Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 113 Locket

After learning to apparate, Brian began to focus on Trace Silk.

There are several books on trace silk in the study room of the manor. It has been used for a long time and is regarded as one of the greatest inventions of the Ministry of Magic.

All little wizards in the wizarding world will be recorded in the book after birth, while little wizards in the Muggle world will be detected after their first magical awakening and will also be recorded in the book. At this time, Zongsi began to be able to monitor the little wizard.

So, as long as Brian could not erase his name from the Ministry of Magic, Trace must exist. If the trace is blocked or eliminated, the Ministry of Magic will get the news immediately and send a warning.

"But, that doesn't mean it can't be removed..." Brian mused.

This requires the cooperation of alchemy, which he can barely do with the level of alchemy he currently masters.

He found the traces of traces on his body through the methods listed in the book. It was like a locator. Whether it was destroyed or blocked, it would reveal its flaws.

Brian found some materials, added a few drops of his own blood, and made an alchemy item containing his own breath. Next, he used a conversion spell to convert the trace silk to the item.

After confirming that there was no big problem, Brian called a house elf and asked him to wear the badge-shaped necklace on his body.

"This way the secret will not be revealed." Brian raised his lips, letting the tearful and grateful house elf leave.

Next, he created an alchemical item again, which could shield his own breath to a certain extent, so as to avoid being discovered by Zongsi's detection method again. He hung the imperfectly made necklace around his neck.

"So, first of all..." Brian squinted his eyes and looked at the time. It was now July 20th.

Daphne's birthday had passed a few days ago, and they had a simple gathering. Blaise was traveling with his mother and was thankfully unable to attend the party.

'Sirius Black is going to break out of prison at the end of this month, I need to get that locket before he gets out.' Brian thought.

Although Sirius may not necessarily return to that home, there is no doubt that when Sirius escapes from prison, No. 12 Grimmauld Place will definitely be closely monitored by the Ministry of Magic. Later, it will be used as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix and protected by the Fidelity Charm. . Brian hated variability.

The only way to get Slytherin's locket is now. No matter what, it's better to have that Horcrux in your hands in advance.

Brian walked to the door, rotated his body gracefully in a circle, and disappeared with a popping sound.

He first came to Diagon Alley and exchanged some Muggle notes at Gringotts. Brian was still willing to abide by the rules as long as it didn't hinder him.

However, the high fees charged by those greedy goblins in Gringotts still made Brian a little unhappy.

Following another Apparition, when Brian looked around again, he was already standing outside King's Cross Station.

No. 12 Grimmauld Place shouldn't be too far from King's Cross Station. Brian found it on the map outside the station.

"It's about two kilometers away." Brian wrote down the route and simply walked there to feel the completely different atmosphere from the wizarding world.

It was indeed a bustling place, with people coming and going on the streets, but Brian felt a little out of place. He ignored the Muggles' looks at him and leisurely admired the scenery around him.

"Hey, are you playing the wizard?" A little Muggle girl ran over and looked at his clothes eagerly.

"Yeah, that's very interesting." Brian smiled and said gently.

"That's great, I want to be a little witch too!" the little girl said, slapping her hands. Her mother came and took her away, and the little girl looked back at him reluctantly.

Brian felt a lot more relaxed. He bought a bottle of ice soda at a roadside store and enjoyed the long-lost taste.

After walking for about twenty minutes, he found No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

It was an old house with a broken door, dirty walls and spooky windows, like a haunted house in Muggle legend. Apparently since no one lived here anymore, the house elf didn't think about cleaning the house anymore.

Brian put a cloak on himself, walked up the shabby stone steps, and looked at the old and peeling paint door. He pulled the silver door knocker and knocked, then stood quietly outside the door.

"Who is outside?" The door was not opened, and a low and hoarse voice like a bullfrog came from inside.

"Hello, I am Brian Foley, from the Foley family." Brian said softly, "Narcissa is my mother's friend...I was asked to send you some food."

"No one lives here anymore. Kreacher will not let outsiders in... Let old Kreacher die of old age with this house..." the house elf muttered.

"Okay, Kreacher, but you have to hold the food." Brian said, taking out a bag. Draco's mother Narcissa must have occasionally sent some food over the years, otherwise the house elf would have died inside.

The house elf inside hesitated for a long time, muttering a lot of words, and then with the sound of metal hitting and chains sliding, the door opened a crack.

Kreacher stretched out a thin, wrinkled arm and held the bag.

Brian kept smiling, raised his wand and said, "Soul out of body!"

With a "bang", the bag fell to the ground. Kreacher's eyes became respectful and quiet. He bowed deeply and led Brian into the house. Brian put on his hood to hide his cheeks.

I have to say that the Imperius Curse is a very useful spell. Brian knew how stubborn Kreacher was, so he had no intention of talking nonsense with Kreacher from the beginning. He knew that the house elf would not trust him no matter what.

The Imperius Curse is simple and crude, saving time and effort.

"Kreacher, do you remember the locket that Master Regulus brought? Give it to me." Brian said softly.

Upon hearing this order, Kreacher's resistance became particularly fierce, causing some fluctuations in the connection with the Imperius Curse. But Brian's magic power is now enough to control him.

"Okay." In the end, Kreacher was defeated. He bowed deeply, his nose as big as a pig's nose flattened to the ground.

He ran into a room and rummaged through a glass-fronted cabinet.

Brian did not leave the foyer for fear of being seen by one of the portraits. He looked at the surrounding furnishings. Everything here was very old, covered with thick dust, and emitted a strong musty smell. Everything around him was shrouded in darkness.

He saw the old tapestry behind the stairs, with several holes in it and several large words embroidered with shiny gold thread: The most ancient and noble Black family, forever pure.

Brian curled his lips, thinking that this family would be extinct.

Kreacher quickly walked out, holding the egg-sized locket in his hand. There was an "S" letter inlaid with many small emeralds on it. There were also astrological symbols and visual direction notations engraved on the side. The shiny chain hangs down naturally.

Brian picked up the locket, looked at it carefully, and said softly: "Don't worry, I will destroy it."

"Everything is forgotten!"

Bryan waved his wand at Kreacher, causing him to forget everything that had happened today and making him think the locket had been destroyed. Then he picked up the bag, lifted the Imperius Curse, and left slowly.

After a violent crack, Brian returned to Foley Manor.

He came to the study, put the locket on the desk, looked at it quietly for a moment, and fell into deep thought.

He took out some basilisk venom he had collected last semester, hesitated, and decided not to destroy the locket yet.

"I can destroy it at any time," Brian thought, "but maybe this Horcrux will be used for something else."

He felt a wave of Legilimency, an evil thought that constantly stirred up his desires and negative emotions. Brian used Occlumency indifferently and put away the venom and the locket.

"We still need to refine a container that can isolate the influence of the Horcrux."

Thank you to book friends for the 100 starting coins rewarded by "What are you trying to do with me?" Thank you to book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation votes~

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