Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 111 Another dream

Brian found himself standing in darkness again.

In front of him was the familiar stone arch, with the tattered curtains swinging gently, as if welcoming him to enter.

Brian listened to the noisy questioning in his ears and slowly stretched his hand towards the curtain.

Without hesitation or thinking, he gently opened the curtain and walked directly in.

There was still darkness all around, but the whispering voices seemed to be suddenly far away, making it impossible for him to hear them clearly anymore, and he didn't want to listen.

It's like a dark corridor made up of countless picture frames, mirrors and door frames. They are all different and covered with different curtains or fog, so you can't see their specific appearance.

At this time, Brian had no curiosity and no mood swings. He did not look back at the stone archway through which he entered, nor did he explore the surroundings. He just looked at the front of the corridor.

He finally saw the back figure in front of him again. It was small, with only a black human-shaped back, still walking forward.

He raised his feet and chased after them, walking one behind the other, each frame behind him, and the corridor seemed to have no end.

But he knew that he was getting closer to that figure, even though the figure didn't stop and wait for him.

Different voices came from every curtain or mist around him, as if there were countless people hidden inside, secretly spying on him and talking to him.

Brian jumped up from the bed and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He felt a little headache.

Not only because of this dream, but also because my own magic power is too much, so much that I can't control it very much.

A few days ago, in order to explore his secrets, he used witness points to raise his magic level to the master level, which is only one step away from the highest grandmaster level in the system.

But problems also arise. The powerful magic power puts a burden on his body that has not yet grown up. In addition, his own knowledge level is far from reaching the corresponding level, and his control over magic power has dropped to the lowest point.

Brian had to be wary of losing control of his magic power, and at the same time, this uncontrolled magic power also affected his emotions and spirit.

Brian has always insisted on controlling power instead of letting power control you. It was precisely because of this that he did not study black magic rashly, lest his character be affected before he became stronger. But he didn't expect that he would also suffer greatly at this time.

He shook his aching head, opened the curtains and looked at the peaceful and vibrant scenery in the manor, feeling that his spirit was also relaxed.

"I still need to work hard to replenish my knowledge." Brian's pale face softened a lot.

Fortunately, his memory level is now at the master level, which is enough to give him a photographic memory and strong understanding ability. The coming period will be a period of rapid growth for him.

His overall level now is:

[Magic (Master)], [Reflexes (Master)], [Memory/General Knowledge (Master)], [Transfiguration (Master)], [Charms (Expert)], [Potions (Master)], [Alchemy (Beginner)], [Occlumency (Expert)], [Language Runes (Mastery)].

After two years, he has made considerable gains in the overall level of entry-mastery-proficient-expert-master-grandmaster.

"However, the magic power of the master level should only reach the magic level of those senior professors. In other words, the magic power of the master level is probably the level of Dumbledore and the Dark Lord..." Brian mused, "Systematic The upper limit is much lower than I thought.”

This did not disappoint him too much, but instead made him feel a little relieved. At least the system did not exceed the upper limit of the world's strongest combat power.

Although the Mirror of Truth told him that he should continue to exploit the system, Brian was still instinctively wary of anything of unknown origin. And this discovery gave him more confidence.

"But...it's really strong on the outside but strong on the inside..." Brian's expression looked a little helpless.

He now has powerful magic power, but he cannot control it well. His level of magic spells and knowledge of magic are far from enough, and he is in a state of serious partiality.

"I'm afraid I can't even defeat my mother now." Brian shook his head slightly. To be honest, he felt that Mrs. Foley rarely waved the wand now. She was more like a real lady, and she did not need to do many things herself.

"It's so uncomfortable. Even because of the weakened control, I dare not use many magics, so as not to turn into an explosion maniac..." Brian patted his cheek gently and looked at the endless lawn outside the window with a smile, "You have to work harder. ”

It was the first day of summer vacation, so he decided to give himself a month to control his magic power first.

Brian walked through the long corridor, walked under the silent gaze of the portraits of his ancestors hanging above, and went down the stairs along the spiral escalator.

Mr. Foley was wearing a dark blue dressing gown and a soft hat of the same color. He was contentedly maintaining a shiny broomstick with a relaxed and happy expression on his face.

"Good morning, Brian. Look at my new Firebolt!" He showed off like a child. "The fastest broomstick in the world today, it can accelerate to 150 miles per hour in ten seconds!"

"Good morning, Dad." Brian sat next to him and picked up a piece of bread and said, "You don't usually use it anyway."

Mr. Foley glared at Brian, gently stroked the streamlined wooden handle of the Firebolt, and said: "You can't feel the charm of the broomstick! What a little kid who hasn't grown up."

"You already have too many broomsticks, Dad," Brian said after swallowing a mouthful of breakfast.

"Those are all my collections!" Mr. Foley said proudly.

"I really don't know, those broomsticks are almost rusty," Brian said quietly, "Anyway, you can't fly a few times a year, and you can't fly around with dozens of broomsticks at the same time... "

"Bad boy, you just know how to pour cold water on me... I tell you, if you want a Firebolt, there is no way!" Mr. Foley rolled his eyes at him, and went out with his broom to test the flight.

Brian shook his head slightly and took a sip of his cereal.

"Good morning, Brian. I have an appointment with Diana. I'm leaving first. Bye."

Mrs. Foley was dressed elegantly and subtly, like a blooming white rose. She hurried out carrying a beautifully designed beaded handbag.

"Good morning, mom, bye." Brian responded. He knew that the Diana Mrs. Foley was referring to was Mrs. Greengrass.

He ate his breakfast quietly, watching Mr. Foley turn into a vague gray-black shadow over the grassy grounds, whizzing around the castle.

The fountain in the courtyard in front of the door spewed clear water as always, shining dazzlingly in the early morning sun. Ofer, the silver lin snake, swam quickly in the grass, chasing his tail and playing.

Several neatly dressed house elves were mowing the lawn, feeding the owls and taking care of the precious flowers, coming and going in a busy and orderly manner.

Several palm-sized flower fairies were dancing around the most beautiful flowers. Their pointed wings reflected the colorful light, attracting several beautiful blue butterflies.

"What a peaceful day." Brian sighed softly.

This is daily life at Foley Manor.

After Brian finished his breakfast, he entered the study, picked up a thick book "Advanced Charm Theory" and started reading.

In any case, his main tasks this school year are Charms, Transfiguration and Alchemy. The first two of them are related to his true combat power, while alchemy is related to Slytherin's test.

As you can imagine, the next period of time will be peaceful and quiet until Brian fully controls his magic.

"This shouldn't take long." Brian estimated the time, "A month at most."

"And next...there are still a lot of things to do."

He made a long list of things he needed to do this holiday on the parchment.

"Then, let's get started."

Thank you to the book friends for the 1,500 starting coins for the reward of "This is very interesting" and the 100 starting coins for the reward of "I have a plan to make it weird like this". Thank you Jing Wu! Thank you book friends for your monthly votes and recommendation votes~

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