After everything calmed down, Brian came under the secret room again.

"Have you seen 'Death'?" Slytherin's portrait said with a smile.

"Yeah, that solved a lot of my doubts, but it also gave me more confusion." Brian found a place to sit on the floor, hugging his knees and facing the portrait, and said softly.

"Perhaps I can answer some questions for you." The portrait said hoarsely, "After you solved it, some memories appeared in my mind out of thin air."

"That's great, sir," Brian said.

"So, first of all, what exactly is there?"

The portrait first laughed lowly for a while, and said in a hoarse and slow voice: "That's part of Slytherin's research on death, borrowing a little bit of the insignificant power of death itself."

"In the first level, it will let you experience a dream full of temptations. You will gradually discover that it is false. All you have to do is overcome the false temptation and choose to embrace reality and death."

"Of course, the mutation is also happening there. According to you, it has become extremely real and perfect, making it difficult to tell the truth from the false."

"The second level is to test your attitude towards death. No matter what, the study of death is very dangerous. I don't know what the correct attitude is when facing it, but it should never be fear, Brian."

"As for the last Mirror of Truth, it is the reward for clearing the level." The portrait showed a reminiscing look, "That is one of the final results of the research. No matter what, death contains the truth of everything, Brian."

"Death contains the truth of everything?" Brian murmured and repeated.

"Yes, all the truths are there, and the answers to all mysteries are also there. As long as you are willing, you can learn all the truths you want to know after death." The portrait said leisurely, "As we all know, death is not the end. , Brian.”

"The Mirror of Truth, in essence, has only a slight connection with death, but it has the power to show the truth to everyone, as if it is connected to the truth itself."

"Slytherin has tested it several times, and it has never failed. Unfortunately, the cost of making it is too high, and it can only be used once. He has not made a few in total."

"So, does the white fog stone arch revealed after the mirror is broken represent death?" Brian pondered.

"Ah, you found that door." Slytherin's portrait smiled mysteriously, "That doesn't mean death, but it leads directly to death itself. They called it the 'Door of Death' at that time."

"Them?" Brian asked.

"Yes, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin." The portrait said leisurely, "Because of the common pursuit , the four of them came together. Hogwarts was established here for various purposes.”

"Ravenclaw discovered the door here, so Hogwarts was built here." He said quietly, "Everything is related to it."

"But... that door is not here now, but in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic." Brian said softly.

"Yes, according to their research, the door will change positions." The portrait crossed his hands. "In an era older than theirs, there were records saying that the door was once located in Godric's Hollow, a gorgeous building. A side entrance to the castle. It still stood there until the castle collapsed, then disappeared into thin air many years later.”

"Four people gathered together because of the same interests... Of course, mainly three. Hufflepuff was more because she supported Ravenclaw. She has always been independent of the world and acted casually." The portrait continued. , "It just so happened that they were planning to build a school and Ravenclaw found the door right here. It was like providence."

"They hid the door here, eagerly exploring its secrets." The portrait sighed, "Then the stone arch disappeared in Hogwarts."

"Next, due to differences in ideas, the four people eventually parted ways, and Slytherin left here with his part of the results."

"Later, Ravenclaw gave up the research for some unknown reason, and Hufflepuff naturally stopped interfering. As for Gryffindor, he gradually looked away..."

"Is Mr. Slytherin the only one still insisting?"

"Yes, he can't let go." The portrait sighed, "Death is always so scary and so fascinating."

"So, when his life was about to come to an end, he happily embraced the death he had been pursuing." The portrait chanted.

"Have you discovered how Death chooses people?" the portrait asked.

"Yes, it depends on fate." Brian's eyes seemed dark and dull, "Do you believe in fate, sir?"

"Destiny, that is such a wonderful thing." The portrait sighed with a smile, "People are constantly fighting against fate, with success and failure. But in fact, no one knows whether things are already doomed before they begin. The ending.”

"Yeah, no one knows." Brian closed his eyes.

The people chosen by "Death" have something in common that even Dumbledore cannot discover. In this world, only Brian can truly understand.

"Death is always calling those who are closer to it." This is what the fat monk said to him at the death anniversary party.

This is the answer to everything.

"Death" chooses people who are closer to it in destiny. People who will die in the next few years if their destiny does not change.

Without Brian, things would have developed according to the story, and those people would have died here one after another under the script of the story.

This is the answer, so ridiculous and chilling.

"I think I know why I was chosen, because I have been called by death." Brian murmured in his heart, "In that dream."

"But what happened to Daphne?" He didn't know whether Daphne would die early in the original novel. He can change the fate of others, but he has no idea about Daphne's fate.

"Who knows if all stories have already been destined to end?" Brian laughed to himself. Even he himself is no exception.

"Is death also related to fate?" he asked.

"Yes, it is related to everything. With life, destiny, time and space, and the truth of everything." The portrait looked a little fanatical, "I have always thought so."

"You haven't seen it with your own eyes, why are you so sure?" Brian asked doubtfully.

"Because someone who has really seen it has given us guidance and proven it all to us." The portrait said softly.

"who is it?"


Brian stared at the portrait blankly and said softly: "I'm sorry, sir, is this the Merlin I understand?"

"If there is no world-famous Merlin in the future." The portrait said.

"However, people say that Merlin graduated from Hogwarts. This is almost a generally accepted fact." Brian said every word. "People also speculate whether he is your disciple or something."

"How is that possible? In our time, Merlin was already a famous master of magic." The portrait stroked his sparse beard, "It is even said that the four of us have received guidance from him."

Brian opened his mouth, smiled slightly and said, "That's really interesting."

It seemed like he was going to check Merlin's information carefully.

"If you really want to continue to pursue the truth of everything, continue the test." The portrait said hoarsely, "That may give you some inspiration."

"But if you are not interested, there is no need to waste your time. What Slytherin left behind is worthless to most people. Perhaps only those madmen who are obsessed with studying the truth will regard it as a treasure."

"No, I need to continue." Brian said firmly, "It's extremely important to me."

"Very good." The portrait said softly, "This is almost the final test."

As soon as he finished speaking, the snake writing on the ancient wall reorganized into another line of words:

Give me time.

"Time..." Brian said, "Time turner?"

"You know this is the best," the portrait said leisurely, "but what you need is to make a time turner here. Alchemy is an extremely important part."

"But the method of making a time turner has been lost." Brian said.

"Just in time, I have a copy here."

Ripples appeared on the wall, and an old piece of parchment floated out. Brian took it gently in his hand.

"So, you really decided to go ahead? It's going to waste a lot of your time and energy."

"This is exactly what I want." Brian said elegantly and gently, his eyes calm and deep.

"I already know the path I should take."

Thank you lxgood for the 100 starting coins, and thank you all for your monthly votes, recommendation votes, collection and reading~

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