Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 112 Learning the spell

A tall figure wearing a black cloak floated in the air. The hands under the cloak were gray and gray, and seemed to be covered with mucus and spots. There was a gurgling sound in his throat, and he came closer to Brian.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Brian felt a biting chill coming over him, and all hope and happiness were fading away. He whispered the incantation, and a stream of silvery mist spewed out from the tip of the wand, floating in front of the Dementor, causing it to stop.

But soon the fog dissipated, and the dementors floated over again.


With a snap, the dementor's cloak turned into a gaudy skirt. Brian pursed his lips and shooed it back to the locker.

This is a Boggart that Brian found in his home, and it can transform into the things people fear most. Brian was using it to practice the Patronus Charm.

Half a month has passed, and he has completely controlled his magic power, learned more spells, and improved his mastery of transformation. He has even upgraded alchemy from beginner to master level.

As Brian's basic abilities improved, enough to achieve the effect of drawing inferences from one example, his learning speed was incredibly fast.

He began to think about practicing the Patronus Charm, the Disguise Charm, and Apparition.

However, Brian encountered difficulties when learning the first Patronus Charm.

He looked at the closed locker and frowned slightly.

He can use Occlumency to make Boggarts mistakenly believe that the thing he fears most is Dementors, thereby creating the conditions for learning the Patronus Spell.

The Patronus is a positive force that contains positive things such as hope, happiness, and desire to survive, but it does not feel despair like humans do, so it can be used to fight against magical creatures such as dementors or Voldemort bats.

It requires the person to recall a particularly pleasant moment in order for the spell to be effective.

But Brian found that it seemed difficult to find happy memories that were enough to form a patron saint, because that required happiness that was enough to make people laugh, scream and cheer.

As a calm and rational person, he has always been good at controlling his emotions, and believes that happiness is one of the out-of-control emotions.

He tried the memory of his previous life when he finally got rid of the prison and started a new life of freedom, but he soon discovered that it was just a faint sense of satisfaction and loss.

When he tried to get a new life, he found that there was nothing to be happy about.

He tried celebrating his birthday at Hogwarts, but as Blaise Chabini's face appeared in his mind, he remembered that he was surrounded by a dozen little flower spirits singing happy birthday and being beaten by twenty The nightmare when surrounded by several suonas, the Patronus Charm instantly withered.

Brian finally gave up searching for happy memories and instead thought about whether he could fake memories and emotions through Occlumency and amnesia spells.

But to his disappointment, these two methods were of little use. The Patronus Charm seems to be a spell closely related to the soul. The Patronus Charm itself reflects the soul and character of the wizard. Deceiving oneself by fabricating false memories cannot truly mobilize the power of the soul.

After trying it for a few days, Brian almost decided to give up on the Patronus Charm.

"Anyway, I can use Occlumency to prevent the dementors from absorbing my emotions to a certain extent. I can put the Patronus Charm aside first and see if there is any solution." Brian pondered.

Maybe he could try a happy spell or a joy potion later, but he didn't think that would be of much use.

He looked at the tightly closed locker, his expression darkened slightly, and he opened it again.

"Well, let me see what I fear most." He released the Occlumency he had been holding.

A figure stepped out of the locker and gave Brian a very familiar smile.

"It's you..." Brian murmured with empty eyes.

The man had a gentle and mysterious smile on his face, and his brown eyes looked at him deeply. He was wearing an ordinary shirt and trousers, and his black hair was slightly messy.

This was exactly Brian in his previous life.

"I think... I shouldn't be afraid of you..." Brian mused, "One day..."


The human image transformed by the Boggart was bumping around like it was out of breath, and finally turned into a thin piece.

It went back into the locker, and Brian turned around and walked out of the room without disturbing the old guy.

"Then, you can practice the Disguise Charm and Apparition..." He pondered.

The practice of the Illusion Body Curse went surprisingly smoothly. In just one day, he was able to cast the Illusion Body Curse smoothly.

As Brian recited the spell and waved his wand, a faint ripple covered his whole body. Brian's figure disappeared as if it had been erased by an eraser.

This means he can finally say goodbye to his invisibility cloak.

However, he still put away the invisibility cloak in case of emergency.

The learning of Apparition should not be so reckless. If something goes wrong, someone will die.

In the wizarding world, only wizards aged seventeen and above are allowed to learn Apparition because it is dangerous and difficult to master. Hogwarts will conduct a twelve-week course for young wizards who meet the age requirements and are allowed to use it after passing the Apparition exam.

Brian first consulted the textbook on Apparition and fully understood the method and precautions for releasing this spell. After being fully prepared, he found Mr. Foley.

"Dad, I want to practice Apparition."

Mr. Foley spat out the tea in his mouth with a pop.

"What?" He wiped the corners of his mouth, as if he thought he heard wrongly.

"Apparition and disembodiment." Brian repeated as he dodged the spray of tea with a natural expression.

"Brian, you know you can't aim too high." Mr. Foley advised meaningfully, picking up the tea cup and continuing to drink tea.

"I think I should fully meet the conditions now." Brian said calmly, "You know, my magic level reached the level of an adult wizard last semester. As for the magic level..."

He waved his wand, cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself, and disappeared in front of Mr. Foley.

"Pfft--" Mr. Foley spat out another mouthful of tea.

"You... uh..." He stared at nothing in front of him, his eyes widening.

"So, I can already learn to apparate." Brian revoked the phantom spell and said with a smile.

"Of course, he is indeed my son!" Mr. Foley patted Brian hard on the shoulder, "I really didn't know that a genius came out of the family quietly!"

He couldn't help but smile and said, "I don't think even Lucius can catch up with me at this point."

"I can teach you, Brian, but you have to agree to a condition..." Mr. Foley said with a smirk.

"What conditions? Let me think about it..." Brian blinked.

"Work harder at school and take Lucius's son as a follower!" Mr. Foley also blinked.

"...I'll try my best." Brian responded to the crooked Mr. Foley expressionlessly.

"Very good, then, let's go to the venue." Mr. Foley clapped his hands and put down the book in his hand.

"Have you understood the precautions for Apparition in advance?" he asked.

"Goal, determination and calmness." Brian nodded, "Focus on the goal, be determined to occupy that space, and rotate in place calmly."

"That's right, if your goal is unclear, you may find yourself running into the belly of the fire dragon. If your determination is not strong enough, you may find that part of your body is still there. I just hope it won't be your head..." Mr. Foley's face grew serious.

He prepared some emergency potions, held the wand in his hand, and drew a circle on the grass field.

"Now that you understand everything, let's try it." He stared at Brian closely.

Brian looked at the circle. Due to his years of practicing Occlumency, he was very good at clearing his mind and concentrating. He spun on the spot and disappeared. The next moment, he appeared directly in the circle without missing any body parts.

"Great!" Mr. Foley applauded, "Don't let me know that you secretly practiced this spell without telling me before... Then, do it again!"

Within an afternoon, Brian had mastered the spell. For an expert level of Charms, mastering Apparition is indeed not difficult.

Just in case, Mr. Foley asked him to practice for a few more days before announcing that he was allowed to use this spell.

Thank you to the book guest for the 100 starting coins in 2017. Thank you~

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