Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 108 Peaceful Daily Life

The awakening of several young wizards dispelled the dark clouds that had been shrouding Hogwarts. The next night, the teachers and students of the school held a grand celebration banquet in the auditorium to celebrate the campus's final return to peace and security.

Dumbledore announced at the celebration banquet that the Chamber of Secrets incident was a thing of the past, and that the dark magic item that caused all the incidents had been found, and awarded the three people the Special Contribution Award trophies on the spot.

At the same time, he also humorously said that as several young wizards who had left their souls suddenly woke up, another incident that had been circulating on campus also came to an end, and everyone could take off the unsightly brass amulet.

"Of course, to celebrate, we have decided to cancel exams for this school year!" Dumbledore winked mischievously.

Nothing is more surprising than this statement. The cheers of the little wizards seemed to lift the ceiling. Everyone took off their pointed hats and threw them high into the air.

Of course, there were also some people who took off the brass coin amulets and threw them around. Those who were hit made "ouch" sounds of pain and started to fight and make noises.

The professors at the teachers' table also laughed heartily and did not stop the little wizards from having fun. Professor McGonagall showed a rare smile, and clapped her hands with tears in her eyes as Hagrid, who had only been taken away for a day, was cleared of his grievances. Professor Flitwick stood on his chair and jumped up. Professor Snape nodded slightly to Brian, his expression seemed quite satisfied.

Draco also returned to school. While he was happy for Brian, he was also a little unhappy with Harry.

"You should have told me, Brian." When the banquet started, Draco said, "You have investigated so much secretly, but you didn't tell me anything."

"Well... I thought you supported that heir..." Brian said.

"That's not the same thing..." Draco's gray eyes stared at him, "I think if you discuss it with me, we can come up with a better idea. At least it won't let Potter and the others take advantage."

"But you know, when I want to tell you, you have already gone home..." Brian said casually.

"Okay, this is really not a good idea..." Draco said, "My dad is still angry because he didn't get anything done..."

"Why is he angry?" Brian said softly. He picked up a piece of lemon cake and sipped it.

"There are many. First of all, Dumbledore was not driven away, and my father was almost expelled by the board of directors..." Draco muttered, "I really don't know why Dumbledore can still stay in the position of headmaster."

"At least only Dumbledore can solve all this." Brian said. He looked at Dumbledore at the teacher's chair. He was still looking the same, talking to Professor McGonagall with a smile.

I have to say that it is really interesting that people are afraid of the Dark Lord, but dare to provoke the equally powerful Dumbledore.

"Your father came to my house a few days ago and almost quarreled with my father." Draco continued, "Then they were talking about something there, but they didn't let me listen..."

Brian blinked, knowing that Mr. Foley must have asked about the diary. In any case, Mr. Foley still has a sense of responsibility as a school board member, and it is difficult to accept the secret room.

"What happened next?" he asked.

"Later..." Draco prolonged his tone and said in an unhappy tone, "My father didn't know what medicine he took wrongly. He had to make me read some messy books and asked me to write a review after reading... I really don't know what kind of medicine I took at home. Why has it become like school?"

Brian couldn't help but laugh. Crabbe and Goyle didn't know why, but they also laughed. It has to be said that Crabbe seemed even more dazed at this time after being unconscious for so long.

"Why are you laughing!" Draco shouted fiercely at the two big men.

"There's another strange thing. One of my house elves seems to be rebelling." Draco said with a look of disgust.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked curiously.

"That elf named Dobby actually dared to contradict my father." Draco said, "He has never been very obedient to discipline. I have always disliked that house elf..."

"How did you deal with him?"

"Dad cast a forgetting spell on him and gave him a piece of clothing," Draco raised his chin and said, "Mum said this was the cruelest punishment for a house elf, although Dad originally thought it would be better to get rid of it... …”

Brian blinked slightly and took a sip of juice.

Perhaps receiving a piece of clothing is the greatest insult and the most terrifying thing for any house-elf, with the obvious exception of Dobby. He is an elf who pursues freedom. If he receives an unexpected surprise, he may go crazy with joy.

After a night of carnival, Hogwarts regained its long-lost tranquility.

Without the pressure of exams, the little wizards seemed much more relaxed and casual, and they were not so attentive in class.

But professors quickly made everyone realize that you could never afford to act up in class.

Professor McGonagall decisively put a few young wizards into confinement, making those who escaped instantly become well-behaved.

Professor Snape continued his teaching style, and from time to time would select a few people to drink the potions they refined, making the little wizards tremble every time they attended class.

Harry and Ron were on the spot-check list for almost every class. Harry was a little better and could cook it successfully most of the time. But Ron was in bad luck, because his wand was completely broken into two pieces during the battle in the secret room. This made it impossible for him to complete the potion configuration every time, and he had to suffer a little every time.

The punishment homework assigned by Snape was enough to make two young wizards have their hands cut off.

Professor Flitwick asked the students to cast spells on each other in pairs, which forced the little wizards to brace themselves to avoid making their friends make a fool of themselves and end up losing their friendship.

The History of Magic class has almost turned into a lounge, filled with little wizards sleeping soundly. The sound of Professor Binns' lectures always makes people fall asleep quickly.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class was canceled because of the professor's escape, and everyone was talking about whether Lockhart was the heir. Draco said he couldn't believe it, he couldn't imagine that idiot professor would be the heir of Slytherin.

There is also good news. Professor Sprout announced that the mandrake can be harvested in the next few days, and soon those who have been petrified will wake up.

However, Quidditch matches were canceled at the height of the crisis and have never resumed. Draco seemed a little disappointed. He had thought that he would be able to kill everyone on the Quidditch field this year.

At the same time, Brian finally lifted Ofer's Imperius Curse, and the poor silver snake finally found himself, but it was obviously not satisfied.

"Master, keep using that spell on me, it feels so comfortable!" Ofer whispered in Brian's ear more than once, because the Imperius Curse made him feel extremely happy and relaxed.

"The feeling of not having to think about anything is so great. It's like floating in the clouds, and every breath is filled with happy air!" Ofer rubbed the water as if he was high on drugs, but was ignored by Brian. .

Daphne had become quite distant from Pansy recently, and it was clear that she could no longer trust someone who was making fun of her safety.

Even though she has always been considerate, respectful and tolerant, she was very firm at this time.

Daphne got closer to Brian and the others, but she seemed a little weird. After seeing Brian, her cheeks would always turn a charming pink.

At this time, she was sitting not far or near from Brian. She looked up from time to time, and then quickly lowered her head, revealing only her red ears.

"So, Daphne is attracted to you?" Blaise said jokingly.

"Really?" Draco looked at Daphne and raised his eyebrows, and was glared back fiercely by her bright eyes.

"How is that possible?" Brian said casually while writing his homework.

He felt that Daphne regarded him more as a best friend, and besides, he had saved her this time, and it was just the little girl's innocent admiration, like admiration for her father or a hero.

"Are you interested in her?" Draco asked with interest.

"What do you mean?" Brian looked at him strangely.

"That's what I mean, you know." Blaise came over with a smile.

"That's too early..." Brian twitched the corner of his mouth. Falling in love at this time is considered premature love.

He had no interest in twelve-year-old girls.

"How could it be? Or maybe you really like the crazy girl, and you were with her again a few days ago." Draco said with a gossipy face.

"Instead of talking about me, let's talk about you." Brian said, "Don't you like anyone?"

"Haha, I don't look down on those naive little brats." Draco raised his slender chin and said arrogantly.

"I don't like those crooked ones either." Blaise hugged his shoulders and said, "But Daphne is really pretty, there are only a few in the whole school..."

"Then you go after it." Brian rolled up the parchment. He had already finished writing a long paper on the history of magic.

The topic ended naturally like this.

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