Brian walked out of Borgin \u0026 Burke's store, and Mr. Foley, who was standing outside the door and walking back and forth, looked over.

"How is it? What does the old guy want to do?" he asked.

"I don't know either, but I want to be an apprentice here for a while, Dad." Brian looked back deeply and said with a smile.

"Oh no, that's not very wise. What if he sells you..." Mr. Foley exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"He's willing to swear an oath that he won't do anything bad to me during this time, Dad." Brian responded.

Mr. Foley's joking expression turned serious, and he looked a little confused and said: "Really? I didn't know he would be so kind."

"Yeah, I don't believe it either." Brian raised the corners of his mouth slightly. But he was curious about what the so-called advice was.

"What the hell is he planning..." Mr. Foley said dissatisfiedly, "But Knockturn Alley is not peaceful either."

"I'm here to be an apprentice these days, and it's quite convenient to go home directly via Floo at night." Brian mused, "I won't go out and wander around."

"Okay, let's talk about this later. I have to let Borgin fulfill that oath first." Mr. Foley said excitedly, "I have to take a good look at how he is going to make this oath. "He took Brian into the store again.

After a long time, they walked out again, Brian seemed a little silent, and Mr. Foley's expression was very confusing.

"Is he serious?" Mr. Foley twitched his eyebrows with a puzzled expression. "This won't do him any good."

"Yeah, it's either sincere or it's a far-reaching plan." Brian said softly. He really didn't have any trust in Borgin.

"Whatever, you may be prostituted for nothing during this time, but their family's alchemy is very good. Learn as much as you can." Mr. Foley's eyes flashed with a cunning light, "Swallow the free benefits."

"But if he asks you to do something strange, just refuse. He can't force you. If it doesn't feel right, just apparate home. He definitely doesn't know that you have mastered this magic." Mr. Foley Come up with ideas.

"Keep secrets, restrain your behavior, and stay vigilant. As long as you don't make mistakes, no matter what conspiracy he has, he will not be able to succeed."

"Yeah..." Brian squinted at the dark and narrow alley ahead. Is it really just a show of goodwill? But why?

"But you have to convince your mother first." Mr. Foley gloated.

"Ah, this is really nerve-wracking." Brian smiled.

They wandered around Knockturn Alley for a while longer, and Mr. Foley bought some weird and scary materials. Then they walked out of the dark alley and came to the prosperous Diagon Alley.

"Is there anything you want to buy?"

"Not yet." Brian shook his head.

"Shouldn't you like ice cream at your age?" Mr. Foley winked.

"I don't like sweets very much." Brian said calmly.

"So, Bibi's all-flavored beans?"

"Sorry, not interested." Brian said calmly, "I'd rather have a glass of ice water."

"Oh, Brian, you are even more boring than Professor Binns from History of Magic!" Mr. Foley slapped his forehead, "I really don't know who your character is like."

Mr. Foley still bought a black pointed hat from the Magic Joke Shop and slapped it on Brian's head while he wasn't paying attention. The hat was sucked tightly on Brian's head like a suction cup, and large clusters of flowers and sparks popped out from the top, like a large firework, and it kept making sharp whistles.

Mr. Foley doubled up with laughter. Many wizards on the street pointed at him and giggled.

Brian reluctantly tugged at the hat on his head, but failed to pull it off. With his reflexes, he had naturally noticed Mr. Foley's intentions, but since he wanted to play, let him.

Mr. Foley took Brian to play in Diagon Alley for a day until they returned home in the evening and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.

During this period, Brian performed several profound spells in order to persuade his mother to agree to his apprenticeship.

However, Mrs. Foley still pursed her lips tightly and did not want to let go. Mr. Foley raised his eyebrows at Brian, indicating that he would take care of his own affairs.

After dinner, Brian and Mrs. Foley came to the outside venue, and she seemed a little silent.

"Mom..." Brian said helplessly.

"I know that your father will fool around with you and do everything up to you. He is still like a child at a young age and does not act like a father at all." Mrs. Foley said softly. Although she is usually gentle and amiable, she is actually extremely stubborn.

She pulled out the wand from her pocket, pointed at Brian and said: "Come on, Brian, duel with me. If you can defeat me, I will no longer stop you from doing what you want to do..."

"But if you can't even deal with me, forgive me for continuing to treat you as a child." Mrs. Foley's blue eyes shone brightly in the night.

"Well...if you insist..." Brian pulled out his wand.

Mr. Foley strolled over to join in the fun, and he said with a smile: "Great, I can brag about my son fighting with his mother outside...Okay, I will be a witness! Or if any of you want me to be an assistant, ?”

The mother and son ignored Mr. Foley, who was watching the fun, and raised their wands and pointed them at each other.

"Oh, okay, I'll call start!" Mr. Foley raised his right hand, "Three-two-one-start!"

"Expelliarmus!" Two voices sounded almost at the same time.

Two red sparks collided in mid-air and were destroyed together.

"Armor for protection." Brian built a wall of light around himself and saw Mrs. Foley doing the same thing.

The two people looked at each other, black eyes facing blue eyes, and continued to wave their wands to release spells at each other. At the same time, they took a step away to avoid the spells that were bounced back by the Iron Armor Curse.

Mrs. Foley looked serious, and her dark blue robe was fluttering in the night wind. She waved her wand and cast a silent spell, but Brian, who was well prepared, easily dodged it.

During the dazzling alternation of various spells, Brian calmly calculated the situation of Mrs. Foley's Iron Armor Curse in his mind. He released a just-right stun spell and successfully broke through Mrs. Foley's defense. The power of the spell made She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Expelliarmus!" The disarming spell came immediately, and Mrs. Foley quickly cast another spell to resist.

However, the silent spell she hurriedly cast failed to withstand Brian's charged blow, and her wand flew out of her hand and fell into Brian's hand.

"Brian Foley wins!" Mr. Foley shouted from the side, "It's a beating! Do you want another one? Best of three!"

Mrs. Foley pursed her lips and looked at Brian without saying a word. After a long time, she showed a very gentle smile and said: "You have grown up, Brian."

"Mom, please don't worry." Brian said softly. He returned the wand to his mother.

"Yes..." Mrs. Foley took the wand, suddenly waved it and said: "Everyone is petrified!"

Brian quickly dodged to avoid the incoming spell, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Oh, how cunning..." Mr. Foley said from the side.

"This is the last lesson, Brian. Never let your guard down, even when you think the situation is determined." Mrs. Foley retracted her wand with a smile, and glared fiercely at Mr. Foley, who was making noises at the side.

Mr. Foley's screams stopped suddenly, he closed his mouth and blinked his eyes innocently.

"Then, do what you want, Brian. But remember, we will always be your backing." After Mrs. Foley finished speaking, she stepped back gracefully.

Mr. Foley walked up to Brian with his arms around his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Not bad, it seems that you have hidden a secret from me. You have a very fast reaction speed, which is considered a gift. The magic power is very high, and it can even reach me." I’m good at magic spells, but I haven’t mastered the silent spell..."

Brian quietly listened to Mr. Foley's comments and nodded slightly. After hearing the comment about the level of magic power, he slightly curled his lips. His magic level is definitely not weaker than Mr. Foley, it has even surpassed him, but he didn't use all his strength just now.

"My weakness is that my mastery of magic spells is not comprehensive, and I lack some really tricky and strange spells. This part of the magic spells is mainly about black magic." Brian reflected on himself, "The level of transformation is not high and it is difficult to use. In actual combat, a skilled magic master is always good at using transformation to achieve certain effects."

"Finally, there is the silent spell, which is spell-free casting. I haven't started practicing it yet." He thought, "Although the silent spell will weaken a large part of its power, its speed and concealment give it a great advantage in battle."

"How about it, do you want to practice with me?" Mr. Foley encouraged.

"Forget it, I'm sleepy," Brian walked towards the castle, "You'd better think about how to calm mom down."

Mr. Foley smiled and said, "You're still young, brat."

Thank you Suicheng Lixin for the 588 points, and thank you book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets these days~

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