Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 110 The end of the semester

With the mandrake in the greenhouse fully matured, Madam Pomfrey used the mandrake potion to revive the petrified little wizards.

When Hermione woke up, she clutched her chest in shock. When she saw Harry and Ron, tears flashed in her eyes. She hugged the two little wizards tightly and cried silently.

"Uh, Hermione...it's okay, everything is over..." Harry comforted her awkwardly.

"That's right..." Ron nodded like a chicken, and vividly recounted the entire story of how the secret room was solved, emphasizing that he played an indispensable role in the operation.

Hermione listened quietly. She wiped the tears from her eyes and said with a smile, "Thank you."

She still seemed a little silent.

"Oh, Hermione, the exams for this school year have been cancelled," Ron said. "You don't have to worry about not getting O's in all subjects this year!"

"I'm not worried about this," Hermione glared at him, her mood becoming much more normal. "I have already completed all the courses for this year by myself... and the cancellation of exams is not a good thing at all!"

They were talking noisily, and the atmosphere became much more lively.

"Okay, your visiting time is up, and she has to rest for a while." Madam Pomfrey walked in and drove the two little wizards out.

Hermione was left alone in the room, sitting on the bed with a restless expression.

Brian took some time to visit Hermione. When he opened the door and walked in, Hermione was packing her things and preparing to leave the school hospital.

"Long time no see, Hermione." Brian smiled, his expression calm and gentle.

"Oh, Brian..." Hermione held a stack of books and clenched her hands tightly.

"Sorry, I hid it before..." Brian said softly, but was interrupted by Hermione.

"I...I already know what happened. It's not your fault, Brian." Hermione didn't meet his eyes, "Okay, I'm going back. Goodbye."

She lowered her head and hurried out of the room.

Brian glanced in the direction of the door and blinked slightly, with a puzzling expression on his pale cheeks.

He moved slightly and glanced at the ward, his expression still calm.

He walked out of the campus hospital, walked across the grounds, found a place to sit by the lake, watched the wind blowing through the treetops by the lake, and listened to the rustling of the leaves.

"What are you thinking about?" Luna sat next to him, her hair still messy.

"I'm in a daze." Brian said with a smile, "It's good to empty your mind occasionally."

"Well, my brain is always filled with countless colorful and fantastic ideas. They are beautiful, but they also make people feel messy." Luna said in a trance-like voice.

"It's good to see you finally get rid of those harassers," she said softly.

"Yeah, I got rid of them." Brian held his chin in his hand, his gentle black eyes seemed to be filled with rich night color, "I know what I'm going to do, probably."

"I hope you get what you want in the end, Brian." Luna said.

"So, what is your wish?" Brian looked at the ripples on the lake.

"The previous wishes have passed, and the future ones are unknown, but the present ones have been realized." Luna's eyes were wide open, looking at him in a daze, "I made a few friends, Ginny, and... have you."

"It's just the two of us?" Brian blinked.

"This is great progress, a good start." Luna said seriously. She had a cheerful smile on her face.

"Well, a good start." Brian said calmly.

In a blink of an eye, this semester is coming to an end.

There is no pressure of exams, the campus is enveloped in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, and the sun is always shining brightly.

When they were about to take the Hogwarts Express home, Dumbledore called Brian to the headmaster's office again.

Hermione was there too, looking uneasy when she saw Brian.

"I think you will wonder why I asked you to come here?" Dumbledore winked mischievously and pretended to be serious.

Hermione tugged at her robe nervously and looked directly at Dumbledore.

"Of course, it's not a big deal, of course it's important," Dumbledore said with a smile, "I saw your third grade course selections..."

"Miss Granger chose five courses after she woke up, and Brian you chose four. It's a pity that we can't arrange your class time properly." Dumbledore said in a relaxed tone, "After all, it is impossible for a person to live in a day. There are twenty-six hours.”

Hermione sighed with some disappointment and said eagerly: "But, Professor, I really want to take those classes..."

"Me too, I can't let go." Brian added.

"Ah, of course, since you are indeed outstanding, we decided to apply for two time turners for you." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Excellent students will always have some privileges."

"Time turner!" Hermione's mouth opened in an O shape, looking a little shocked and excited.

"I wish you all the best, sir." Brian smiled and said calmly.

Dumbledore looked at the two of them with his blue eyes, and said slowly: "Of course, you must promise not to use it for anything other than studying, and to keep it secret from anyone...including your family and closest friends. friend."

"Understood." Brian and Hermione nodded.

After filling out the application form, the two people left the principal's office, looking at each other silently along the way.

"You..." Two voices sounded at the same time.

"Sorry, you go ahead and say it..." the two said in unison.

"Brian, what is your attitude towards people like us?" Hermione looked to the side and asked in a low tone.

"I think everyone is part of the wizarding world, Hermione. It's no different," Brian said softly.

"Really, there's no difference..." Hermione murmured, "Sorry, I'm in a hurry, I'm leaving first." She quickened her pace and quickly disappeared behind the corner in front of her.

Brian narrowed his eyes and sighed slightly: "She saw it..." The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, as if mocking and playful.

Because of Brian's relationship, this year's House Cup undoubtedly fell to Slytherin House, which made the little wizards of Slytherin proud.

"Gryffindor has the tough Potter, but we have the smarter Foley!" the prefect shouted, drawing cheers.

Snape applauded while sitting on the teacher's chair, showing a rare smile.

Soon, the little wizards were on the train home.

Harry, Hermione and Ron occupied a box and watched the Weasley twins set off fireworks.

"Hermione, you've been depressed lately, what's wrong?" Harry approached Hermione and looked at Ron playing with the crackling bomb, "Did Foley bully you?"

"Harry, I don't know... I thought I was going to die..." Hermione's shoulders were shaking.

"It's all over, Hermione. You're okay..." Harry said worriedly. He thought the little witch was frightened.

"You don't understand, Harry, when I was petrified, I realized it was a basilisk..." Hermione bit her lip and said, "I looked directly into its eyes, Harry..."

Harry felt a chill take over his whole body, and he stared straight at Hermione, as if he had seen something terrible. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Hermione clenched her fists and looked a little pale.

"Maybe you saw it wrong, Hermione." Harry finally managed to speak out, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Maybe you saw the basilisk in the mirror and mistakenly thought you were looking directly at it..."

"I hope so..." Hermione ruffled her messy hair.

Harry sat in his seat blankly, but what he was thinking in his mind was, what on earth is going on?

In another box, Brian held the roll of parchment and studied the refining method of the time turner. But he soon discovered that his alchemy skills were far from adequate.

He looked at his remaining five testimony points (the year-end banquet rewarded him with one testimony point) and thought about the next semester.

No matter what, Hogwarts will be much peaceful next semester. For him, it is a crucial period of growth, the golden period that allows him to truly reach the level of an adult wizard.

"Seize the little time left for peace."

Brian looked out the car window at the scenery passing by, his black eyes like calm, clear lake water.

As the train arrived at King's Cross station, Brian found Mr. Foley in the crowd.

"It's a nice day, Brian. Would you like some vanilla ice cream?" Mr. Foley smiled and waved to him.

Brian shook his head and smiled: "I would rather have a glass of ice lemonade."

"What a pity, I don't have any ice cream or lemonade here." Mr. Foley spread his hands and said jokingly.

"That's a shame."

The two people passed through the stone wall at the exit and embarked on their way home.

This volume is over, spread the flowers. Thank you book friends for your continued support. Thank you very much.

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