effect of this thing really made him a little excited.

At noon, Brian went to Diagon Alley for lunch and officially began his life in the Borgin-Bock store.

He sat behind the counter, opened an alchemy book that he had screened in the study, and read it carefully.

There is still more than a month until school starts. With Brian's photographic memory, this time is enough for him to read through most of the books here.

Whatever Borgin was thinking, he certainly didn't expect Brian's memory to be so strong. Maybe the old shoes he has collected for many years will be given to Brian for free.

While reading, Brian would also jot down questions and ask them when Mr. Borgin was out and about. In any case, Borgin is indeed a powerful master of alchemy. Although he prefers to make dark magic items, this reflects his alchemy level more, because the making of dark magic items is always more dangerous and difficult.

Brian's work seemed very leisurely. As the largest store in Knockturn Alley, the Borgin-Bock store doesn't have many customers because the items in the store are really expensive.

During the day, he would sit behind the counter and read a book, and occasionally deal with customers who came in to look at the products. Most of them just watched, and Brian let them wander.

Those wizards who actually want to purchase goods are also very happy to pay, and they almost all know the rules of the store. There were many sneaky guys among them, and some of them made Brian suspect that they were not human beings because they had sharp claws sticking out from under their cloaks when they paid. Some customers' bodies hidden under dark cloaks even emitted a strong stench and kept making gurgling sounds.

At the same time, the news about a new young clerk in the Borgin-Bock store quickly spread throughout Knockturn Alley, attracting many unscrupulous people.

It is indeed not uncommon in Knockturn Alley to have dishonest customers try to steal goods. Brian elegantly and politely calculated the price for the customer, and threw the thief who couldn't pay the price out the door with a smile.

Of course, there were also those who bullied Brian when he was young and wanted to buy and sell them, but they were all knocked unconscious by Brian and thrown outside the store. Those guys will soon be carried away by the wandering wizards, and what will happen to them is not within Brian's consideration.

He looked through the gray shop window at the narrow and dark alley outside, and couldn't help but think about whether it was like this when Tom Riddle was an intern here.

"Clean up!"

Brian waved his wand and swept the dusty window clean and translucent. Then he bowed his head with satisfaction and continued reading.

Every day at noon, Brian would go to Diagon Alley next door for lunch, where there were several delicious restaurants.

Of course, he has to be wary of theft or robbery on the road, and Knockturn Alley is such a mess. As a seemingly weak little wizard, Brian has quickly accumulated practical experience in these days and is becoming more and more skillful in dealing with the situation.

He would hang the person who provoked him with the Golden Bell Charm, and then slowly leave the scene. He has learned this silent spell, and it is obviously of great use.

In the evenings, Brian would floo directly home, and after eating a dinner carefully prepared by the house elves, he would shut himself in his room and practice his newfound alchemy skills.

In this way, his alchemy level continued to improve, and he got rid of the predicament he had been in.

And a rumor quickly spread in Knockturn Alley: Don't mess with the little wizard who seems to be unbeatable.

Brian's life has become much cleaner.

Overall, life here isn't that bad.

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